Chapter 27: Shock! The top five are all the people Su Changqing mentioned!


Western Regions, Zixiao Dao Palace.

The most mysterious Taoism in the entire Jiuxuantian, bar none.

At this time, countless disciples were staring at the list of geniuses shining brightly in the sky!

"The Tianjiao List has been published... I'm afraid the world will be in chaos!"

They were full of disbelief, they didn't expect such an emergency to happen suddenly!

Amidst the exclamations... a shocking sound came from the depths of the Dao Palace, which was originally in the mist!

At this moment, the sky above the Dao Palace suddenly changed color! It was originally shining brightly under the divine light of the Tianjiao List, but now it was directly dark!

Immediately afterwards, a shocking breath that made the Dao Palace tremble violently and shook the world burst out! The terrifying supreme pressure suddenly descended!

The wind and clouds rolled in all directions, and a terrifying vortex full of thunder appeared above the sky!


The roar was endless, as if a wild beast had awakened!

Under this pressure, all the disciples in the Dao Palace turned pale and trembled!

This breath seemed to represent the way of heaven!!!

The elders flew out one after another, staring at the deepest part of the Dao Palace!

"This... this breath!!!"

"Dao... Daozi, is he... is he awake?!"

"After so long, finally... is he finally waking up?!"

"Daozi has awakened, our Zixiao Dao Palace no longer needs to remain unknown……"

Even though their faces turned pale under the aura of Heaven, they were trembling with excitement!

In the deepest part of the entire Dao Palace, a ray of divine light descended from the sky and landed on a young man with a very immortal temperament.


After a moment, he slowly opened his blank eyes.

And in his pupils, there seemed to be endless thunder, filled with astonishing pressure.

This person was the Taoist of Zixiao Taoist Palace, Wang Ye!


Wang Ye's blank expression gradually became normal, and he was terrifyingly calm.

"The list of geniuses, those who are on it will be blessed by heaven……"

He was clearly in a sealed forbidden area, but his eyes could see through everything!

That Tianjiao List...

Thinking of this,

Wang Ye smiled softly and slowly stood up.

"After sleeping for so long, it's time to move around.……"

He murmured thoughtfully, and the space beside him seemed unable to bear it and showed signs of collapse!

And the next second, he disappeared from the spot!


On the other side, in the East Wasteland in the east of Jiuxuantian, there was a huge ancient city, the home of the Ancient Dragon Clan.

At this moment, a group of dragons with human heads and bodies but long tails were looking up at the Tianjiao List in astonishment.

"What's the matter???"


They had never thought that such a list would appear in Jiuxuantian one day.

Especially since being on the list would bring the favor of heaven, countless people were eager for it!



A dragon roar resounding through the heavens and earth came from an ancient, pitch-black giant tower that was the center of Gu Chen!

Then, the earth shook!

The terrifying majesty made all the dragons of the ancient dragon clan tremble and crawl on the ground!

The suppression from their blood made them sweat profusely and they couldn't even raise their heads!

A moment later... above the black giant tower, a huge phantom with wings appeared that covered the sky and the sun!

In the dead silence...……

"Tianjiao Ranking! ?"

"Hahahaha...what a great list of geniuses!"

"Then, I will be the one to kick off the great power of this generation!!!"

A series of unruly voices came out from the giant tower, resounding through the sky!

Almost the entire Eastern Wilderness was also trembling!

At this moment, in Jiuxuantian, such things are constantly happening in various places!

This day is destined to be an uneasy day!

It is also the most lively day in the long years!

Countless hidden geniuses have come out one after another, all of them are interested in the Tianjiao list!

In the sects, holy places, and divine dynasties of various places... many people have even challenged those who have left their names on the Tianjiao list!


After only three days, the tenth and ninth of the original ten people on the Tianjiao Ranking were replaced by challengers!

Such changes set off an uproar!

Five days later, the Tianjiao Ranking was shaken, and the fifth place position changed!

【No. 5: Beiming Holy Land, the daughter of the Holy Lord, Xia Qingxuan! 】

In the next few days, the forces of the top four on the list all broke out into shocking battles!

Within half a month... on this day, the top five on the Tianjiao list all changed!

【No. 1: Zixiao Taoist Palace—Taoist Wang Ye!】

【No. 2: Ancient Dragon Kingdom——Emperor Long San!】

【No. 3: Tiansha restricted area—Shazi Yu Li!】

【No. 4: Immortal Clan - Young Clan Leader Xiang Yuan! 】

At this moment, the Tianjiao Ranking was shaking violently, affecting the entire Jiuxuantian!

Countless people were horrified to see that the names of the top five were all replaced!

"This this this!! ?"

"Oh my god, the top five... the top five have all been replaced! ?"

"Why do the top five now all feel so unfamiliar?!"


Everyone looked at the unfamiliar names one after another on the list, and their scalps tingled!

This was too shocking for them!

The top five on the list now were extremely unfamiliar to most people!

Even if they had heard of the forces they belonged to, they didn't know the people on the list at all!

In an instant,

Jiuxuantian exploded!

No one could have thought that the bottom of the Tianjiao list would be replaced, and the original top five... were all replaced in less than half a month!!


At the same time,

Daoyi Saint Sect.

At this moment,

Ling Qianxue was also paying attention to the changes in the Tianjiao List on the sky, and her pupils shrank!

"how come……"

When she saw the names above, her breath quickened!

These names...

Aren't they the five people mentioned in the senior brother's diary! ?

They really took action!

And the speed was so fast that it made people's scalps numb!

Amid the roar of the sky,

"What else does Senior Brother know? How powerful are these people?

Ling Qianxue was shocked. In addition to the shock of the five strangers, she was most shocked that everything was just as Senior Brother said, these five people dominated the top five of the list!!

Her body was trembling slightly, and she was shocked beyond words!

With the huge change in the number of places on the Tianjiao list...

Ling Qianxue knew very well that Jiuxuantian was going to change!

"The troubled times... have they already begun! ?"

She recalled the contents of the diary she had seen before and murmured.

In addition to the dark turmoil, everything that the senior brother mentioned in the diary had happened!!!

…… ps:

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