I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 17 Policy

The early morning sunshine shone on Chen Ling's face. His eyelashes trembled slightly and he slowly opened his eyes...

"Back..." He rubbed the corners of his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

After he drew the prize, he walked around the stage for a long time, but still couldn't find any exit. Finally, after the stage bell rang and the curtain opened, he returned automatically.

"The current expectation is 23%... we are approaching the life-or-death line again." Chen Ling recalled the characters on the screen before leaving and muttered to herself, "We have to do something quickly..."

"elder brother……"

Pulling back the quilt, Chen Yan rubbed his red eyes and sat up from the bed, "Morning."

"Morning." Chen Ling glanced at the clock on the wall, took out the last few copper coins from his pocket, and handed them to Chen Yan, "I have to go out. I don't know when I will be back. You can eat something by yourself today. thing……"

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Go catch myself."


Chen Ling put on a cotton coat, put the envelope given by the law enforcer yesterday into her arms, turned around and rubbed Chen Yan's head, "Don't ask for more details, just stay home and wait for me to come back, do you understand? "

"I understand." Chen Yan nodded obediently.

After watching Chen Ling leave, Chen Yan got out of bed, looked at the two big holes at the door of his house, and frowned.

"How should I fix this..."

He glanced at the few copper coins left in his hand, put them away silently, took out a heavy hammer and a wooden board from the house, and began to compare the sizes.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind the big hole, startling Chen Yan.

It was a man wearing a woolen coat, a dark blue scarf around his collar, and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked artistic and wise.

But at this moment, when he looked at the house with only two big holes left in front of him, confusion appeared in his wise eyes...

He wanted to say something, but thought it was rude, so he tried to knock on the door, but he looked around the house and couldn't find the door.

He returned to the cave and looked inside.

"Are you okay?" Chen Yan tilted his head.

"Is Mr. Chen Ling here?"

Hearing his brother's name, Chen Yan's eyes flashed with vigilance. He looked at the man a few times and asked again, "Are you okay?"

The man took off his white gloves and took out a letter from his coat pocket. He opened the letter in his hand and spoke calmly to the room:

"I heard that Mr. Chen needs a [doctor]."

"So, here I am."

The cold wind blew in through the collar, making Chen Ling shiver.

"Little brother, where are you going? Can I give you a ride?" A lean and dark man dragged a rickshaw and hurriedly followed Chen Ling, grinning with a row of yellow teeth.

Chen Ling glanced at him and said, "The law enforcement headquarters."

"Well, I know you. I just sent two of you over. You are all going to be the reserve seats, right? In this way, I think you are also destined. I will charge them ten yuan and you seven yuan. Do you want to leave?"

"……never mind."

"Six yuan, six yuan, no more."

"I don't have any money."

"No money?" The man frowned, glanced at him a few times, picked up the rickshaw and left muttering, "You can't be a law enforcer if you don't have money...it's bad luck."

Chen Ling:...?

Chen Ling thought to herself that the quality of people in this world was really poor. She rubbed her hands that were red from the cold and couldn't help but quicken her pace and walked towards the center of the third area.

Before last night, Chen Ling had been thinking about how to prevent law enforcement officers from discovering clues and finding him again... Now, he already has the answer.

That is to become an enforcer.

Become a law enforcer, participate in all operations to investigate disasters, and then interfere with them so that they can never target you.

“I become, I participate, I cause trouble, I run away.”

This is Chen Ling's current policy.

Chen Ling walked through several streets and finally stopped in front of a huge building that looked like a glass dome.

"It's so majestic..." Chen Ling looked up at the dome and couldn't help but sigh, "How much money does it cost to build this?"

In this neighborhood where two-story mud houses are everywhere, the appearance of such a unique building is as conspicuous and abrupt as an art museum suddenly built in the countryside in the previous life.

At this time, several young people took the letter and hurriedly walked into the headquarters. They looked at each other, smiled politely and nodded.

There are about 70 people who have passed the literary test in the entire three districts. Generally speaking, the elimination rate of the martial arts test is 50%, so only about 30 people can become law enforcers every year. Although this year's martial arts test is changed to this form, but the final elimination rate will not change.

All in all, everyone who walks into this building now is actually a potential competitor.

Chen Ling walked into the headquarters gate. Under the glazed dome, several rows of people were already standing neatly.

Like Chen Ling, these people were all wearing the clothes of ordinary people. At this moment, they were arranged ten in a row, all of them held their heads high and their chests high, and every muscle in their bodies was tense. They looked like warriors waiting for the call.

Chen Ling arrived too late and could only stand at the edge of the last row. After he returned to his position, an enforcer glanced at the list and nodded slightly.

"Everyone is here."

Another law enforcer picked up the prepared speech and was about to speak when the door of the headquarters was pushed open forcefully and two figures walked slowly over.

Han Meng threw the burned cigarette butts under his feet and crushed them. The four silver patterns on his black windbreaker shone brightly. His eyes calmly swept across all the preparation seats. An inexplicable sense of oppression instantly enveloped everyone's hearts...

Except Chen Ling.

Chen Ling raised her eyebrows in surprise, and her eyes subconsciously fell on the back of Han Meng's head...

You hit yourself so hard yesterday and you're healed today?

Is this guy's head so hard?

"It's Han Meng!"

"It's really him...he's here too?"

"Who is Han Meng?"

"The chief law enforcement officer of our third district is also the only four-stripe law enforcement officer in the third district."

"It is said that he is a super genius. He was promoted to the fourth level at the age of 24. He once even crushed all the law enforcement officers in Aurora City at the same time... He is the light of our seven regions!"

"The law enforcement officer who crushed Aurora City at the same time? Real or fake? If he is so awesome, why wasn't he absorbed into Aurora City?"

"I don't know...it's said that he had an affair with a big shot in Aurora City."

"I heard he is very good at fighting. My mother likes him very much."

"...How old is your mother this year?"

"Almost fifty."


With the appearance of Han Meng, everyone in the reserve seats suddenly began to whisper. Even the many law enforcers on the side straightened their backs subconsciously and looked serious.

Han Meng stood still under the dome and suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, as if someone was examining his weaknesses...

He looked back subconsciously and found a group of reserve seats watching him quietly.

After meeting Han Meng's eyes, all the preparation seats lowered their heads and did not dare to talk anymore. The entire headquarters was extremely quiet.

"My name is Han Meng, and I am the current highest officer in District Three." Han Meng adjusted his mentality and spoke slowly, "The next three days will be your martial arts test. Among the 72 of you, there will only be 30 in the end." People can stay..."

30 people...the pass rate is lower than expected. Chen Ling was thoughtful.

This ratio also surprised the other reserve seats. They couldn't help but start talking again, their eyes full of confusion.

"However, among these 30 people, 3 will be qualified to enter the 'Bing Dao Ancient Treasure' in advance..."

When Han Meng said these words, the entire headquarters was in an uproar, and even the law enforcers standing nearby had their eyes widened.

Chen Ling didn't understand.

Among the many reserve seats present, more than half did not understand.

Seeing this, Han Meng explained slowly: "Do you know the difference between a law enforcer and a law enforcement officer?"

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