I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1615: I really spoil Jiang Siming!

As time progressed, ten o'clock soon arrived.

The meeting officially began.

In the huge conference hall, tens of thousands of people were sitting in the hall, but there was no noise.

The scene seemed extremely quiet.

Everyone looked at the table at the front of the conference hall. Sitting there were the heavyweight leaders of today's meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, these responsible persons made speeches one after another, summarizing the achievements in various aspects since the meeting last year.

Although this part is a bit boring, everyone including Jiang Siming listened very carefully.

After all, this represents the 365 days of hard work of China’s 1.4 billion people last year, and it also represents China’s progress last year.

And also need to make up all aspects of refueling.

So such a meeting is particularly important.

When several responsible persons finished publishing their summaries one by one, it was the turn of the meeting to gather good ideas, and all representatives actively spoke and made suggestions.

In this link, many representatives put forward a lot of pertinent and operational suggestions.

In the past, such a comment session every year has become a hot topic for everyone after dinner.

The good suggestions put forward by some representatives will become the objects of praise for everyone to applaud, and they will even get attention from the top soon, so as to adopt the opinions of the representative.

Of course, there are also many suggestions put forward by representatives, talking on paper, sensationalizing, this will also become the object of everyone's ridicule.

Just like a few years ago, a certain businessman Chen who liked to advertise his charity everywhere suggested that people with a junior high school diploma and below should not have children.

The boss of a real estate company also suggested that it is reasonable to sell 10 million yuan per square meter.

There is even the terrifying idea of ​​a certain environmental protection bureau chief that people should pay taxes for fresh air.

Wait, this kind of outrageous suggestion can always bring a joke to the serious meeting atmosphere, and let everyone laugh.

In layman's terms, it is to be funny.

At the beginning of the proposal session, all representatives always raised their hands to speak.

The person in charge at the bottom is a random lottery number chosen by the computer to speak up.

After all, tens of thousands of people want to make comments. If you take turns to open for a month, you may not be able to listen to it.

Generally, three to four hundred representatives are randomly selected to speak on stage.

After that, the opinions of other representatives will be summarized, and the secretarial department will deal with them in different categories to be efficient and fair.

"I would like to invite Representative No. 2359 to speak on stage."

The first number appeared, and a representative sitting in the middle stepped out and took the stage to express his opinions.

The opinions put forward by representatives do not need to be related to the industry they represent, but can also be any other industry or social phenomenon.

As long as your opinions are reasonable and valid, speak freely.

Unexpectedly, the first person to appear made everyone burst into laughter.

"I suggest that rural children should not be allowed to go to college. Rural children are often second-class citizens who stay in the city. Most of the perpetrators of malignant urban cases are rural children. Rural children will have psychological problems when they come to the city to study at university. So I suggest rural children Just finish high school."

As soon as the representative finished speaking, everyone present showed ridiculous expressions.

I have never heard such disgusting advice.

In addition to being ridiculous, there is anger in everyone's hearts.

This representative is obviously discriminating against the countryside, deliberately creating this kind of boundary between the countryside and the city.

It is light to say that it is grandstanding.

But at this kind of meeting, everyone can only endure even if they are angry.

But there was one person who didn't choose to hold back, and opened his mouth to make the entire lobby look at him!

"People who can make this suggestion have psychological problems. It is recommended to see a psychiatrist to find their own problems. It is really impossible to go home and look through the genealogy to go forward three generations and ask if your grandparents were all born first-class citizens. , Or a special-class citizen."

This passage is clear and powerful, and the words are sonorous, so that everyone present can hear it clearly.

In addition to being surprised that this person dared to speak, he also had a strong sense of identification with what he said.

Good job!

The camera was then locked on Jiang Siming, and the director couldn't help but praise Jiang Siming in this way.

This is what he said.

Yao and Zhang next to them are smiling and applauding. They are not so bold, but applause is still fine.

Jiang Siming shrugged, it was not that he deliberately wanted to brush up on the whole thing, but that he was really upset to hear such opinions.

He just said this passage is already trying to control his own "beautiful" Zuan words without drag racing.

If left on other occasions, Jiang Siming could scold his ancestor for the eighteenth generation, and the scolding made him bleed.

Regardless of this kind of occasion, Jiang Siming is still very polite.

The people in charge of the few meetings at the front are all you and I and you, smiling at each other.

Especially the elder sitting in the middle, smiled happily.

Not at all angry that Jiang Siming disturbed the order of the meeting.

Everyone has seen it, and everyone is very envious. The elders really dote on Jiang Siming!

It can be seen since the last environmental protection meeting.

The stunned representative had no self-confidence, and originally wanted to make a long report around his own point of view.

But when Jiang Siming was so stunned, his brain became a paste, and he quickly said a few words and stepped down.

Jiang Siming actually saved everyone's ears and saved everyone's time, otherwise this person will continue to disgust them.

The little farce soon calmed down, and it was the turn of other representatives to speak.

With the lessons learned from the past, the representatives behind you have to carefully weigh their speeches, for fear that their opinions are too strange and will be waved by Jiang Siming.

The representatives who spoke later became vigilant, and their opinions were very pertinent.

But they can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, without any substantial effect.

Jiang Siming was almost sleepy.

At this moment, the next number comes out.

"Delegate 20, please speak."

Jiang Siming hadn't reacted yet, so Yao who was next to him quickly reminded him: "You are on the 20th."

"Ah? Is it me?" Jiang Siming also glanced at his number, which was really number 20.

This cute action once again made everyone who was bored and sleepy smile a little.

Jiang Siming really didn't expect to draw himself.

He also thought that if he didn't have a chance to speak on stage, he would have to give his opinion alone.

Now that he was drawn, Jiang Siming got up and walked up.

After taking the stage, the elder kept looking at him with a smile, as if looking forward to what Jiang Siming could suggest.

Jiang Siming stood on the floor, looked around, cleared his throat, and began to say seriously:

"The advice I gave has nothing to do with my career, but it's a advice I've always wanted to say, and this advice has reached the point where I don't say it might be suffocated."


Dongfang Weixi, who was sitting on the 11th position, couldn't help but laugh, and Bing on the side quickly made a hissing gesture.

Well, actually she can't help it...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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