I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 660 The Real World

"……What's the meaning?"

"That's what it means literally." Plum Blossom 8 said calmly, "What you see now is the real 'world of mortals'."

Chen Ling's eyes swept around, and everything he saw was desolate and ruined. It was even more lonely than the Aurora Realm on the far north ice sheet. There was no way to connect this place with the previous small town in the south of the Yangtze River... For a moment, Chen Ling felt Somewhat dazed.

"How is this possible?" Liu Qingyan immediately shook her head, "I grew up here, and this place was not like this before."

"What you see is just a whitewashed illusion by the architects."

"...an illusion?"

As a native of Liu Town, Liu Qingyan still couldn't accept this explanation.

"It's paint." Chu Muyun stood up slowly and rubbed the brightly colored viscous liquid with his fingertips. "The birds that just fell did not have any biological organs in their bodies... They are indeed fake."

"Not only birds...the flowers, grass, trees in the world of mortals...all the plants that can be seen with the naked eye are whitewashed, even the sky." Plum Blossom 8 picked off a wilted yellow leaf. , thrown on the ground,

"This is what they really look like."

"You mean, the Jiangnan we saw in the world of mortals is all fake??" Jian Changsheng's eyes widened in disbelief, "Peach blossoms, willow trees, small bridges and flowing water... are all painted? How is this possible? ?”

Everyone has been living in the world of mortals for some time. It is no exaggeration to say that the scenery here is enough to rank among the top three among the nine human realms. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most livable realm. ...But now the words of Plum Blossom 8 directly subvert everyone's cognition.

"To be precise, the bridge was not painted, but was built later... In short, all the buildings are real."

“The architecture is real… but the environment is fake?”

"That's understandable."

"There is something really wrong with these plants." Chu Muyun looked at the wilted yellow leaves, "Even in the Aurora Realm in the far north, the plants growing here are more vigorous than those here... Moreover, I have not seen any of the varieties here. But it doesn’t look like a normal plant.”

"Normal plants cannot grow on this land..." Plum Blossom 8 paused for a moment.

"Because the world of mortals is a nuclear ruin."

In the misty rain, a young man dressed in green clothes walked slowly forward on his back.

The outline of the main city of Hongchen gradually faded away behind him. On this main road leading to various small towns, groups of refugees carrying large and small luggage were passing by in a hurry, their faces full of fear and worry.

"Go faster. If you continue to be so slow, what if the enemy comes and kills you later?"

"We can't go any faster. Look at my mother's face... She already has lung cancer. If we go any faster, I'm afraid her body won't be able to withstand it."

"Forget it, mother, I will carry you the last part of the way."

"Don't be brave, your waist is still injured..."

"I'm fine. Take care of the children. The main city is just ahead."

"Dad...I'm so hungry."

"Good boy, let's hold on a little longer... When we get to the main city, dad will buy you food."


Li Qingshan passed by everyone. He looked back at the family's back, opened his mouth to say something, but fell silent in the end.

Nowadays, the Red Dust Realm calls on residents to take refuge in the main city, and in Chen Ling's words, Liu Town is safer... There is no conflict between the two. Maybe both places are safe, but even if Liu Town No matter how safe it is, it cannot accommodate hundreds of thousands or even millions of refugees. Only the main city of Hongchen can do this.

Moreover, there is another reason why Li Qingshan persistently wants to return to Liu Town, and that is because his grandma is still there.

Li Qingshan didn’t know if she had received the news of the evacuation, or if she had left for the main city. After all, she was old and her legs and feet were inconvenient. Li Qingshan was worried that she would have an accident... Only when he saw her with his own eyes could Li Qingshan feel that Peace of mind.

A rustling sound came from behind Li Qingshan, and Kong Baosheng, who was lying on top of him, opened his eyes dimly.

"you're awake?"

"...Mr. Li, where are we?"

"We're already out of town."

Kong Baosheng was stunned. He recalled what happened before he fell into coma, and then he realized what had happened, his expression extremely complicated.

"I'm sorry, Baosheng, I..."

Li Qingshan was about to explain, but Kong Baosheng shook his head.

"Mr. Li, you don't need to apologize to me... I know you are doing it for my own good."

Grandma died, Chen Ling left, and the theater was far away from him... There was no anger on Kong Baosheng's face. He just looked at the main city quietly in the mist and rain, with fragmented sadness in his hazy eyes, like a The wanderer who has lost everything looks back at the past that passed through his fingertips.

Seeing this, Li Qingshan didn't know what to comfort him, so he just said softly:

"...Baosheng, have you been to Liu Town?"

"No, I have never left the main city."

"Actually, Liu Town is very good." Li Qingshan said patiently, "Although it is not as prosperous as the main city, life is very simple and the environment is very good... There is a three-eye bridge in front of our house. Standing on it, you can see the entire city. There is a long embankment on the willow bank, and boats come from the mountain forest at night. Although it is not big and the trees are dry and dry, it is green all year round. It looks like emeralds from a distance... and the small hill where I usually practice singing. , you can see from the top..."

Li Qingshan talked for a long time, from the Willow Bank Causeway in Liu Town, to the Three-Eyed Stone Bridge, to the small town market, the cultural landscape... Kong Baosheng, who was in grief, was unconsciously attracted by Li Qingshan's description, and gradually fell into a trance.

"Sounds good."

"Really?" Li Qingshan smiled slightly, "Actually, sometimes, you don't need to think so much... This time you go to Liu Town, you just treat it as a visit. After all, I have been bothering you at your house for so long, so I should invite you to mine. Sit down. After you arrive at Liu Town, you can take a good rest there...

Although my family is not big, you can sleep with me, just like Brother Lin and I did at that time. "

Kong Baosheng hummed and got off Li Qingshan,

"How far are we?"

"Liu Town is not far from the main city. If you walk in that direction for a while, you can reach me..."

Li Qingshan raised his hand and pointed at a lush mountain forest in the distance. Before he finished speaking, a gust of breeze blew past his face.


Li Qingshan's eyes were fascinated by the sand and gravel. He rubbed them and opened his eyes again, but his whole body was frozen in place.

His finger was still pointing in the direction of home, but the original spring breeze seemed to have been wiped away by an invisible hand, leaving only deserted houses and bleak withered woods.

"...Home?" Li Qingshan said the last word in confusion.

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