I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 795 Qiankun Twins

Heads fell to the ground.

Dripping blood spurted out, splattering all over Chen Ling's body, staining the black coat with bright red spots, but his expression was extremely calm.

"Finally opened..." Chen Ling took a deep breath. Her eyes no longer looked at the young man who had fled away, but fell on the street where several other confused participants were hiding in the dark.

Chen Ling walked forward slowly, with a harmless smile on her face that was still stained with warm blood.

"I have no ill intentions at Xia Lin Yan..."

"You might as well come out first. I have something I want to talk to you about..."

[Audience Expectation Value +2]

Onlookers:! ! !

This creepy scene directly broke the psychological defenses of several participants. Looking at the "mild and harmless" smile, they felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet to the top of their skulls. Without saying a word, they began to Escape!

Chen Ling, who had tasted the benefits of increased expectations, naturally couldn't let go of these prey. She randomly chose a direction with the most people running away and chased after them!

"Everyone, I really don't mean any harm, there is no need to panic..."

Hearing this sentence, everyone ran away faster, and at the same time they cursed madly in their hearts... People were just watching the excitement on the roadside, and they were chopped up by you with a knife, and now they say they have no harm? !

With the way you are now, who would believe your lies? !

Those participating in the competition for [Tongtian Star Position] this time are all young people under the age of 25. For ordinary people, it is not easy to reach the third level at this age. A small number of talented people can reach the fourth level... Only a very small number of monsters can reach the fifth level.

Chen Ling is currently in the fourth level before her actual age is 20, and is already a monster. But among the people he was chasing, there were no fifth-level ones. Even if there were one or two fourth-level ones, they were frightened by Chen Ling's blood and awe-inspiring aura and did not dare to approach.

Chen Ling chased them all the way, and during the process he caught a few who had no time to run, so he raised his knife and killed them basically instantly.

The blood stains on his body became heavier and heavier, even staining his black windbreaker with blood. He almost killed all the way through ten streets in the old district, and his murderous reputation began to spread to the surroundings through the victims who were being hunted.

"Is this Lin Yan crazy?"

The fluorescent robe stood in the darkness in the distance. Seeing this scene, referee No. 06 couldn't help but mutter to himself,

"At the beginning of the competition, everyone was thinking about preserving their strength or finding out the details of other participants... He was the only one who killed people. He should have killed the most people by now, right?"

"The first thing to hit him is that he kills people so wildly. Sooner or later, he will arouse public outrage." Beside him, referee No. 15 slowly spoke, "Those S-level participants are not easy to mess with..."

"I also think this kid won't be arrogant for long."

"Hey, he killed another one... Do you go or should I go?"

"You go ahead, I'll continue to follow him."


As soon as he finished speaking, referee No. 15 jumped up from the darkness, stepped over several buildings, and landed firmly on the blood-stained block.

He came to the corpse whose throat was slit with a deboning knife, squatted down and carefully examined it. After confirming that the participant was dead, he pressed the button of the intercom:

"Participant Li Erquan was confirmed dead on Pomegranate Street and asked the ambulance team to come and take him away."

"Got it, arriving in two minutes."

Referee No. 15 stood up slowly and looked at the direction in which the bloody Chen Ling was leaving, thoughtfully.

"Have you heard? There is a madman in the south of the city killing people everywhere."

"Isn't it? This has just begun, is it so intense?"

"Really, I have a friend who was chased for several streets by him. It is said that more than ten people have died under his hands... but his rank doesn't seem to be high."

"I heard that the experts from the official organization are still waiting for the opportunity. I guess he is just average in strength and wants to take this opportunity at the beginning to kill some weaker juniors to make himself stand out..."

"Why would he do this? No matter how fierce he is, he can fight continuously for 48 hours? When the Tongtian Star appears in the end, it will be the real life and death fight, right?"

"Don't you understand this? The referee will immediately report the fighting situation of all participants to the top management of the five realms. I guess this person just feels that he can't grab the Heavenly Star with his own strength, so he wants to find another way. , let your name be seen by the top leaders of the five realms.”

"So, that's pretty smart?"

"Just a little clever."

"What's his name?"

"What does it seem to be called...Lin Yan? I've never heard of it before."

A few blocks away, three figures were gathering together, whispering something.

Just then,

Two thin, frail-looking figures jumped from the roof above them, like two heavy bombs, smashing two terrifying deep pits into the street!

Boom——! !

The three people who were whispering were knocked to the ground by the rolling air waves. They looked up in horror.

In the rolling dust, the two men, one holding a rake and the other holding a long stick, slowly surrounded them from the left and the right. The terrifying pressure under their thin bodies was like a mountain, making people almost suffocated.


"[Tutian] and [Fudi]?!" One person said in horror, "I have seen them... They are the Qiankun twins of the new generation of dragon twisters, and they are both fifth-level masters!"

Upon hearing these words, the three people's faces instantly turned pale.

Two thin figures stopped in front of them, and two pairs of pupils as hot as the sun were looking down at them indifferently...

"What did you say just now...what was that person's name?"

"Ah?" One of them was stunned for a long time before reacting, "It's...Lin Yan."

The Qiankun twins looked at each other.

"Is it him?"

"Well, there is still no news about the assassin, but I didn't expect that Lin Yan would jump out first..."

"He seems very arrogant?"

"If he is not arrogant, how could he swagger into the funeral of the Third Master to provoke us?"


"We let him run away at that time, and this time, we will never let him go."

The thin man with a rake on his back slowly squatted down, grabbed one of the collars with one hand, squinted and said: "I ask you...which direction did that Lin Yan go?"

"In...over there." The man pointed in a direction tremblingly.

The man with the rake let him go, exchanged glances with the man with the long stick, and turned to walk in that direction...

Just when the three thought they had escaped and breathed a sigh of relief, a giant pillar roared down from the sky and crushed them into pulp on the spot!

After a short pause, the giant pillar flew forward, gradually shrinking into an ordinary long stick, which was easily grabbed by the thin figure.

He didn't even look back, and said lightly:

"I want to see, this Lin Yan...how many sticks can he withstand from me?"

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