I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 73: Superman, You Have No Heart! Look At Wanda!

When the video was played on the screen, there were many comments from the outside world.

At the beginning, when I saw An Lan and Apocalypse fighting, and the terrifying scene of the two fighting after a long fight:

"Oh my god, this villain Apocalypse is so strong this time, and his fighting power is not at the same level as the four knights under him. No wonder he calls himself a god! Can Lan not beat him?"

"It may be difficult, but we should be able to win in the end. But I feel that this Apocalypse really has no weaknesses, and is powerful in all aspects!"

"Yes, Lan's power is so strong that his thermal vision can even cut off the Pyramids directly, but it can't cause much damage to Apocalypse, and this guy recovers very quickly. I'm speechless."

When An Lan was blasted into the ground by Apocalypse in the video, and even a silver giant mountain was summoned to suppress him:

"Damn! The oppression of this move is too strong! A huge mountain that covers the sky and the sun falls from the sky, covering the world. I have never dreamed of such a terrifying scene!"

"Hey, it's a bit like Sorcerer in the last video Supreme Lan used this move to deal with Dark Supreme Lan, but unfortunately Superman was obviously not as strong as Dark Supreme and was suppressed!"

"That's not right, isn't Superman very fast? Why did he have to resist? Wouldn't it be better to dodge?"

"Because once he dodges, the mountain will hit the ground directly at such a fast speed, which will at least cause a destruction area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. I'm afraid no one will survive in the entire polar range!"

"Superman came with others, Apocalypse obviously found out [and is using this! Forcing Superman to take the attack!"

When An Lan was pressed to the ground by the silver giant mountain in the video, the boundless explosion and shockwave spread, and the giant mountain was punched deep into the ground by Apocalypse, many viewers who couldn't see An Lan were a little panicked.

People began to worry whether Superman An Lan was forced to take the pressure of the giant mountain, and finally exhausted and seriously injured, and lost his combat effectiveness.

For a time, the speed of refreshing information on the Internet slowed down a lot.

Later, when Magneto was driving the spaceship to escape with people, the spaceship was shaking under the storm and shockwave, which was even more unbearable to watch.

"Although it's not good to say this, are these people really not here to drag us down?"

"I can't imagine how these people will face the Apocalypse world-destroying crisis without Lan!"

"Charles, the only one who could help Lan, gave his head in advance because of his arrogance. Now the brainwave amplifier is gone, and Lan has to carry it all by himself. Damn it!"

"No, why do I feel that this Magneto is just paddling? He was so awesome when he was under Apocalypse, and he set off a world-destroying geomagnetic rampage, but now he is driving the ship to escape and it is so unstable! Blacken is really ten times stronger and Xibai is seven points weaker, right?"

"I don't think Magneto can be blamed for this. Didn't he say that he couldn't control the geomagnetism accurately, but just guided it. It's relatively simple to create a disaster, but

Participating in the battle gives Superman can't help, he can't do such precise control. "

When the observer's narration sounded, saying that the fate of mankind and all things on earth has come to the edge of the cliff, only one step away from the abyss, the audience's hearts began to sink.

Until Wanda suddenly fell asleep in the video, her spirit entered a pure white space, and saw herself in another parallel universe, everyone was surprised that Wanda in the parallel universe could actually travel through the universe mentally, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

They had guessed that the video might not end so easily, but they didn't expect the turning point to be here!

And with the conversation between the two Wandas in the video, the audience who were relieved couldn't help but feel pity for the two Wandas.

According to the mature version of Wanda, in the hundreds of parallel universes she traveled through through dreamwalking, almost every Wanda had a nearly identical fate: losing her parents when she was a child, losing her brother when she grew up, wanting revenge but failing, and finally dying alone with pain and sadness... Only Wanda in this universe was an exception.

But when people think about it carefully, they feel a chill.

Because Wanda in this universe was an orphan since childhood, without parents or brothers. Although she was later sent to Xavier Academy by Mystique Raven, she spent a happier childhood and youth with An Lan's company than Wanda in other parallel universes.

But this also makes her regard An Lan, who grew up with her, as her closest person and spiritual support!

According to the future destiny predicted by Wanda who traveled through time, Superman An Lan will die in the battle with Apocalypse. Although he defeated Apocalypse and saved the world, he also lost his life!

In this case, Wanda in this universe may eventually have the same fate as Wanda in other universes. First, she will lose the person she cherishes most, and perhaps later, her fate will also be to die in pain and loneliness...

But Wanda in the video shows that she doesn't care about her own destiny or even her own life. Her heart is all on An Lan!

She even tells the mature version of Wanda that she can use her body as much as she wants, as long as she can save Superman An Lan from the crisis of death, even if the price is her own death!

This determination shocked everyone who watched the video, and also made those who were involved in the video The audience from Superman's perspective has a surge in favor of her!

In the video, Wanda, who is a little inferior and doesn't even dare to confess to An Lan, watches him get together with others, and only longs for a little bit of insignificant companionship, which makes countless people feel distressed.

She doesn't dare to confess to An Lan because she cares too much, so she can't bear any variables that may affect their relationship.

But it is also because of caring too much that this girl who doesn't have the courage to confess can give her life for An Lan without hesitation!

At this moment, her brilliance made countless viewers couldn't help but support her online:

——". "An! Lan! Open your eyes and take a good look! This is the girl you deserve to cherish! Why do you want Gwen? Isn't Wanda good?"

PS: Some friends think that it's not good to put the joke at the end of the chapter. I will send the Apocalypse 4 editor to the work related later. If you are interested, you can read it.

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