I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 331 Membrane

Under the leadership of Chen Ling, everyone quickly moved to a certain location in the deep forest.

The good news is that this time everyone followed Chen Ling for two hours, and nothing weird happened. It seemed that they were always surrounded by dark, silent woods, and there were endless rugged mountain roads under their feet. Apart from communication and The compass failed, no different than when we set out.

After this period of buffering, everyone was completely relaxed. Looking back on what happened just now, they no longer felt that it was so weird. Maybe it was just an ordinary get lost in the mountains.

Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was too depressing, the scientific researcher wearing black-rimmed glasses suddenly asked:

"Dr. Su, do you believe in parallel time and space?"

This question immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even Lu Xun turned to look at him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Su Zhiwei did not expect that he would suddenly ask her this question. After looking at him, she did not answer directly, but asked: "Dr. Lou, are you asking me about my personal opinion on this issue... or are you asking about strings?" theory?"

"All of them." Dr. Lou answered without hesitation.

"In string theory, there is an M theory, also known as membrane theory." Su Zhiwei said as he walked, "This theory believes that the world is eleven dimensions, of which nine dimensions are the space dimension and one dimension is the time dimension. … All we can feel now are four dimensions, namely length, width, height and time.

We cannot perceive the other six spatial dimensions, but they may exist in the microscopic world. Just like when we observe an atom with the naked eye now, it is a point, that is, zero dimension, but if we go deep into its interior, we can observe it in a microscopic way. Observe it from a different perspective, and its existence is three-dimensional... That is to say, the dimensions will change due to different observation methods and angles... So we usually think that the smaller the world, the higher the dimension.

From this theory, if there really are high-dimensional creatures such as gods in the world, they are likely to exist in a particle of dust floating by, or between an inconspicuous cell in our body, so in part In religious theory, it is believed that 'everything is God, God is everything', 'one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi'..."

When Lu Xun heard this, he frowned and asked, "Dr. Su, you just said that the world has eleven dimensions... Then where is the last dimension?"

"The last dimension is a 'brane'." Dr. Su paused for a moment, "All the 'strings' that make up our world exist on this membrane, which means that our world itself is trapped in the membrane. , and there are countless such branes in the universe, they overlap each other, and the strings on each brane cannot interfere with each other. These 'branes' are the so-called parallel space-time."

"So in string theory, parallel space and time exist." Dr. Lou narrowed his eyes.

"That's right."

"What about you? String theory aside, do you personally think parallel time and space exist?"

Dr. Su was silent and seemed to be thinking about this issue seriously, "Dr. Lou, string theory is my research direction, so I naturally assume in my mind that it is real... In my eyes, this is how the world works."

Dr. Lou looked at him deeply, "...I understand."

"Dr. Su, I have another question." Lu Xun then said, "If there really are countless parallel time and spaces, is there anything that can pass through the 'membrane' and travel freely between them?"



"Gravitons." Dr. Su explained, "In general relativity, gravity spans dimensions, including 'branes'... However, the existence of gravitons is just a hypothesis. No one has been able to prove its existence yet, but theoretically It is said that as long as the string vibrates at a certain frequency, gravitons can be created and travel through parallel space and time.”

Dr. Su seemed to remember something and looked at a figure in the corner.

"Dr. Ji should know more about gravitons than me?"

The figure looked up at her and said calmly, "Dr. Su misunderstood. What I study is the Higgs boson, the 'God particle'... which is completely different from the graviton."

Only then did Chen Ling notice the figure who had always been at the edge of the team. He had barely spoken a word since the departure, so that Chen Ling didn't even notice his existence... However, this God Particle is What for?

Chen Ling felt like a scumbag among the top students. He couldn't understand any of the issues discussed by these people... He just knew that parallel time and space existed, and that things could travel freely in it.

After listening to it this way, Ji Guangjun's professional field is the easiest to understand... Of course, it is also possible that he has not learned the essence at all.

Chen Ling let out a long sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped.

As Chen Ling stopped, everyone behind him also stopped. They looked at Chen Ling's back in confusion and were about to ask something when Chen Ling suddenly yelled:

"Get down!!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ling suddenly turned around and threw Yang Xiao, who was closest to him, to the ground!

Boom——! !

A sound like a dull cannonball erupted from the forest, and a giant shadow like a jackal leaped up in the darkness. It was at least four or five meters in length and rushed straight towards everyone's heads!

Fortunately, everyone's reaction was not slow. The other eight scientists lay down without hesitation. The huge shadow almost passed over their heads. Through the flashing light of the flashlight, they could see the explosive squirming muscles of the opponent. , and the pair of black wings on the back that look like bats!

Disaster? !

Chen Ling was shocked when she saw this thing.

That's not right... The catastrophe hasn't started yet. How could there be a disaster here? ?


The special operations team protecting ten people reacted very quickly. After avoiding the strange wolf, they immediately raised their guns and pulled the trigger!

Da da da da da——

The bullets were shot at the strange wolf along with the gushing fire, but they were all bounced away by the steel-like skin. The dazzling sparks illuminated a corner of the night sky, and everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.

As the strange wolf roared, its figure once again swooped through the night, instantly knocking down the two nearest gun-wielding figures. It opened its bloody mouth and two pillars of blood spurted out!

This bloody scene frightened the researchers who were lying on the ground. Although their psychological quality was not weak, they were still frightened when they saw this brutal massacre. Fortunately, maybe it was because they were lying on the ground. , the strange wolf did not charge towards them, but continued to pounce on other gun holders!

Chen Ling's eyes narrowed slightly. As soon as he stood up from the ground, his shining dark blue eyes swept around...

At some point, strange and eerie shadows were approaching from the depths of the woods.

They have been surrounded.

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