I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 548 Your house exploded

boom--! !

Following a sudden scream, a black shadow quickly passed through the chaotic song and dance hall, like a cannonball passing through the crowd, knocking several tables and chairs away one after another!

"Damn it!! Something flew by!"

“It seems like a person???”



The originally noisy crowd was now attracted by the screams and the black shadow knocking over tables and chairs. Everyone looked at that position blankly, not knowing what was going on.

[At 14:22 pm, a thunder struck over the dance hall]

Pale lightning flashed silently through the clouds, and through the bright light outside the window, everyone finally saw clearly everything in front of them.

Among the messy tables and chairs on the floor, a burly figure covered in blood stared blankly at the ceiling above his head, with a frightened expression, his face was pale, and he had no breath. A bloody knife mark penetrated his body, which was shocking under the pale thunder light.

The dim ballroom, the flash of thunder, the messy tables and chairs, the tragic corpses... This scene fell in the eyes of all the guests, and their breathing stopped.

At the same time, at the end of the path where the corpse flew out, a figure turned its back to the window with pale thunder, and a huge demon-like shadow flickered in the dance hall!

Scarlet blood blurred Li Ruohong's face. His face was ferocious and ferocious. At this moment, in his hand, a cold dagger was dripping with blood. A pool of blood had silently formed under him...

Boom——! ! !

As the flash of lightning disappeared, the dance hall fell into darkness again, and the deafening thunder seemed to burst their eardrums.

At this moment, everyone finally came to their senses, and piercing screams rang out wildly in the song and dance hall. Everyone was in deep panic. The scene just now was engraved in their minds like a brand. Even if everything fell into darkness again, they You can also imagine Li Ruohong’s ferocious bloody face! !

At this moment, Li Ruohong in the darkness looked down at his palm blankly...

Where's the wrench? ?

When did the original wrench become a knife?

Why did that bodyguard fly out just now... It felt like he didn't use any force at all? !

Also, what are they yelling about? ?

[Audience Expectation Value +3]

Li Ruohong looked confused and had no idea what was happening. As the lightning outside the window flashed again, the scene of everyone fleeing the song and dance hall in fear was reflected in front of his eyes.

"Blood...blood!! There is blood everywhere!! Blood is seeping down from the floor!!"

Someone shouted, and everyone looked up suddenly. They saw that the floor of the dance hall had been soaked in blood at some point, and it was dripping downwards, like blood clots that had dried for an unknown period of time between the floors. The rainwater washed along the gaps between the walls and floors and dripped on everyone's cheeks.

Pale lightning flickered behind him, and blood seeped out from between the floors. The dance hall that was so ecstatic a few minutes ago was now like Shura Purgatory!

"The body of the man just now is gone too! There is only a ball of blood stains and minced meat left!"

"how so……"

"It can eat people...it can eat people here!!"

Many figures fled frantically out of the door. At this moment, someone discovered the body that was still lying in the ruins. In the flash of lightning, it mysteriously disappeared... as if it was swallowed by something invisible, leaving only one body. The blood stains and tiny pieces of flesh also proved that there was indeed a corpse here just now.

Screams mixed with lightning, echoing harshly in the dance hall. As the environment briefly fell into darkness, it lit up again in the lightning. A figure in a brown coat was already sitting in an unnoticed corner like a ghost.


The ice cubes lightly collided with the wall of the glass. Between the darkness and paleness, Chen Ling raised her head slowly and drank all the wine in the glass.

"The effect seems to be okay..."

Lightning flashed continuously outside the window, like spotlights on the stage being turned on and off one after another; blood flowed little by little along the set, filling the atmosphere under the changing lights; the character holding the prop "dagger" stood blankly on the stage, Looking at the audience fleeing below, they had no idea that they were already in the middle of a performance.

Chen Ling, who personally directed all of this, casually put the finished wine glass back on the table, picked up the lighter beside the table, and flicked it, and the firelight engulfed the note recording the "script" bit by bit.

The predicament of Jian Changsheng and others is that they are suspected and monitored by the police and [Fu Sheng Hui]. With Chen Ling's current ability, it is naturally impossible to defeat all enemies by force, so his only way is to "package" another one with his own hands. The even more eye-catching "Twilight Society Stronghold"!

In this way, even if the suspicion of the casino cannot be completely cleared, it can greatly reduce the monitoring of the casino in the main city of Hongchen and confuse the public... The deeper the water in the main city of Hongchen becomes, the more beneficial it will be for the Dusk Society.

Of course, Chen Ling does not expect to completely transfer the suspicion of "Fu Sheng Painting" with this performance. At most, this can only be regarded as an opening, an opportunity for the Great World Dance Hall to enter the field of view of "Fu Sheng Painting"... As long as 【Floating Painting】Start paying attention here, and everything will be easier.

Chen Ling can't clear the casino's suspicion, but he has a hundred ways to create suspicion for the dance hall!

The orange firelight accompanied the embers and drifted into the pool of blood. Chen Ling walked step by step towards the second floor stairs in the darkness. With her fingertips on her chin, her figure turned into a small afterimage and completely disappeared into the shadows.


"Call the police!!"

"Blood...blood everywhere!"


The heavy rain poured down on the streets, and a large number of figures swarmed out of the Great World Dance Hall. They shouted in fear and ran in all directions with pale faces, as if they had seen a ghost.

Hearing the noisy sound outside, the residents living nearby also opened their windows and looked blankly at the terrifying shouts. An inexplicable uneasiness began to spread on the street...

At the entrance of the casino, those plainclothes police officers who were still struggling to monitor in the rainy day saw the chaotic scene in the distance, and their eyes were full of doubts.

A police officer disguised as a rickshaw owner quietly pulled up the car and approached the direction where the crowd fled.

"Brother, what happened over there?"

"Blood...Dance Hall...The floor of the dance hall is bleeding!" A pale young man spoke incoherently, "And, and someone killed someone, stabbed the person more than ten meters away with a knife, and in the blink of an eye! The body is gone!!"

"What did you say? ? ? "

At the same time.

At the entrance of Jinghong Building. Hearing the noise coming from outside, Kong Baosheng carefully poked his head out of the door, trying to keep as far away from the two soaked "door gods" as possible, while curiously looking at the fleeing crowd and the Great World Dance Hall where blood was flowing out of the door.

Kong Baosheng was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and then said to the two equally dazed "door gods":

"Drenched, is your house blown up?"

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