I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1672: Use bad luck charm

Except for Jiang Siming, no one thought that Jam would suddenly do something, and he would be a weak woman.

The kite was really shocked by this.


Jam's punching hand was pinched by an iron fist halfway through.

Everyone did not expect this kind of change.

"Jam, you're crazy, quickly apologize." Ibiza is anxious. Does this kid think it's America?

Jam saw that the situation was wrong, and all the Chinese people glared at him. He was as bad as a loach, and he continued to apologize stubbornly.

"Sorry, can you let me go?"

Jiang Siming's eyes were like electricity, and there seemed to be two scorching suns in his eyes.

"Your apology now, I don't accept it anymore."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Siming's wrist was slightly hardened, only to hear the crisp sound of fractures between Jam's fingers.

Jiang Siming broke three fingers of Jam!



In the hallway, Jam knelt on the ground, holding his hands, and screamed loudly.

I was shaking with pain all over, and my body and soul were shaking violently.

Jiang Siming was still confused and kicked him out.

If it weren't for so many people watching, Jiang Siming would at least save him half his life here!

From the eyes and words of this kind of people, it can be concluded that people like Jam simply look down on other races from the bottom of their hearts.

The Denonjin described in the comics by Oda, the author of "One Piece", is actually an allusion to racially discriminatory white people, which can be seen from his appearance.

Tianlong people think that they are the noblest race on the earth, so they act recklessly and oppress other races.

Coupled with the backing of the United States, they are even more unscrupulous.

Even in the recent period of time, there has been a lot of racism in the United States, and they have never repented.

Just like the US citizens who made troubles in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, who caused the whole people to make trouble, deliberately jumped in the line, and even ostentatiously expelled the Chinese people, they were still in the Chinese territory.

Later, he was forced to write an apology letter because of public opinion, but judging from the handwriting of his apology letter, it was simply insincere.

And in the end, this person drew a racist obscure label on the signature, which is a well-known mark of insulting China abroad, also called a kneeling slave.

Jam is no different from him, they are all the same.

To deal with such a person, asking him to apologize is simply farting.

For people like them, you have to make him feel painful, make him feel unhappy, regret not in the beginning.

The emotions were ignited, and under the leadership of Jiang Siming, he changed from a single Solo to a beating.

Great God and Everlasting were the first to rush up, punching and kicking Jam, and everyone else rushed forward.

Look down on the yellow race? Look down on China? Then you **** come to China to do nm?

Seeing everyone so sensible, Jiang Siming was relieved.

Right, when dealing with such people, never think of asking them to apologize first.

Apologize? Whoever wants to listen to their apologies, let them calm down before talking.

As for how to extinguish the fire, of course, you have to beat the person to a painful meal.

It's a pity that this is the reality. If one encounters a Tianlongren in One Piece, Jiang Siming sees one tortured and kills another.

No matter how Ibiza tried to persuade him, it was useless. Jam, who was knocked down in the corner and curled up like a dead dog, passed out in pain.

At this time, the security in the PM pavilion arrived ‘just in time’ and helped Jam up.

"Boss, I'm afraid he is in danger, so let's get a stretcher and take him to the hospital."

The security guard said to Jiang Siming.

Just kidding, messing with Jiang Siming in the PM Internet cafe is not looking for abuse.

"Don't worry, you can't die, don't waste a stretcher, walk to the hospital with one arm and one person." Jiang Siming commanded calmly.

The security guards began to sympathize with the foreigner and walked to the hospital... then it might take an hour to receive treatment.

"How can you do this! I want to call the police, I want to call an ambulance!"

Ibiza shouted angrily, this is his teammate after all.

Jiang Siming looked indifferent and said, "You report it."

After finishing talking, Jiang Siming said to the security guards: "Why are you still in a daze, resist walking to the hospital."

"If you don't want it, we will call an ambulance ourselves."

Ibiza blocked it, but the security guards didn't listen to him at all. They just violently set up Jam and walked to the hospital.

Ibiza finally called the police, and the police came.

But after hearing the whole story, the police comrades also supported Jiang Siming's actions with heart.

However, on the surface, he still had to follow the normal process, and Jiang Siming entered the Jiaxing Police Station with all the people involved.

But in the end, because of insufficient evidence, Jam got into trouble first, and there were so many witnesses.

In the end, only Jiang Siming paid for the medical expenses.

Of course Jiang Siming has no problem. If he can, he even wants to be responsible for Jam's funeral expenses.

After the matter was settled, Jiang Siming invited the big guys to have a big meal, and everyone went home.

4AM also got back in the club's bus. I drank alcohol just now, so the car stopped driving and stayed in the PM parking lot.

On the bus, Great God and the others were still excitedly discussing what happened to Jam just now.

The coach laughed and said: "I just got news about the change of TL personnel. Jam has been completely unable to participate. He bought a ticket overnight to send him back to China for treatment, and the substitutes will be on top of the last game."

"This kid walks very fast, I haven't played enough yet." Great God shook his head regretfully.

Old God Jiang Siming sat comfortably in the position without saying a word, only a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

You want to run home to find your mother? I think it's pretty beautiful.

If you want to go back, you can take a charm and go back.

When Jam was taken away tomorrow morning, Jiang Si quietly gave him the last "Farewell Gift", the spell of bad luck!

Jiang Siming didn't intend to use this thing. He didn't expect to encounter a "confidant", so he had to "seduce" him with this charm.

Then why is Jiang Siming embarrassed not to use it, then just barely use it once~

It's a pity that it would be unlucky to not see what will happen to Jam.

"Master, don't worry, I installed an invisible camera beside him, and it will record it then."

Xiaoxian secretly said in his ear at this time.

Jiang Siming is overjoyed, Xiaoxian really understands him very well~ This little attendant has done a good job!

"Brother Jiang, thank you for today."

The sound of kites came in my ears.

Jiang Siming turned his head and smiled at her: "I thought you were frightened if you haven't spoken. It's okay, just be polite to me."

"Yeah." Kite nodded happily, and couldn't restrain Jiang Siming's favor.

On the other hand, Jam, who was arranged by the club to return home shortly after being admitted to the hospital, boarded their American Airlines return flight.

On the plane, Jam, who had regained consciousness, looked at his zongzi-like fingers, and saw his face like a pig's head through his mobile phone.

Jam hated Jiang Siming and the group of Chinese who followed him to his bones.

Jam threw a punch into the air and said fiercely:

"Jiang Siming, one day, I will definitely let you... Ow!!"

With this scream, it was the American Airlines flight attendant who accidentally stood next to him with hot coffee, and he knocked over the coffee with a punch, and the coffee was all poured on Jam himself.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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