I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 598 Turmoil in the world of mortals

The sudden ringing of the disaster bell interrupted all the accompaniment and singing of the opera, and the audience who were originally immersed in it were stunned in place.

"This is"

"Disaster Bell?! This is the Disaster Bell!!"

"Three disaster bells sound, does it mean that the intersection of gray world has occurred? In the main city of Hongchen?"

"How is this possible? In my memory, the intersection of gray realms has never happened in the main city."

"Not only the main city, but also the entire world of mortals has never happened. From the time I can remember, the existence of the Disaster Bell seems to be a legend, but it actually rings??"


The ringing of the disaster bell made almost all the audience stunned for a few seconds. In their understanding, the bell only existed in the safety manual issued by the police station, and they did not react for a moment.

But the more unknown something is, the more likely it is to cause panic. When the four unfamiliar words "Grey Realm Intersection" appeared in everyone's ears, everyone present turned pale. Those related events spread from other realms. , and the rumored cruel deeds of the Gray Realm Disaster came to their minds at the same time, and waves of exclamations came from the crowd.

The people who were watching outside the theater looked up at the sky and saw a strange gray color beginning to spread in the distant sky. At first it spread slowly, but as wisps of "smoke" floated from all directions, the gray color began to spread. It surges like a tidal wave!

The frenzy swept across, and within just ten seconds, the surrounding sky was completely covered in deep gray. There were no stars, no bright moon, only white ash like catkins, falling silently.

Only the small area where the theater is located still has a normal dark night sky.

Everyone in front of the theater door stared blankly at the strange changes in the sky. The next moment, their clothes were blown into the air!

The cold wind from the wilderness from another world poured into the main city block, crashing among the many standing buildings, making a wild beast-like roar, so fierce that it seemed to blow away the soul of a person.

"What should I do?! Are those disasters coming to kill me?!"

"Why are you still standing there?! Run quickly!!!"

"If I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!!"

"Get out of my way! I want to go home!!"


The sudden change in the celestial phenomena completely destroyed everyone's sanity. They no longer had the leisure and elegance to listen to a play, and they started to flee in all directions, fearing that they would be caught by disaster if they were too slow.

The audience who were still in the theater at this time scrambled to get up and run out. The crowds of people squeezed through the old and narrow threshold of the theater. The scene suddenly became chaotic, with exclamations, cries, and curses. One after another.

On the stage, Li Qingshan's eyes were full of confusion. He turned to look at Chen Ling beside him and found that the latter was staring at the sky above his head, lost in thought.

"Brother Lin, what's going on?" Li Qingshan asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Chen Ling shook her head, "But it doesn't seem like the intersection of gray realms caused by domain failure is man-made?"

"Then can our play continue?"

Chen Ling didn't answer. He lowered his head and looked at the theater. At this time, all the audience members had rushed out, leaving only a pile of messy stools and scattered melon and fruit shells on the ground. The scene was in a mess.

At the entrance of the theater, Jian Changsheng and Cube 10 walked quickly towards the stage. Chen Ling greeted them at the same time, and the three of them gathered together.

"It's the Jiangtian Sect."

Diamond 10 said in a deep voice, "It seems that the worst has happened."

"Jiangtian Sect?" A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Ling's eyes.

Block 10 repeated what he had just introduced to Jian Changsheng to Chen Ling and Chen Ling. Chen Ling frowned and fell into deep thought.

"How could the good Jiangtian Sect get involved? And why did they choose this time to launch the Gray Realm Intersection?" Chen Ling murmured to herself, "What exactly do they want to do?"

"With such a big commotion, Fu Sheng Hui will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it, right?" Jian Changsheng asked.

"Of course not, they must have taken measures."

Diamond 10 paused for a moment, "But I took a look just now. The area where the gray world meets this time covers about one-third of the main city of Hongchen. This area is too large. Even if all the Fusheng paintings are dispatched, it will not be possible in a short time. Turn the situation around.

And if the Jiangtian Sect really had a premeditated plan this time, they would definitely use some method to guide a large number of disasters from the gray world into the main city, allowing Fusheng Hui and disasters to fight each other and slow down their progress. "

"Tsk, have these people from the Jiangtian Sect always been so insidious?" Jian Changsheng couldn't help complaining. He seemed to have remembered something and looked up out the window, "Speaking of which, how come we haven't been involved in the gray world? In the intersection?”

"I don't know, maybe the suicide ritual failed by the Jiangtian cultist in charge of our area?"

"So, our theater is safe?"

"After the nest is overturned, the eggs are still intact. If the neighborhoods around us are attacked by disasters, we here will be affected sooner or later. At most, we will suffer later than others."

"Oh, you're saying that the Jiangtian Sect's gang plotted against Fushenghua, and they ended up plotting against us as well?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, we have indeed been innocently affected."

"Then what happens next?"

Chen Ling and Jian Changsheng looked at the 10 of diamonds at the same time. Now that the 9 of hearts and the jack of clubs are out, the 10 of diamonds is the oldest senior present. He still needs to ask for his opinion on the next action.

Diamond 10 pondered for a moment and made a quick decision:

"In this case, Xiao Jian and I will go out to check the situation first. It is best to meet up with Plum Blossom J and the others as soon as possible. Hong Xin, you stay in the theater for now and adapt accordingly."

"I have no problem." Chen Ling responded.

"Wait, why is it also 6? I'm going to take an adventure where the gray world meets, and this guy can stay in the theater to rest?" Jian Changsheng's eyes widened in dissatisfaction.

"Hongxin is now a lurking key figure, the mainstay. This theater belongs to him. Of course it is reasonable for him to be in the theater. You just checked the tickets. Why do you stay?"

Jian Changsheng:

"What's more, I'm talking about adapting to changes, and I'm not sticking here all the time. Can your adaptability be as fast as his?"

Diamond 10's two heart-piercing hits immediately made Jian Changsheng break his guard. He lowered his head like a deflated rubber ball and silently followed Diamond 10 outside.

Chen Ling wore the opera robe and watched the two of them walk out of the theater. She waited until their figures completely disappeared at the end of the street before looking back.

At this time, the only people left in the theater were Li Qingshan who was at a loss on the stage, Kong Baosheng who was bending over to hold up a chair, and Huang Xueyue and Uncle Quan in the front row of the auditorium.

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