I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1642: Rem played!

Jiang Siming is worried about the two girls Nami and Robin.

Nami is his "girlfriend", and Robin is the same.

He didn't want them to be hurt too much.

Nami and Robin, as long as they wait for another two years, they will definitely come out and become peerless beauties who will not lose to the Empress, hehe.

And before he left last time, Ram did not take back into her own world.

The main reason is that Ram wanted to become stronger, so he begged Jiang Siming to let himself stay and take risks with Nami.

Jiang Siming also agreed.

I don't know if this girl has changed in the past one or two months.

As for the safety issue, Jiang Siming doesn't need to worry. Ram is his maid, and they have a spiritual connection.

As long as Ram was fatally injured and the signs of life disappeared, he would know for the first time.

But it has not appeared, which means that Ram did not encounter any fatal crisis, at most it was injured, and the experience and growth are also good.

Jiang Siming, who was about to take a look on the boat first, suddenly remembered the little Rem maid he had gotten.

Call it out.

The door of the void opened, and Rem's figure came out from it.

He is almost the same height as Ram, and looks the same.

Big flickering eyes, pink lips, blue short hair, and Ram has short red hair.

In addition, it is the black maid costume that makes people think about it easily.

"Hello master~ I am Ram's sister, Rem, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

After speaking, Rem gave Jiang Siming a courtesy.

Rem and Ram have very different personalities. Rem is cute, quiet and shy, and his sister is cold and arrogant.

When Ram was called for the first time, Jiang Siming almost returned the goods.

And now that Rem played, he immediately reaped Jiang Siming's favor.

Sure enough, Rem is better~

Jiang Siming chatted briefly with her and found that she knew everything.

Because every time Ram went back, he would tell her master about the world that he had experienced, which made Rem learn from here and adapt quickly.

"Wow~ this is the pirate world that my sister said, it looks so wonderful~"

Rem looked around, curious.

"But my sister hasn't come back for a long time, I don't know how she's doing~"

Rem is an absolute sister-in-law. What she likes most is staying with her sister.

The two sisters have not seen each other for so long, but Rem is very uncomfortable.

Jiang Siming touched her head with a smile, and said, "Now I'm taking you to find her. You have to be careful. This world is very dangerous."

Rem nodded cutely when he heard the words: "Master Rem knows, Rem is also capable of fighting and will not lose to her sister~"

Jiang Siming nodded, he knew it.

Ram's ability is wind magic, while Rem is ice magic.

And Rem's ability is stronger. When her potential is stimulated, she will have horns on her head.

After long horns, Rem's strength will be greatly enhanced.

"The master..."

"Don't call your master, just like Ram, call my brother."

Rem immediately changed his mouth when he heard the words, and yelled, "Brother, where are we going now?"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, Rem was too good, he was a little uncomfortable.

Although Ram is also behaved now, it was not like that when he was first with him.

Had it not been for Jiang Siming to be angry at the time and said he wanted to return her, Ram would still be his arrogant little official.

Jiang Siming pointed to the Golden Meri in the altar and said, "Let's go and take a look on the boat."

Rem nodded and followed Jiang Siming to restart the warship and headed for the altar.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a man riding a bird holding a musket rushed to the Golden Meri.

This person did not notice Jiang Siming and Rem who were in the same direction as him.

The rider stopped on the Golden Meri, but Jiang Siming thought there was no one on the Meri.

But he found Chopper coming out of the cabin.

As soon as Birdman saw Chopper, he fought against it.

Chopper is not an opponent and was beaten in a very embarrassed manner.


Chopper desperately avoided the Birdman's attack while calling for help.

But Luffy and the others were not here at all.

Seeing Chopper hiding in hiding, Birdman was very annoyed and was about to destroy Chopper and the ship.

Chopper, who was worried that the Merley would be injured again, chose not to hide, and waited for death with his eyes closed.

"Little reindeer, go to death!"

The birdman stabbed the musket at Chopper fiercely.

Chopper's mind was blank, thinking that he was bound to die.

I just waited for a while, but didn't feel any pain in my body.

He opened his eyes suspiciously, only to find that a figure stood in front of it, and easily clamped the stabbing gun with two fingers.

Chopper looked at this person and was overjoyed.

"You, you, you...you are Big Brother Jiang..."

It’s been a long time since Qiaoba didn’t get along with Jiang Siming.

Chopper can still remember Jiang Siming, which is already very good.

Jiang Siming turned his head and smiled at it, and said, "Is it all right? Little guy."

"I'm fine, Brother Jiang, you came so timely, I almost thought I was going to die."

Chopper was grateful, and at the same time shocked the strength of Brother Jiang.

It ate the blue ball and was beaten by this birdman, but Big Brother Jiang used **** to attack and stop the opponent.

Brother Jiang is worthy of being a pirate of 200 million bounty!

Before entering the Kingdom of Alabastan, Jiang Siming was a bounty of 90 million.

After that, Jiang Siming killed Krokdal, one of the Seven Wuhai Seas, and shocked the naval headquarters, and immediately raised Jiang Siming's bounty to 200 million.

This is 200 million. A few months after Brother Jiang left, Luffy's bounty reached 130 million.

It is hard to imagine how much his bounty would increase if Big Brother Jiang had been around during this time.

"Who are you! Dare to mix with God's judgment and want to die? I am one of God's subordinates, Shura!"

The birdman who was stopped to attack was very angry, and was also afraid of Jiang Siming's strength, so he quickly reported himself.

Jiang Siming turned his head and smiled at him, said nothing, and moved his finger.


The sharp flaming spear broke in two at the sound.

One was still in Birdman's hands, and the other was thrown out by Jiang Siming.

This half of the spear head pierced Birdman's chest with lightning speed.

Birdman glanced at his chest in disbelief, then his eyes went dark and died instantly.

"Brother Jiang...Did you kill him..." Chopper said scaredly.

Jiang Siming laughed and patted its little hat, and said: "If you don't kill him, he will kill you. Chopper remembers that you can never be merciful when you treat an enemy."

Chopper seemed to understand, but he just didn't get used to it with the kind heart.

As soon as the birdman died, the horse wanted to avenge the owner. Jiang Siming also killed it and threw it into the kitchen of the Merley, waiting for Sanji to return to let him stew the bird.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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