I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 466 The Fourth Wall

the next day.

Chen Ling got up, washed briefly, and walked out of the house early.

Knowing that the master was going to teach him the secret technique in person today, a sense of anticipation and novelty diluted Chen Ling's drowsiness. Although he was now familiar with several senior brothers and sisters, there was actually no relationship between him and the master except talking and eating every day. Deeper intersection.

In his opinion, apart from being unorthodox and unreliable, "mystery" is the strongest label on the master.

"Little junior brother!"

As soon as Chen Ling opened the door, she saw Mo Jiao coming from a distance.

"Fourth Senior Brother, why are you here?"

"Master asked me to pick you up."

"Pick me up? Where?"

"Master chose a place specially for you, saying that he was afraid of accidents." Mojiao glanced at the time, and without further explanation, he directly stretched out his hand to lift a curtain in the void.

"Let's go."

Although Chen Ling was confused about what this so-called "accident" was, he still followed the end corner into the curtain. After a slight sense of spatial inversion, his feet fell back to the ground.

Chen Ling looked around, a flash of surprise in her eyes.

This is a theater.

A theater in the ancient theater of Xidao.

Chen Ling is standing in the aisle of the auditorium at the moment, surrounded by endless empty seats. Strangely, the shapes of these seats are different from each other in different eras. Some are ancient hard chairs made of wood, and some are There are comfortable and elegant red chairs in modern theaters, as well as Western-style white round chairs, and even a large number of strange-shaped benches...

It is as if there are countless audiences from different eras, with their own chairs, gathered here neatly, looking forward to a wonderful performance that spans time and space.

All the way along the aisle is an ordinary stage, neither big nor small, not luxuriously decorated, nor too simple. It is like a simple and pure "stage" itself that has been stripped of all additional attributes.

"This is..." Chen Ling said in confusion.

"[Performance Area]." Mojiao explained, "This area has two functions: 'performance' and 'viewing'."

"The performance is on the stage. All the plays, scenes, and props recorded in the ancient opera collection can be used here at will. It is usually used for creation and rehearsal. Occasionally we want to rehearse some new operas or performances. Will come here.

Watching a performance means being in the audience. Whether it is an opera performance, a drama, or a cross talk sketch, it can all be embodied on the stage. You can adjust whatever you want to watch...

Moreover, there is a ‘fourth wall’ between the stage and the audience. "

"The fourth wall?"

Chen Ling, who is a choreographer, naturally knows what the "fourth wall" means. This is a theater term that refers to the dividing line between the stage and the audience on a traditional picture-frame stage. It separates the actors from the audience, allowing the actors to focus more on character creation while performing, while the audience can be more deeply immersed in the world of the drama.

The meaning of "wall" is "insurmountable". The performance on the stage will not affect the audience, and the audience cannot intervene in the performance.

Just like the program playing on the TV screen, no matter how much the earth collapses or the earth collapses, it will not affect the people watching the TV at all. The same principle can also be applied to novels, comics, movies, stage performances... In other words, as long as the fourth wall exists, a "story" is just a "story" after all.

"What is the existence of the fourth wall?" In Chen Ling's understanding, the existence of the fourth wall is just a concept, a term, and an illusory thing.

"That's what it means literally." Mojiao pointed to the stage, "There is a 'wall' between the stage and the auditorium in the [Performance Area]. Even if you detonate a nuclear bomb on the stage, we in the audience will not It’s affected because the fourth wall has divided us into two different worlds.”

"So...the fourth wall is real here?"

"That's right."

Chen Ling was filled with shock. The wonders of Xi Dao Gu Zang were indeed beyond his imagination.

Mo Jiao led Chen Ling through the aisle and soon arrived under the stage. At this moment, there were several figures sitting in the first row of the auditorium. They were Ning Ruyu, Wen Renyou, and Luan Mei. .

Ning Ruyu opened her mouth and was about to explain something when a voice sounded from the stage:

"The teacher asked them to come and be your assistants."

Chen Ling looked back and saw a young man wearing a opera robe, sitting leisurely by the stage. As he waved gently, bursts of sound echoed in the theater.

Thumb thump thump——

The lights around the stage came on one after another, and soon the entire theater was brightly lit.

"Master." Seeing the master appear, several fellow apprentices, including Chen Ling, stood up from their seats and spoke respectfully.

The master nodded slightly and continued:

"Lao Liu, how much do you know about Facebook?"

Chen Ling thought for a moment, "In dramas, facial makeup is a concrete embodiment of the character's personality and identity. Different colors and patterns have different meanings, allowing the audience to know the relevant information of the character at the first glance."


The master looked at Ning Ruyu and others, "Come, show it to your junior brother?"

Ning Ruyu and others looked at each other, then stepped onto the stage. The four of them stood in the center of the stage, with the bright lights shining on them, instantly becoming the focus of the scene.

"Junior brother, you have to watch carefully."

After Ning Ruyu finished speaking, the four people's eyes slowly closed, and four completely different auras began to spread on the stage. A terrifying sense of oppression was like an unshakable mountain, pressing on the stage.

But perhaps because of the "fourth wall", Chen Ling did not feel the slightest discomfort under this pressure. He stared at the stage intently. After a while, the four senior brothers appeared with completely different facial makeup. Senior sister's face!

Ning Ruyu's face is very delicate. In addition to the light color embellishments that make it more handsome, there are also a few lines and lines, which bring a hint of coldness and chill like a sword's edge to this gentle and jade-like face.

Luan Mei's facial makeup does not have complicated colors and lines. It seems that it is just some light colors on the original face. It has a fresh and refined beauty, like the cold plum blossoms in the twelfth lunar month, aloof and cold.

Among the four, the one with the most fancy facial makeup is the third senior brother Wen Renyou. He has rough lines and bright colors. His burly figure and his majestic face make people feel fearful at a glance and dare not look directly at him.

There were no sharp lines on Mo Jiao's face. Even Chen Ling couldn't tell what was special about him. The moment he looked away from Mo Jiao's face, he seemed to have forgotten what that face looked like. …

At this moment, all other details about them seemed to disappear, only four faces with different styles, like labels, represented their respective roles.

It was as if all the four corners of [Sheng], [Dan], [Jing] and [Mo] in human history had gathered together and condensed into these four faces, displayed in front of Chen Ling.

The text is stuck (?_?), wait for me to slow down and smooth it out, two updates for now~

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