I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1621: Is there still a vacancy?

"Who the **** is it, and we don't seem to have any civil aviation flights here on the apron."

Du Ge asked next to him.

Jay Chou smiled proudly and said, "Who told you that he was in the civil aviation?"

"Not a civil aviation? Is it a private jet?"

"Oh, not bad, you guessed it!"

"Really? Coming by private jet? That must be rich."

"Pretty rich."

"That's not an old man."

"No, he is very young."

Who can it be?

Du Ge and Chen Guanlin both began to think hard.

"Does he have any hobbies?" Du Ge asked.

"There are so many hobbies, playing games and basketball, and they all play very well."

"Is it Xiao Jingteng?"

Dong Chou shook his head and said, "Old Xiao is not comparable to him."


This tone is so big!

Even the Rain God can’t compare, so who else can there be?

Just thinking about it, a voice resounding through the sky rang from above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, a plane covering the sky appeared on the airport runway, gliding towards them all the way.

Jay Chou had seen this plane a long time ago, and even played League of Legends on it, so he was not surprised at all.

But several friends next to him looked at the behemoth with dumbfounded eyes.

They have not seen a private jet, but they have never seen a private jet with such a size!

My mother, this is more than ten times bigger than a normal private jet!

The civil airliner next to it looks so small and malnourished.

Is this really a private jet...

The plane glided all the way on the runway, and finally stopped not far from them.

"Jie, you're not talking about this plane, are you?"

"Bingguo! You guessed it."

Before they could ask any more questions, Jay Chou took the cameraman and walked towards the plane, and the others hurriedly followed.

They all want to know too much, who on earth can have such a luxurious private jet.

The plane stopped. After a while, the cabin door opened automatically and the escalator extended all the way from the cabin.

Many people who often fly on this kind of fully automatic induction elevator have not seen it, because this kind of elevator is rarely equipped with civil airliners.

The reason is that it is too expensive. Generally, passenger aircraft are equipped with manual lift.

The elevator unfolded, and what caught your eye were a few slender figures with blond hair and blue eyes, these big bears with long legs, and all foreign faces.

In any civil aviation, it is an absolute empty flower.

But here, they appeared together, seeing Brother Du and the others, their eyes were straight, and their hearts were beating violently.

This plane is probably what all men want to ride. Just watching these flight attendants on the plane for more than ten hours will not be boring.

What comes out next is the Lord.

When Jiang Siming walked down, Brother Du and the others realized that it was him that Jay Chou was talking about!

Playing games, playing basketball, Old Xiao is not worthy to compare with him.

That's right, no matter what point, Lao Xiao was thrown a thousand miles away.

When playing games, they are world champions, and when playing basketball, they are also world champions.

"Welcome the King of Singer to Taipei again!" Zhou Dong grinned and applauded Jiang Siming.

There was nothing else when the two met. A hug between brothers was enough to show all sincerity.

"Come on, say hello to the show audience." Zhou Dong pointed to the camera to Jiang Siming.

"Ah, let's start recording now." Jiang Siming was slightly surprised, but he still looked at the camera very cooperatively:

"Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Siming, Jay Chou said that he would take me to visit Taipei, so I came, I hope he didn't fool me."

"Haha, I won't fool you, our show, we absolutely do what we say, just eat, drink and have fun!"

After talking about Jay Chou, he started to introduce some of his friends to Jiang Siming, Lao Du is a makeup artist, Guan Lin and Weize are magicians.

These three people are all friends that Jay Chou has known for many years, and they were invited by him to become guests of the show.

From this, it can be seen that Jay Chou’s program really has no trace of script or praise.

These three are unknown, and they never thought about making their debut.

Just because I have known Jay Chou for many years, he was invited to be a resident guest.

If you change to another station, you must have arranged a lot of traffic stars to catch the heat, how could it be these three little people who seem to be ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Hello, President Jiang."

The three of them were very polite to Jiang Siming after being introduced.

"Mr. Jiang, do you still have a vacancy? I can apply for the job, not the kind of salary." Old Du asked jokingly, he was always very humorous.

And he’s a nice person, so you won’t get angry no matter how you joke with him.

"If you look like this, you still want to be a flight attendant. It's almost the same as an air raid." Guan Lin attacked.

"When Brother Du is a flight attendant, I don't think no one wants to take a plane anymore, and his face is full when I see him." Weize made up the knife.

Jay Chou ignored their mutual blackmail and smiled and asked Jiang Siming: "They all want to visit your plane very much. Can you go up there for a stroll?"

Jiang Siming said grandiosely: "What a big deal, go, I will show you around!"

With that said, Jiang Siming took Lao Du and the others and simply took a round on his private plane.

The three of them were like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden, and they had to marvel at both steps.

After coming down, they were still immersed in the luxurious cabin environment inside.

It turns out that this is the life of the rich? Today I finally saw it.

This is the most luxurious plane they have ever seen, none of them.

It's worth visiting such a private jet with my own eyes in my life.

"Okay, I've seen enough, I'm back, quickly lead the way, we are going to the restaurant for dinner."

Zhou Dong said to them speechlessly, these three guys are too embarrassing.

This is really a shame for Jay Chou, who has always loved face and arrogant little public officials~

"Oh oh good, but is our car a bit smaller?"

Weize glanced at Jiang Siming's height and couldn't help swallowing.

Jiang Siming, who is just over 1.9 meters tall, is really far behind them, whose average height does not exceed 175.

"Oh, I forgot to arrange a bigger car." Jay Chou also reacted.

Jiang Siming said indifferently, "It's okay. I have a private car on the plane. I'll let the driver drive down."

Before long, a domineering Maybach business drove off the plane and stopped in front of them.

Fortunately, Jay Chou loved a lot of cars, they had seen them before, and they hadn't yelled like they did just now.

The group got into the car and drove out of the airport.

In the car, Zhou Dong began to introduce the details of their program to Jiang Siming.

After listening to Jiang Siming, he felt that this was not like a show, but more like a travel diary.

There is no burden, no script, no pressure, just have a good time, there are always Jay Chou’s friends next to him, no irrelevant people.

Just such a show, simple and cozy.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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