I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 409 The high-level meeting of the Dusk Society

A few days later.

"Second, third and fourth, why didn't you say a word?"

At the dining table, the boy picked his teeth with a bamboo stick and asked with a smile.

Before it was time to eat, and Chen Ling hadn't come to eat, several fellow apprentices came over in advance. Except for Ning Ruyu, the other people's expressions were somewhat strange.

Wen Renyou was silent for a moment and then spoke:

"Master, I have nothing to teach my junior brother."

"... Me too." Mo Jiao sighed, "Junior brother seems to have read through all the songs. No matter which one I mentioned, he can recite it word for word, and there are almost no flaws.

These past few days can't be considered as giving him lessons, I just listened to him singing... and he sang for the whole morning. "

"There's nothing I can teach him." Luan Mei's eyes showed rare approval, "He is a born actor. As soon as he starts performing, his behavior is natural. And I only taught him for a few days, and he has already mastered it." There are faint signs of mastering [Cloud Step]."

"It's only been a few days and he's already learning the secret method of [doing] gong?" Ning Ruyu said in shock.

"No, maybe it can't be said to be 'learning'..."

In Luan Mei's mind, the figure in red who resurrected from the ruins after Aurora City was bombed suddenly appeared... At that time, Chen Ling was still in a state of "mental confusion" after being promoted.

She clearly remembered the image of the man in red dancing in the ruins as if he was weightless, and his figure was like a ghost, elusive...

"He may have realized [Cloud Step] by himself a long time ago." Luan Mei paused for a moment, "Not only [Cloud Step], but even [Requiem Ballad], he just listened to me sing it once, and he could almost perfectly reproduce it. Show up..."

As soon as these words came out, several fellow apprentices looked extremely surprised. They looked at Luan Mei in disbelief, and the room suddenly became quiet.

"If this is really the case...then the talent of this junior fellow apprentice is too evil." Mojiao couldn't help but sigh.

"My teacher told me that he is a born actor."

The young man spoke unhurriedly, "As long as he awakens his instincts and masters the basic four secret techniques, it is only a matter of time for him... You don't have to teach him anything deliberately, just give him a little guidance when needed."

Several fellow apprentices nodded.

Not long after, Chen Ling knocked on the door and came in with bowls and chopsticks, and everyone stopped talking.

"Senior brother, are there braised pork today?" Chen Ling sat down at the table and asked naturally.

After a few days of getting along, Chen Ling has completely integrated into Xi Dao Guzang, and her face has also grown thicker. Although she hasn't changed into a basin to eat like the master, the mouth of the bowl is already on the same scale as her elder brother Ning Ruyu.

Wen Renyou's mouth twitched slightly, "...No."

"Where's the fried pork slices?"


When the chef on the side heard this, he put down his toothpick with some displeasure and said, "Say, third brother, these dishes have become more and more vegetarian recently... Isn't there even a trace of meat in it today?"

Wen Renyou glanced at Ning Ruyu and said nothing.

Ning Ruyu coughed twice and said awkwardly: "Master...have you forgotten something?"


"Two days ago, we just paid the employees' wages."

The master's expression froze slightly.

"...Have you finished sending them out?" he asked tentatively.

"When we were recruiting members, you said it yourself. We would rather not have food to eat than the welfare benefits of the members. Of course we will be paid when the time comes." Ning Ruyu sighed, "Starting from the day before yesterday, our funds have been reduced. Almost spent..."

When Chen Ling heard this, her expression suddenly became strange.

Perhaps because he stayed with his senior brothers and sisters in Xidao Guzang for too long, he almost forgot that this was the headquarters of the Dusk Club. Whether it was Jian Changsheng, Chu Muyun, Bai Ye, or other Dusk Club members, their salaries were It comes from here.

Moreover, Chen Ling remembered clearly that when she first joined the Dusk Society, Chu Muyun said that their salary was very good, several times that of law enforcement officers...

In addition, the Dusk Club has many members and its monthly expenses are astronomical. Chen Ling once thought that the top management of the Dusk Club should be a very wealthy corporate organization, but it seems that this is not the case now.

How much money can a "black troupe" earn by setting up a stage outside every day and singing for free? How to support such a big Twilight Club?

At this moment, Chen Ling suddenly realized that she seemed to have accidentally sneaked into the "Twilight Club High-level Meeting"...

This most "vicious" organization in the world, which stands on the opposite side of all human realms, is holding a serious meeting in front of him. If the leaders of the human realm knew about it, they would probably crowd their heads to hear what they were saying. What kind of shocking evil plan is brewing.

"If it doesn't work, let's go perform a chest-breaking rock-breaking show." Ning Ruyu said seriously,

"This is a show, and you have to pay a fee."

"Crush a big stone on your chest? Even if there are a hundred people watching, how much money can you make?" Mojiao immediately shook his head, "Now the monthly salary expenditure of the Dusk Club is astronomical. Even if we break a hundred stones with our chest a day, You can’t make that much money either.”

"You can't say that. Look, Lao Wu almost broke a mountain just by using his head that day."

"This is too inefficient. We still have to think of other methods..."

The atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became solemn.

Chen Ling lowered his head and silently took a few more mouthfuls of rice into his mouth. At this moment, he wished he had the ability of Mo Jiao to minimize his sense of presence. He was afraid that these senior brothers and sisters would break the big rocks in their chests when their brains got hot, and then kill him too. Bring it.

"If it doesn't work, we can only use that method..." Wen Renyou said in a deep voice.

"Indeed, if this situation continues, we won't even be able to pay next month's salary... That's the only way to get a lot of money in a few days."

Several fellow apprentices looked at each other and finally looked at the master in the center, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

The young man thought for a while and sighed helplessly.

"It can only be the."

"Whose turn is it this time?"

"Last time it was the fourth child who went there, the year before that it was the third child, and the year before that it was the second child... and so on, this year it's the fifth child."

"Uh...Lao Wu..."

Everyone looked out with strange expressions and saw a short figure standing by the window, secretly looking at Chen Ling in the room.

At this moment, when he saw several people suddenly turning their heads to look at him, they were shocked and swooped under the wall.

"Lao Wu can't do it. Lao Wu can't speak. There's no way he can complete that task."

"If that's the case, then there's only..."

Everyone's eyes fell on the corner, and Chen Ling, who was silently eating rice, made a move.

He was silent for a moment,

"Let me tell you first, I won't break my chest."

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