I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 611 The Abyss Arrives

Seeing this scene, Chen Ling's heart skipped a beat!

Didn't he already leave the theater and deal with these Jiangtian cultists as they wanted? Why did it suddenly appear again at this time? !


A thought suddenly flashed through Chen Ling's mind. He lowered his head and looked at his feet, only to see that the blood ring for the suicide ritual that had been arranged in advance by the Jiangtian cultists was lighting up little by little!

Chen Ling felt that the things in her hands were getting lighter, and her heart seemed to be on fire, turning directly into billowing smoke, passing through the ceiling above her head and rising straight into the sky!

"The ritual of Jiangtian Sect??"

Chen Ling seemed to have guessed something, her face looked extremely ugly.

Jiangtian Cult's suicide ritual seems to be within the prescribed preparation range, sacrificing one's own organs to summon the intersection of the gray world... Just now, Chen Ling saw the other party taking out his lungs, and was a little confused. The organs in the human body are so So many, why do you have to go to all the trouble to cut open the flesh and blood, break the ribs, and sacrifice the lungs?

Moreover, Chen Ling had also thought about it before. The gray world is so big. How could the Jiangtian Sect allow so many believers to summon in different areas at the same time, but they could all lead to the "Sighing Wilderness" instead of other disaster areas, such as " "Forbidden Sea", or "Ghost Laughing Abyss"... Now, this question seems to have an answer.

It’s not that only by sacrificing lungs can the Gray Realm be summoned, but only by sacrificing lungs can the “Sighing Wilderness” be summoned?

The appearance of Chen Ling undoubtedly broke the Jiangtian cultists' original plan. He did not use his lungs to summon the "Sighing Wilderness" for intersection. Instead, before his death, his heart was taken out by the "audience"...

If the Jiangtian cultivator sacrificed the "lungs" and could specifically summon the "Sighing Wilderness", then if he sacrificed the "heart"... what would he summon?

A name came to Chen Ling's mind. He suddenly looked up at the sky outside the drugstore. A touch of gray was gradually spreading!

"……No way?"

Chen Ling murmured to herself.

"Tsk... I came out for a walk, why can't I go back?"

Among the ruins of a messy building, 9 of Hearts scratched his head and sighed helplessly.

Next to him, Meihua J, who was two meters tall and clad in black robe, was particularly conspicuous in the ruins. He said quietly, "Before going out, you said you knew the way."

"No, buddy, I can recognize the road, but only if it has a road!!"

Hong Xin pointed at the ruins around her and cursed, "Don't tell me you know the way. You can't even see a complete road now... Who knows how to get back?"

Plum Blossom J opened her mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly turned her head to look at the ruins of the building next to her.

boom--! !

A shocking explosion sounded from beside the two of them. The small building collapsed to only half of it, and was smashed into pieces by an extremely fast white shadow. The figures of the 9 of Hearts and the Jack of Clubs were also instantly swallowed up by the white shadow, and they collapsed and dissipated. In mid-air.

In the flying dust, the white shadow flew nearly a hundred meters before slowly stopping... It was a slender skeleton three meters long. From the outline, it looked like a cheetah, and its skeleton was compared to that of a rhinoceros. It is extremely light, creates almost no resistance when traveling through the wind, and is incredibly fast.

It looked back at the direction where the two people were smashed, tilting its head slightly, as if wondering why the two people didn't burst into plasma, leaving only flying playing cards, dancing and swirling in place.

"It was so close, so close... It almost broke." The voice of the 9 of hearts came from not far away.

"Your vigilance is terrible."

"Why are you so vigilant...I was just looking for a way! And my rank is not as high as yours, so it's reasonable for me to react a little slower."

"Then did you find the way?"

"...Let's talk about this big cat. Are you going to kill it or should I?"

"He is a leopard."

"It does not matter!"

The cheetah looked in the direction of the sound and saw the two men standing in an open space more than a hundred meters away, intact, seemingly arguing over its breed.

A low roar came from under the empty skeleton. Its limbs were bent slightly, sticking to the ground like a hunter. Every bone was like an arrow on the string, ready to go.

After a brief pause, its figure burst out of the air, dragging out afterimages in the void, and rushed towards the two of them again.

The Jack of Clubs, who was having a serious discussion with the 9 of Hearts on the differences in the bones of cats, glanced sideways slightly and ran his hands over the large black windbreaker.

The next moment, a large number of white pigeons flew out from under his windbreaker, like a fluttering white cloud, rushing towards the speeding cheetah!

The cheetah's figure did not dodge at all, and still moved straight forward, darting wildly among the white pigeons. It was so agile that it did not encounter any white pigeons... But as the back of Plum Blossom J's hand with the tattoo of burning skull and bonfire slowly slowly Lift it up, and a crisp snap of your fingers echoes in the sky!


The next moment, the white doves flying around the cheetah turned into thick chains out of thin air, directly passing through the gaps between all the bones, binding it in mid-air!

Plum Blossom J slowly raised his fingertips, and the last white dove flew out from the hem of his clothes, fluttering its wings and landed on his fingertips. With a flick of his fingertips, the white dove instantly turned into a black magic hat, and he was gracefully Wear it on your head.

"When you kill it, the day lily will be cold... I'll do it." Meihua J said calmly.

He raised his fingertips and gently grabbed the cheetah that was struggling wildly in the chain.

"[Cutting Trick]."

The moment Plum Blossom J finished speaking, the space around the cheetah was suddenly folded into metal iron plates, dividing its body into more than a dozen different areas, and then moved slowly in all directions like five horses divided into corpses...

These areas cut open the cheetah's body, but the cheetah did not die immediately. Instead, every piece of its body remained active. There seemed to be nothing strange about it. It looked incredible, like a perfect magic show.

As the five fingers of Plum Blossom J gradually came together, he casually pulled in the void, and the dozen or so divided areas instantly opened up a gap of hundreds of meters. A sharp explosion sounded from the divided cheetah's head, and the next In an instant, all the bones shattered and exploded, scattering all over the ground.

"Solved." Plum Blossom J took off the magic hat, turned into a white dove again, and put it back into his cuffs.

"Have you found the way back?"

"..." 9 of Hearts was speechless for a moment, "What do you think? Is there any difference between our situation now and just now?"

"Then what should we do? We can only wait for Diamond 10 to pick us up?"

"Disasters are rampant here now. It's hard to say whether Jinghong Tower is still there... maybe it has been bulldozed by a certain disaster."

"To be optimistic, isn't there a place there that is not intersected by the gray world?" Meihua J pointed to the distance, the only sky shrouded in night.

As soon as he finished speaking, a wisp of thick smoke rose from the night sky. Lead-gray clouds spread around like a tide, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye!

Plum Blossom J:......

"Are you born in the year of Crow? You can't speak, just say a few words." 9 of Hearts couldn't help complaining.

Plum Blossom J was about to defend herself when she was suddenly startled and turned her head in confusion to look at the area where the gray world was meeting...

"That's wrong...isn't this the breath of sighing in the wilderness?"

"Not sighing in the wilderness? Where else could it be?" 9 of Hearts shrugged and looked in that direction. The next moment, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere there was a bit familiar, "Wait a minute..."

"That is……"

"[Ghost Mocking Abyss]???"

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