Chapter 66: Lin Fan: I am the son of the plane! Xia Qingxuan: I want this opportunity!

At this time, the Luohuang Mountains.

This is a remote and extremely quiet desolate mountain range, surrounded by towering mountains.

Indistinctly, there are bursts of strange cries.

If ordinary people pass by here, they will probably be scared and run away.

After a while,

Lin Fan arrived at the Luohuang Mountains under the guidance of the old man.

""Old Yu, that so-called good fortune is right here!"

He stared at the depths of the mountains ahead, his inner desire unable to be restrained.

It was at this moment that he could also feel a breath coming out from the depths of the mountains!

Upon hearing this, Old Yu appeared.

"Yes, it is inside. If you get it this time, then... your future cultivation will be much easier!"

He said lightly, sighing in his heart.

This kid is really too good at causing trouble!

But if he can get the good fortune this time, he should save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, he might really be dragged to death...

After Lin Fan got the answer, he flashed and immediately headed towards the mountains!

"Fortune, my fortune!!"

His eyes were filled with urgency!

But before he reached his destination……


A series of rumbling sounds of"six three three" came from the depths of the Luohuang Mountains!

Not only that, the surrounding mountains were shaking at this moment!

Gradually, the ground was shaking violently!

Even the sky above was instantly covered with endless dark clouds, eclipsed!

Seeing this scene,

Lin Fan's speed increased:"It's going to appear!!"

He was breathing rapidly, and his eyes were full of fanaticism!

This is something left behind by the ancient great power. No matter what, it will definitely not be bad!

But soon... the whole sky was shaking violently!

And in the dense dark clouds, a supreme shadow began to appear!

"My innate essence and spirit can be obtained by those who are destined to have it!"

"The relics I left behind are inaccessible to anyone above the level of a saint!"

The shadow in the mist blocked out the sky and spoke slowly!

At this moment, the world was boiling!

The terrifying aura and pressure descended upon Jiuxuantian!

In an instant,

Lin Fan's heart beat violently, and his body trembled uncontrollably:"This... this is the Supreme Power! ?"

"That's right, kid, your fortune is in this secret realm, go quickly, I will help you, the Supreme Spirit in there is yours!!"

Old Yu looked crazy, and hurriedly urged excitedly.

Supreme Spirit!

That is one of the most precious treasures on the road of cultivation!

Once you can get it, don't say that Lin Fan, this kid, only has Wanxiang now, he will become the Supreme in the future!

At this moment,

Lin Fan's eyes were full of ambition, without saying a word, he ran there immediately!

"Innate Supreme Spirit……"

He was constantly yearning in his heart, and a scene of rising up appeared in his mind!

After this, he would definitely be able to make rapid progress!

As for the Holy Son and Holy Daughter of Daoyi Holy Sect?

The Witch of Demon Sect?

He would trample them under his feet!!


Mighty thunders continuously streaked across the sky!


The terrifying sound of thunder spread throughout the entire Xuantian!

The land of Zhongzhou was shaken!

At the same time, deep in the mountains!

Xia Qingxuan, who had already arrived at the Luohuang Mountains, saw the terrifying shadow above the sky, and her pupils shrank!


"The Supreme Secret Realm... has appeared!!!"

Her chest rose and fell, and she no longer had any doubts about Su Changqing's diary!

Now, both the location and the time... all matched!

At this moment, she only needed to enter the secret realm to obtain the innate supreme spirit!

But... where is that Lin Fan?

Xia Qingxuan suppressed the shock in her heart, and murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"Where is that person?"

She looked around, but did not see anyone else.

But thinking about it, it made sense for her to come here early!

She had thought that if she met Lin Fan, she would kill him and then enter the secret realm!

But now she has not found him, so she can only enter the secret realm first and get the innate supreme essence inside!

If she meets Lin Fan, she will kill him!

At this time, in the void, an extremely huge palace slowly appeared from the terrifying crack!

On it, there is an astonishing taboo aura!

Even though Xia Qingxuan is a saint, he does not have the slightest idea of going there!

"What a terrible secret place……"

She looked at the amazing palace that had already appeared, and the terrifying supreme phantom that covered the sky and the sun above the sky, and her heart was even more shocked!

No one above the Saint can enter!

In other words...

Saints and those below the God King can come to rob the fortune!


I have the information revealed by Su Changqing in the diary, and I already know what is in the secret realm!

At this moment,

"Boom! Boom!

The palace gate slowly opened, revealing an interior filled with halos!

It was impossible to see what was inside!

But at this moment...

Xia Qingxuan did not hesitate. After taking a deep breath, she flew towards the already opened palace gate!

"The innate supreme spirit!"

Her eyes were so intense that they were lost in the dazzling light!


It was at this time that

Zhongzhou! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With the appearance of the Supreme Secret Realm, the entire land was shaking!

Countless people saw the Supreme phantom appearing above the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, which was terrifying!

Especially the entire sky, which lost its luster in an instant!

Not only that, endless thunder was constantly raging!

The entire Zhongzhou land was in a sensation almost at the same time!

"What…what is that!?"

"The Supreme Shadow? No, this is the Supreme Shadow, but... this is probably a remnant soul left behind!!!"

"Secret realm? ? ? Innate essence? In this... secret realm, there is the essence left behind by the fallen supreme being! ?"

"What!? Oh my god, the innate supreme spirit, this, this is undoubtedly a direct train to the supreme realm!!!"

"That direction... Luohuang Mountains?!"


Anyone who saw it could no longer remain calm, and was horrified!

Especially looking at the terrifying phantom standing in the sky, it made people's scalps numb!

Amid the tremors and roars on the ground... the major holy places and the dynasties were densely packed, and a large number of figures headed straight for the Luohuang Mountains!

At this moment, it was finally a complete sensation!

No one thought that the Supreme Secret Realm would suddenly appear in the world!

And the countless people who rushed there all had the aura of the Saint Realm!!

The innate Supreme Essence...

Such an existence, looking at the entire Jiuxuantian, no one can resist the temptation!

Even the Immortal Platform was jealous!

But it was precisely because the Supreme Phantom had already said that those above the Saint could not enter the Secret Realm!

This caused many powerful people in the Immortal Platform Realm to grit their teeth, but there was nothing they could do!

They did not go to the Luohuang Mountains where the secret realm was located, because they did not dare to gamble if the Supreme Phantom left behind!

Although there was only a remnant soul, it was not comparable to the Immortal Platform!

With the shock in all directions, saints from all over Zhongzhou headed for the Luohuang Mountains, and powerful streams of light flashed across the sky!

Countless people looked up in the direction of the Luohuang Mountains, their eyes full of horror!

"This time, Zhongzhou may not be peaceful!!!"

"It’s the first time I see so many saints appearing at the same time. The innate supreme spirit... this is a fatal temptation to them!"

"Don’t know who can get it?"

"No matter who gets it, this will definitely cause a bloody storm!!"

"Could this also be due to the emergence of the Tianjiao Ranking? That supreme being must have fallen many years ago. It seems that... the prelude to the chaotic times has already begun!!!"


Countless discussions arose in every corner of Zhongzhou, with exclamations heard one after another!


It was also under Zhongzhou's watchful eyes...

In Luohuang Mountains,

Lin Fan had already arrived outside the secret realm, and his eyes were filled with excitement as he looked at the door to the secret realm that had been opened!

"As long as I go in, I can get the innate supreme essence!!"

He murmured, and then turned around to look at the sky not far away where a large number of figures were roaring!

This time, he was absolutely confident!

In the secret realm, the innate essence left by the ancient supreme will definitely be his!

With the help of Yu Lao, why worry about not getting it!?

Without any hesitation,

Lin Fan knew that he could not wait any longer. At present, the various forces in Zhongzhou might have already sent out saints!

""Master Yu, I'll trouble you next!"

He glanced at the ring in his hand, and then rushed into the door of the secret realm!

Not long after he entered, the secret realm was 0...

Figures descended one after another!

Each of them exuded the aura of a saint!

When they arrived at the scene, they looked at each other with vigilance in their eyes!

��The innate supreme spirit... It seems that this time, neither of us can give in!"

"Humph, if you go in alive you have to come out alive. It depends on your luck who you fall into the hands of!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Everyone snorted coldly, and rushed into the secret realm without any hesitation!

At this moment, more and more figures arrived, and rushed into the secret realm without stopping!

4.1 The temptation of the innate supreme spirit, no one under the supreme can resist!


At a time when Zhongzhou was in a complete uproar,

Daoyi Saint Sect,

Saint Son Peak.

Su Changqing spent half a month to completely consolidate his cultivation. Now he slowly withdrew his aura and looked at his hands that had recovered as usual, with a smile on his face.

"Next, which free-hand move should I practice?"

He suddenly had a hard time choosing, but he didn't think too much about it.

Under the current circumstances, any move would be fine.

And any one of them would be a killer move!

But at this moment,……


A roar came from far away!

Hearing the noise, the holy land was shaken!


Su Changqing put away his thoughts, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"The Supreme Secret Realm... is open!"

He didn't need his disciples' reports at all at this time, because he knew what was going on.

At the moment, he smiled even more.

I guess Xia Qingxuan has already entered the secret realm?

As for Lin Fan?

I'm afraid he will have a hard time!


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