I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 664 Ranch

Yang Muquan was stunned.

This miniature ball of blazing sun came so fast that he had no time to react. Endless light and heat instantly filled his eyes. He didn't feel any pain, and it was so warm that he felt like he was melting into it.

The surging torch rose from the earth and continued to expand. The pupils of Lu Liangren and others suddenly shrank. He grabbed the collar of the fourth hall, and the next moment they were all swallowed up!

boom--! ! !

The earth trembled, and the blazing sun slowly annihilated in the ruins.

When the Fourth Hall reopened its eyes in horror, the vast sea of ​​ink and ink was like a burnt scroll, with a hideous crack carved out of it, and among the flying embers, a vague blood stain remained on the ground.

That's Yang Mudog.

There was no defense, no resistance, no body... The flesh and blood body was burned to ashes in that explosion, not even the bones were left behind, and a seventh-level man just disappeared into the world quietly.

The eighth hall, death.

"This..." The Fourth Hall stared blankly at this scene, still not recovering from the explosion just now.

at the same time,

In the second hall and the third hall, looking at the dusty ruins, their expressions were extremely ugly...

Among the dancing embers, a figure wearing a white scientific research robe was walking slowly;

It was a tall and thin middle-aged man, with his hands in his pockets, casually as if walking in his own garden. His skin and facial features seemed to have been carved, without any flaws... Two scarlet Philosopher's Stones were embedded in the Between his brows, there was a mysterious and dangerous glimmer.

"...Wuji Lord." Lu Liangren's eyes were filled with astonishment.

Why is he here? ?

He has come to the world of mortals, what about the boundless world? Who should maintain the realm that protects the infinite realm from being intersected by the gray realm? ?

Lord Wuji did not look at the three palaces at all, but calmly stopped beside Brand, who was also blown into a pool of blood and mud.

"Don't pretend to be dead." Mr. Wuji said calmly.

The next moment, the pool of blood and mud slowly spread around, like an octopus with thousands of tentacles, slowly outlining a small alchemical formation, with wisps of electric light lingering in it, and a body turned out bit by bit. Struggling to crawl out from the bloody mud!

First the palms, then the head, the torso... From the white bones to the bloody muscles, the figure knelt down in front of Lord Wuji with a plop before even having time to grow skin.

"Thank you, Mr. Wuji!!" Brand's vocal cords seemed to have not been completely repaired, but the tone of his speech was full of passion. His voice was like fingernails scratching a blackboard, harsh and unpleasant...

Lord Wuji glanced at the bloody man who made his scalp numb, and looked away with some disgust.

"Are the formations for refining the Philosopher's Stone ready?"

"Return to Mr. Wuji, not yet." Brand knelt down and said aggrievedly, "I just entered the world of mortals, and I was chased by these palaces. I didn't have time to make arrangements."

"Go and do your business."


Brand stood up staggeringly from the ground, with that hideous face without any skin, he turned to look at the three palaces, showed a scary smile, and then walked deep into the world of mortals without looking back.

When Lu Liangren saw this, his face was extremely gloomy. Of course he knew what Brand was going to do, but they had finally beaten Brand to death, how could they just let him go?

Lu Liangren clenched the eight-foot ink pen in his hand and was about to stop Brand when a gust of breeze blew over his cheek...

His pupils contracted slightly.


Snapped--! !

A soft sound came from behind Lu Liangren. He turned around and saw that the head of the fourth hall had disappeared... A torso carrying a drawing board stood on the spot, but from the neck up, only nothingness remained.

At this time, the man in the white scientific research robe was walking past his shoulder calmly, with a golden head in his hand.

The shock and panic of the Fourth Hall still remain on the face of that golden head. It is so lifelike that it would be difficult for any master sculptor in the world to copy such realistic and restored details...

That's a perfect piece of art.

Lord Wuji casually threw the golden head to the ground. In mid-air, the gold suddenly turned into ceramics and shattered to the ground with a bang, splattering flesh and blood all over the ground.

The fourth hall, death.

"Now, the trash fish are gone."

Mr. Wuji patted the dust on his hands, as if he had just crushed two ants to death.

Lu Liangren watched the two palaces die in front of him, the anger in his chest burning, "Wuji Lord!!! Do you really want to be the enemy of all humans??"

"I am not an enemy of mankind...On the contrary, I am saving mankind and this deformed era."

"Save humanity? How do you have the nerve to say this??"

"The lifespan of carbon-based life is limited. Even if it can be delayed for hundreds of years, it will eventually die one day... It is abnormal to bet the future of all mankind on nine carbon-based lives."

Lord Wuji calmly spoke,

"The continuation of human civilization lies in reproduction, and reproduction requires a stable environment... The nine human realms based on Jiujun cannot be stable. The human realm is like a rotten wooden boat traveling in a fast river, which may capsize at any time. day.

Therefore, the best way to change all this is to build a giant ship that will never rot or capsize...

And I am the best candidate to be on this giant ship. "

"In order to make yourself a giant ship, you take the initiative to capsize other people's ships?"

"For the continuation of human civilization, there must be sacrifices."

"This is not called sacrifice." Lu Liangren pointed at the bloody Brand who rushed excitedly into the depths of the world of mortals, and said solemnly, "This is naked deliberate massacre! This is genocide!"

"So what about genocide? As long as I complete immortality, the Infinite Realm can also be eternal; even if only 10,000 people die by then, humankind can still continue for hundreds of years, thousands of years...

My lifespan is boundless, which is the eternity of mankind. "

"Fuck you human eternity!" Lu Liangren couldn't help but cursed.

"From the perspective of human continuation, your idea is indeed feasible." The Second Hall suddenly spoke, making Lu Liangren look at him in surprise, but then he continued,

“But the destiny of mankind must not be attached to a certain fixed human individual... If the thoughts of an individual can easily control the continuation of human existence, then human beings will be no different from pigs and dogs in captivity.

Although your body is eternal, your spirit and thinking will gradually become rigid, and even mutate in the thousands of years of absolute power and absolute loneliness... Your thinking is standing still, but human society is moving forward. This is an irreconcilable contradiction, and your one thought may lead to the destruction of human society.

What you are building is not a giant ship, but a human pasture that is completely under your control. "

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