I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1634: Discover oil fields!

1634. Discover oil fields!

"It's our pot, and no one from TL has touched it."

"Yeah, Brother Jiang, I should be blamed. I'll be fine if I come out to explore the spot earlier."

"Yes, mistakes are human nature, and we often shake hands in passerby games."

They comforted Jiang Siming one after another.

Jiang Siming nodded and glanced at their rankings. This one is worse than the top one, 11th.

Top 6th, this 11th.

And this one didn't get many points.

The Great Gods and the others were fighting steadily, so they didn't meet anyone at all.

Only Jiang Siming's twelve kills.

Without a score, this 4AM will only have 12 points.

Although the last team was sixth, the score was actually higher than that of the chicken-eating team.

But now with 12 points, it certainly won't be the first one. The extra points that the chicken-eating team can add are enough to surpass them.

The two defeats made 4AM the cusp of the storm. The first one can be said to be a glorious defeat, but the second one is out of ten, which is really unacceptable to the audience.

This is the worst World Tournament result since 4AM introduced Jiang Siming.

Everyone started to discuss whether 4AM was not good enough, and Jiang Siming's dominance was far less than before.

The most depressing one was Jiang Siming himself, **** egg, who had been so good at eating chicken games, but was given to Gank by his mineral detector.

This is a coincidence.

But no trick, there are always some magical coincidences in this world.

While he was playing the game, the detector detected the mine and gave feedback to Jiang Siming.

The detector is not wrong, it is just fighting back...

"If you don't give me a decent mine, I'll smash this thing."

Jiang Siming said he checked the news brought to him by the detector.

"Found a mine!"

"Coordinates: 30 kilometers off the coast of Karachi, Pakistan"

"Mineral type: oil, natural gas."

"Quantity: about 1.3 billion tons of oil and 70 billion cubic meters of natural gas"

"This is the largest oil field discovered so far in Asia!"


When Jiang Siming saw this data, he couldn't help but slap his tongue.

1.3 billion tons of oil, what kind of fairy concept is this.

One ton of oil is about 4,000 soft sister coins, and 100 million tons of oil is 400 billion soft sister coins.

1.3 billion tons, this money is more than five trillion soft sister coins!

In addition, the price of one cubic meter of natural gas is about 1.5 yuan, 70 billion is more than 100 billion.

The value of this deposit exceeds that of copper and cobalt mines currently mined in Congo.

And more than a lot.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming's original grievances about the detectors have been mostly eliminated.

Although it caused his own death, he might miss several fragments behind.

But this mine is enough to make up for.

If this oil field can be brought down, Jiang Siming can become an oil tycoon in minutes!

But Jiang Siming also knows that this is impossible. First of all, it is located in another country, although Pakistan and China have very good relations.

But it is impossible for others to let you give you an oil field of such a great value.

He has to get the help of the Ministry of Energy, just like the copper and cobalt mines. If the negotiation can be reached by that time, it should be another wave of three accounts.

He can only get a small head, but this trillion-level oil field, even if it is only divided into two parts, is a profit of hundreds of billions.

Jiang Siming knows the truth that more greedy can't chew, and besides, he won't have anyone to send to this oil field.

Everything is for the Ministry of Energy to hire people, and it is estimated that it is probably to cooperate with PetroChina or Sinopec.

Then work together with Pakistan's Ministry of Petroleum Exploration.

He only needs to tell the position, and he doesn't need to worry about other things.

This can also be divided into hundreds of billions, Jiang Siming is still very satisfied.

Although he was in a much better mood, Jiang Siming could not show it on the surface.

Otherwise, the great gods saw that they thought they had lost to TL on purpose.

After their 4AM elimination, the game continued.

I have to say that the TL World Championship is really lucky.

Not only did the first two not encounter 4AM.

This one also destroyed the 4AM group.

Ibiza and Sam stayed until the end, taking advantage of the last two teams to fight each other and they hurried into the final safe zone.

As a result, the winning team's escape route was blocked, and finally they ate chicken again!

As soon as TL ate chicken, all European and American audiences were overwhelmed!

This is the second chicken in the TL World Championship!

Still encountering 4AM, the chicken that ate after destroying their group.

This is too convincing.

It also makes the European and American divisions as lively as Christmas.

Of the three games, 4AM only ate one hand, but TL has already ate two.

After the score is released, it can prove that TL has almost caught up with 4AM.


NO.1..【4AM】..【47+26+12//85 points】..【eat chicken x1】

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24+28//70 points】..【Eat chicken x2】




【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【54 kills】..【6868 damage value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【16 kills】..【3705 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【9 kills】..【1018 damage value】

NO.4.【Koy】..【7 kills】..【695 damage value】


On the list, the gap between 4AM and TL has further narrowed, leaving only a 15-point gap.

It's not worth mentioning in the eyes of European and American audiences.

It's only 15 points, and he can get it back.

The championship seems to be at your fingertips.

At the end of the game, the players retired, and the TL people still accepted the interview.

The 4AM was the same as the previous one again, with some disgraceful packing equipment and leaving.

Winners and losers are crueler than any sports competition in e-sports.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming is not the kind of person who can't stand one or two blows since childhood.

On the contrary, the more Jiang Siming is suppressed, the stronger his resilience!

There are more and more doubts about 4AM online, but he hasn't even seen it.

Even if I saw it, I just didn't care.

He can now use the [Internet Justice Gloves] to beat those keyboard guys to the ground.

But Jiang Siming is not so boring. It is normal to be scolded for not playing well.

While accepting honor and admiration, you must also be psychologically prepared for occasional defeat and scolding.

The best way to fight back in the face of doubt is to do it again and break the doubt!

Instead of entangled in the mistakes of the previous hand, it is better to be ready to take back all the losses in the next hand!

Besides, all the pieces he picked up were okay.

[Small Enchantment Technique] [Listen to the Voice and Debate Position] [Transformation Pill] [Network Justice Gloves] [Pizza Hut Flagship Store] [Shard Mall]

Although the number is not as high as before, the quality of these fragments is still acceptable.

Although the game was not played well, Jiang Siming's concert came as scheduled and was held as scheduled.

This solo concert by Jiang Siming, which has been waiting for more than a month, is also the first concert in his life, which started at the Shanghai Stadium.

Since the morning of the day, many people have appeared outside the stadium.

There were so many people that even the gates of the venue could not accommodate this row of people to enter.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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