I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 498 Killing through the highway

"Holy shit!! The car behind him was smashed to pieces by his punch?!!"

In the only car left, the killer in the passenger seat almost stared out of his sockets when he saw the picture in the rearview mirror.

“Grandma’s…it turns out there really is a Superman in this world?!”

"Then should we give chase?"

"You're still chasing after this! All your savings are gone! Do you want to lose your life here too??"

"Quick! Turn the steering wheel! Change the way!"

"This is a fucking highway! Where is the other way?!"

"Then turn around!! I would rather go in reverse than continue forward!"

The two of them panicked when they saw the fate of the other people in the car. Even though they were once a famous killer group overseas, they were frightened at the moment and just wanted to turn around and leave this ghost place.

However, before they could slow down and turn around, the window of the car behind suddenly lowered automatically...


"Why are you opening the window?"

"I didn't open it...it opened it on its own."

The killer in the passenger seat was about to say something when something like a blackbird flashed across the rearview mirror. At the same time, the driver killer also pressed the switch and slowly raised the rear seat window.

With the windows of the back seat tightly closed, the howling wind finally stopped, and the car became quiet.

"It seems we don't have to turn around. We can get off the highway in two hundred meters!" The driver suddenly saw a sign in the distance and his eyes lit up.


"Fortunately, the Superman didn't chase us. If he wanted to protect Su Zhiwei, he would definitely not chase us down the highway... We should have escaped."


"What do you mean if you don't speak?"


The killer who was driving suddenly spoke in annoyance. He was about to turn around and curse something when his peripheral vision glanced at the rearview mirror between the two seats, and he suddenly froze in place.

A figure wearing a blood-stained brown coat was sitting calmly in the middle of the back seat, like a hitchhiking passenger.

Two killers: "..."

There was deathly silence in the carriage.

[Audience Expectation Value +3]

In this dead silence, the driver swallowed and watched the highway sign getting closer and closer. He silently turned on the turn signal to turn right and began to turn the steering wheel to exit the highway with a "click" sound...

"Keep driving." Chen Ling said calmly.

The driver shuddered, immediately turned the steering wheel back to the straight position, and continued to drive forward.

Chen Ling looked at his trembling thighs and said slowly:

"Why are you driving so slowly? Didn't you drive very fast just now?"

The driver was shocked, "...Brother, there may be a misunderstanding between us..."

"Weld the accelerator for me." Chen Ling said calmly, "I will be too far away from the car in front. It will be very troublesome for me to go back."


The driver stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and a powerful pushing sensation arose. Amidst the roar of the engine, the air fell into dead silence again.

"I ask, you answer." Chen Ling played with the boning knife in her hand. The cold light from the blade kept flashing through the corners of their eyes, making their eyelids jump in fright.

"You...you said."

"Who sent you?"

"It's a middleman named [Vulture]. He issued a reward for someone, saying that he wanted to deal with a woman named Su Zhiwei..."

"Is he in those cars just now?"

"No, not here. He is just responsible for helping people distribute bounties and rarely takes action himself."

"Besides your cars, are there any other killers?"

"The person who issued the reward this time is very generous. Many people are rushing to Gusu. We are the first batch to arrive... There will be about a dozen more after that, but we estimate that they will not arrive until tonight."

The two killers told the truth honestly, while Chen Ling sat in the back seat, thoughtfully.

The person who posted the reward must be Nie Yu... But Chen Ling didn't expect that the other party would move so quickly. If he and Yang Xiao hadn't arrived early, Su Zhiwei would not have survived tonight no matter how he escaped.

"How many more are responsible for tracking?"

"..." The killer in the passenger seat swallowed nervously, "There are only two of us left... You have killed the others..."

Chen Ling nodded slightly,

"Pull over."

Hearing these words, the two of them were slightly stunned, and then their eyes showed joy at the same time. Chen Ling did not kill them like before, which made them feel like they had saved their lives!

The driver didn't hesitate at all, turned the steering wheel and approached the emergency lane, and quickly stopped.

"Brother, then let's..."

"Turn on the double flash."

"Huh? Oh..."

Although the driver was a little confused, he still pressed the double flash switch. Two red lights flashed rhythmically around the car, which could be clearly seen even from a long distance apart.

After emergency parking and turning on the double flash, the killer in the passenger seat was about to say something else when a dark gun muzzle was calmly raised from the back seat...

Bang bang——!

Two gunshots were fired in succession, and blood mixed with blood spattered on the inside of the windshield, almost covering the surrounding windows.

The two killers stared in astonishment, but they had completely lost their breath. They were lying on two chairs swaying. The driver bumped his head into the center of the steering wheel and honked the car's horn.

Buzz buzz——

The piercing horn echoed on the highway, and thick blood flowed from the crack in the door to the ground... A figure calmly opened the back seat door, and the hem of a brown coat passed over the pool of blood. He casually tore it on his chin. The blood-stained coat instantly looked brand new.

The figure put away the pistol, and in the jumping double flash, gradually disappeared at the end of the highway... Behind him, billowing smoke rose from the broken vehicles.



Yao Qing nervously gripped the steering wheel and glanced at the rearview mirror in shock.

Just now, they had witnessed from the rearview mirror the process of Chen Ling detonating two cars and smashing another car with one punch. As the last car gradually pulled over, Chen Ling's figure completely disappeared from their sight.

Yao Qing also thought about whether to pull over and wait for Chen Ling, but thinking of the special instructions before the other party left, he drove forward at this speed, but still did not stop, and still rushed forward with the accelerator welded.

Even Su Zhiwei and Yang Xiao, who had seen Chen Ling's attack with their own eyes, were shocked beyond words when they saw Chen Ling violently killing through the highway... After all, the visual impact of smashing a monster with one shot in the forest and smashing a car with one punch on the highway is completely different.

"Dr. Su, you should believe it more now?" Yang Xiao said helplessly.

Su Zhiwei's expression was extremely complicated,

"Fortunately Director Chen is not here to kill me..."

Just as the two were talking, a figure landed on the roof of the car from above, opened the back door casually, and sat in quietly like a ghost.

Chen Ling closed the door, patted the dust on the corner of his clothes, and said calmly:

"Remove all the eyeliner... We can go directly to the museum."

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