Chapter 88: Why is he so wanton? Because he is the Holy Son of Daoyi, Su Changqing!

The arrival of two powerful immortals of the demon clan has changed the nature of this battlefield!

Originally... this battlefield was only the home court of the God King Realm!

As for the immortals of both sides, they did not intervene!

However, seeing that Su Changqing killed the Five Demon Stars with almost no difficulty, these two immortals were completely furious!

Because... they were two of the previous Five Demon Stars of their demon clan, and they are still the two alive today!

The previous Fan Yu and others were taught by them since childhood, and they taught them martial arts!

It is not an exaggeration to say that they regard the five people as their own sons!

It was at this moment,

"Su Changqing, kill him, let him die!!!"

"Hahaha… What a great Daoyi Saint Son, what a great Su Changqing!!!"

Xiang Jun’s roar was heard from the battlefield in the void!


Su Qingyun’s loud laughter came!

But soon, terrifying roars continued to be heard, affecting the battlefield below!

At this moment, Su Qingyun and Xiang Jun���It can be said that there is no more reservation, and the full attack!

After all, it is difficult to wipe out the opponent in the battle between the supremes!

Because Xiang Jun was restrained by Su Qingyun, he couldn't spare the time to avenge his son personally!

"Luo Yu, Lei Hong, kill him!!!"

Su Changqing must die!!!

Originally, this war should have ended long ago!

But the enemy who killed his son, Su Changqing, led by the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect intervened, and the demon clan lost five saints!

Even as the supreme, he could no longer remain calm!

Without any hesitation……


Xiang Jun attacked violently again, and the continuous terrifying roars caused turmoil in all directions!

At this moment,

Luo Yu, who was at the fifth level of Xiantai, stared coldly at Su Changqing, who was surprised, and said with murderous intent:"Su Changqing!"

"Today, let alone you have a protector following you, even if the Saint Lord Daoyi comes, he can't protect you!"

The demonic energy surged on his body, and the aura of the Immortal Stage made the space roar continuously! The eyes of the fourth-level Immortal Stage Lei Hong were full of shocking murderous intent, and his figure seemed to be real and unreal, and in broad daylight, there was a black shadow behind him that was splitting and merging!

"I hope you can still have this look later!"

He couldn't suppress the murderous intent in his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Then he said to the side:"You go to restrain the boy's protector, and leave the rest to me!" After the two of them discussed it...

Luo Yu completely burst out his cultivation, looking directly at the void above Su Changqing:"You... can't protect him!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed out suddenly!

Then, he attacked the void!


With a roar, an old man with cloudy eyes slowly appeared from the void, shook his head, looked at Su Changqing and asked kindly:"Son of the Saint, are you sure?"

This person was Su Changqing's protector, a strong man of the seventh level of the Daoyi Saint Sect, Zhan Yan!

Upon hearing this,

Su Changqing glanced at the murderous Lei Hong and said softly:"Old Zhan, it's okay."

After he finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit!

Not to mention that there is a Saint Lord following, being able to fight with the fairy platform... just thinking about it is exciting!

When he heard Su Changqing's indifferent answer and the fighting spirit in his eyes,

Zhan Yan smiled slightly and said no more.

"Let me see how powerful the demon race can be to send out to deal with my son's immortal platform!"

There was sarcasm in his words, and his eyes were no longer turbid, but instead revealed a sharp light!

The aura of the seventh heaven of the immortal platform also surged at this moment!

Luo Yu's face changed, and he snorted coldly!

Without saying a word, he suddenly attacked!

Accompanied by an astonishing roar, the two immortal platforms had fought dozens of rounds in just a blink of an eye!

With a wave of his hand, the world seemed to collapse!


When they saw that Zhan Yan really no longer intended to block the remaining Xiantai strongman for Su Changqing, the surrounding onlookers were all dumbfounded!

"No way??? That old man from the Daoyi Saint Sect really believed that Su Changqing could deal with the immortal from the demon race! ?"

"No, no, no, why do I feel like... Su Changqing took the initiative to ask? The old man seemed to be asking Su Changqing something.……"

"How is it possible? Even if Su Changqing's strength is abnormal enough, how can a saint fight against Xiantai! ?"

"If no one helps, Su Changqing will probably be in great danger this time!"

"He is worthy of being the Holy Son of Daoyi. Even facing the Immortal Platform, he can be so proud. However... I am afraid that this pride will cost him his life!"

"Xiantai... is not something a saint can contend with. The difference between the two is too huge!!!"

They knew that Su Changqing's protector had been restrained by someone, and now Su Changqing could be said to have no one to rely on, and had to face a powerful demon from the fourth level of Xiantai alone!! So much so that exclamations continued, and all parties could not help but feel nervous!

Su Changqing was obviously planning to face the demon from the Xiantai alone!

But how could Su Changqing, who was only a saint in the sixth level, be a match for the fourth level of Xiantai???

Not to mention the fourth level of Xiantai, I'm afraid that the other party, who had just entered the Xiantai, was not a saint who could contend with him!

Amid the exclamations, everyone in the Beiming Holy Land was also surprised.

"What is Su Changqing going to do???"

"He... he is sure to deal with that guy from Xiantai! ?"

They looked at each other, their scalps tingling for a moment.

If Su Changqing's calmness in dealing with the five saints of the demon race was confidence, then now... it was arrogance!!

After seeing this scene, the Lord of the North Sea also frowned.

"Is Su Changqing so confident?"

He noticed that Zhan Yan seemed to be asking something, but Su Changqing shook his head.

Then, Zhan Yan took action to fight with another Xiantai!

Logically speaking, as Su Changqing's protector, he should focus on Su Changqing's safety. Even if he has to deal with two Xiantai alone, he should not let him take risks!

Now that this is the case, there is only one possibility...

It is Su Changqing's decision!!!

Thinking of this,

Xia Wen Ze took a deep breath, his eyes deep and said:"This kid is planning to fight against the Xiantai!"


The others' pupils shrank in disbelief.

Especially Xia Qingxuan, who looked stunned.

"This... Su Changqing, he……"

Her beautiful eyes were filled with shock, and her heart was filled with turmoil!

Su Changqing's previous performance was indeed excellent, even impeccable!

But... no matter how strong he was, he was only at the level of a saint, but he was planning to fight Xiantai! ? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

How could this guy be so conceited?!

Gritting her teeth,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Xia Wen Ze on the side, took a deep breath and said,"Dad, how about we take action?"

""What's wrong? Are you worried about Su Changqing?"

Xia Wen Ze asked curiously.

Upon hearing this,

Xia Qingxuan avoided his gaze and retorted:"I won't worry about this conceited guy!"

"I just think that this is not a solution, and if we take action sooner, we can end this war sooner." Xia Wenzhe nodded to his daughter's answer , but he did not intend to take action.

"Let’s wait and see. Regardless of the outcome of this war, I always feel that it won’t be that simple!"

"As for Su Changqing, this guy doesn't seem that stupid, maybe... he really has a way?"

His eyes were deep and he spoke lightly.



Xia Qingxuan was stunned, and opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

The others stared with their eyes wide open, totally not understanding what Xia Wenzhe meant.

Su Changqing, a saint, has a way to deal with a strong man from the immortal stage?

Even if he is a rare monster, it is impossible, right?!


Amid the suspicion and excitement from all sides,

Su Changqing couldn't help but look more serious for the first time, staring at Lei Hong who hadn't made a move yet.

"What? Are you still not going to take action?"

He said calmly.

After all, the opponent is a Xiantai strongman, and the strongest one among the opponents he has ever met!

But this does not prevent the fighting spirit in his eyes from becoming more and more full!

Hearing this,

Lei Hong frowned, and there were also many doubts in his heart.


He glanced at Zhan Yan who was fighting with Luo Yu, and was confused for a moment. How could this old man be so bold?

He let Su Changqing face him alone?

Could it be that there were other immortal masters from Daoyi Saint Sect watching in secret?

However, just when Lei Hong was undecided,……

"In this case... Su Changqing is a saint fighting on the immortal platform, please teach me!"

Su Changqing did not intend to dawdle, and rushed out in a storm, stirring up a gust of wind!

This scene made the faces of the soldiers of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect, the demon cultivators, and the various forces who came to watch change!

"The Holy Son... The Holy Son is going to fight Sendai! ?"

"Oh my god, this Su Changqing, is he crazy???"

"No way? He's serious!!!?"


No one could remain calm and cried out in surprise!

They originally thought that Su Changqing had other immortal masters from Daoyi Sect to look after him, but now, this was not the case at all!

On the contrary...

Su Changqing was planning to fight a real immortal master with his saintly cultivation!!

Even Lei Hong couldn't help but look surprised.


After he realized what was happening, even if he wanted to kill Su Changqing, he couldn't help but get angry!

How could this Saint Realm kid have the guts to do this?

Looking at Su Changqing who was already approaching, he slapped him with his palm without any hesitation...

Lei Hong didn't intend to hold back, and his cultivation at the fourth level of the Immortal Stage was extremely violent!


He punched out to counter Su Changqing's palm, the space trembled, and the roar resounded through the sky!


Su Changqing retreated, and he felt that there was indeed a big gap between him and the Saint Realm!

However... it may not be impossible to fight!

He licked his lips, and a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes!


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