I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 335 No one left behind

The magnetic field comes alive?

Chen Ling was stunned and seemed unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

"I saw it too." Su Zhiwei slowly raised his hands, his eyes grasping for something in the void, "I saw strings... they are everywhere, they are always playing, they become electrons, they become Neutrons... I seem to be able to touch them?"

"Wave function! Mass-energy equation! Formulas of relativity! Maxwell's equations!!" Wu Yuanyuan jumped up on the spot and said excitedly,

"Numbers! Numbers are beating!!"

Seeing the reactions of the other two people, the confusion in Chen Ling's eyes became more intense. He suddenly turned back to look at the huge thing standing in the crater.

Is it it?

It's affecting them!

Chen Ling didn't know what happened, but it must be related to the so-called "radiation" and the birth of Jiujun, but he didn't understand why he didn't feel anything?

Is it because he doesn't understand science? Because the archive cannot record the Red Star fragments? Or is it because he doesn't belong to this era after all?

Just as Chen Ling was thinking, in the other direction of the debris, three figures walked out of the forest in embarrassment.

It was Lu Xun and two other scientific researchers. Their bodies were covered with dirt and dust. When they saw Chen Ling and others standing here from a distance, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank God! You guys are okay too!" Lu Xun was obviously relieved.

Chen Ling immediately stepped forward,

"How did you get here?"

"I was so scared at the time that I just ran in one direction... Fortunately, Dr. Lu caught up with us and took us to hide in a cave. We didn't come out until the monsters we were chasing were gone." A scientific researcher said.

"Fortunately, the clouds cleared just now. Dr. Lu used the stars to determine our position, and then walked all the way..."

"We were worried about whether something would happen to you just now, but after we got close to here, we didn't encounter any attacking monsters. They all fell to the ground, as if there was something wrong with their bodies." Lu Xing looked around, "Dr. Lou and the others Haven’t come yet?”


Chen Ling looked at the three people in front of him carefully. To be honest, except for Yang Xiao and the other three, he was a little skeptical about everyone else... He suspected that among the ten people, not only himself was from the future.

"No matter, you record the parameters of the fragments first, and I'll take samples." Lu Xun said to the two people beside him, "Hurry up, the radiation intensity of this thing is very high, we can't stay here longer."



When Chen Ling saw Lu Xun turn around and walk towards the fragment, she immediately opened her mouth to call him to stop him. However, before she could finish her words, Lu Xun suddenly froze in place as he took a step forward.

Seeing the same emptiness in Lu Xun's eyes as those of Yang Xiao and others, Chen Ling knew that the "theory" in his mind began to "come alive"... Although he didn't know whether this description was appropriate, it seemed to be Jiu Xun's. Where does your power come from?

"Dr. Lu?" Seeing Lu Xun's sudden behavior, the other two researchers frowned and were about to step forward to check the situation, but they stayed where they were the next moment.

This time, Chen Ling didn't stop him.

He stopped Lu Xun just now, hoping that he could explain the phenomenon in front of him. After all, with Chen Ling's poor academic attributes, even if this fragment had some scientific principles, he would not be able to tell... But Lu Xun was different. He is an expert in astrophysics and may have unique insights.

Now that Lu Xun has entered that state, the other two scientific researchers are not studying celestial bodies, so there is no need to ask. He can still ask after the exploration is over.

Just as Chen Ling was standing beside everyone, three figures walked out of the woods one after another...

Seeing these three people, Chen Ling narrowed her eyes slightly.

Compared with Lu Xun and the others, these three people are in a somewhat strange state. Not to mention that after experiencing so many disasters and pursuits, there is no trace of blood left on their bodies, not even much dust on their bodies. The most important thing is their mutual affection. The distance is several meters long. They are obviously coming from the same direction, but they are not walking together, as if there is an invisible barrier between them.

Okay, okay... Nine ordinary people were chased by a large number of disasters in the dark mountains. After they scattered and escaped, all of them were still unharmed, right?

Chen Ling sneered in her heart.

He finally understood that no matter whether he led the way or not, no matter what kind of encirclement and suppression crisis he experienced on the road, in the end these nine people could stand here safe and sound... If there were no clues among these people, he would not believe it even if they were killed.

Whether it's a wormhole, time travel, archive return... the question now is, how many of these ten people have secrets?

As Yang Xiao and the other six people fell into a state of chaos, only Chen Ling, Dr. Lou, Dr. Ji, and another unknown doctor remained conscious in the crater.

Chen Ling glanced at the three of them, narrowed her eyes slightly and said:

"How did you find me here?"

At any rate, Lu Xun found the Red Star fragments after determining his position through the stars. So how did the three people locate them?

Dr. Ji lowered his eyes and had no intention of answering. Another unknown doctor scratched his head and looked at Dr. Lou blankly... Dr. Lou was silent for a moment and replied calmly: "We were escaping in a hurry just now, and it seemed that we happened to bump into each other. I got the location of the fragment right and came all the way... It should be considered luck. "

"Luck?" Chen Ling immediately locked eyes with Dr. Ji and was about to ask something else when something unexpected happened!

Dr. Lou glanced at his side from the corner of his eye, a flash of light flashed deep in his eyes, and like lightning, he pulled out a gun from his arms and pointed it at one of the chaotic figures...

His gunpoint was none other than Wu Yuyuan!

"Are you looking for death?!" When Dr. Ji saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened and he rushed towards him quickly!

This scene happened so suddenly, and Dr. Lou's movements were as fast as lightning. Dr. Ji had no time to stop him. When Dr. Lou suddenly pulled the trigger, a hollow sound came from the muzzle of the gun!


There were no bullets in the gun.

Dr. Lou was stunned. He clearly remembered that the magazine was full when he hid the gun, but the next moment he discovered the problem...the gun in his hand was not the one he originally held.

At the same time, Chen Ling on the side suddenly raised her hand, and the gun in her hand was locked on Dr. Lou!

His eyes flashed coldly.

"Dr. Lou... you'd better give me an explanation."

Chen Ling had long been suspicious of this group of people, so she was always on guard. When she saw Dr. Lou raising his gun, she replaced the gun in the opponent's hand with the gun that she had emptied of the magazine before!

When Dr. Lou saw Chen Ling, he seemed to have thought of something.

"You? You too..."

His face was extremely ugly, and Dr. Ji on the side had rushed towards him with a roar and punched him in the face!

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