I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 71: The Supreme Witch! Wanda From The Parallel Universe Arrives!

【"What should we do next?" Magneto asked a question that silenced everyone.

"It's all my fault! If it weren't for my arrogance, Apocalypse wouldn't have found the academy. At this time, I could also use the brain wave strengthening device to help Lan fight, at least I could interfere with Apocalypse's thoughts! Instead of being unable to help him now!"

The weak professor hit his leg with his fist in regret.

Several students and Hank didn't speak. Although the professor's original intention was to try not to let the students of the academy fight to the death for enemies that he could solve, it was also a fact that his overconfidence in his ability caused the original plan to fight Apocalypse to collapse.

Johnny and Scott were dejected. Susan looked at the silver light in her hand, hated her weakness, and tears filled her eyes.

Wanda, who had been huddled in the corner with her knees hugged and looked dull, suddenly rolled her eyes and drooped her head weakly, as if she had completely fallen into autism.

Johnny, who was standing opposite Wanda, raised his eyelids and glanced at Wanda, not paying much attention to her abnormality.

Although An Lan has become a boyfriend and girlfriend with the gentle and cheerful Susan in the academy, as the only student who has been willing to get close to the ‘Scarlet Witch’ since childhood, An Lan’s position in Wanda’s heart is also well known.

Her feelings for An Lan are also known to almost everyone in the academy, but the inferiority complex caused by her experience of being excluded from others since childhood makes her dare not express this feeling in front of An Lan openly.

As one of the people closest to An Lan, Johnny can see these situations clearly as a bystander, and he also knows that at the moment Wanda’s worries and anxiety may not be less than his own.

There are other people who noticed Wanda’s actions like Johnny, but now everyone’s heart is surging with frustration and anxiety, and no one will think too much.

After a silence, Charles spoke again, but he asked his old friend: "Eric, the way you manipulated the geomagnetism before can also cause great destructive power. Can you help Lan in that way?"

Magneto shook his head and said: "Sorry, Charles, I can't do it."

"I manipulated the geomagnetism before, which was actually just a simple guidance and disruption of the earth's original magnetic field, but I can't control what kind of consequences it will cause!"

"For example, the way I induced the geomagnetism is like a person using explosives to blow up the dam and release the water inside, but I can't control the direction in which the water will flow after leaving the dam! I can't control the water to drown the bad guys and avoid the good guys!"

Magneto's helpless voice fell, and even the professor was silent.

The next moment, the Observer's voiceover, which had been silent for a long time, sounded: "An Lan, who grew up in a comfortable environment, inevitably fell into a disadvantage when facing Apocalypse, who had lived for tens of thousands of years and had almost perfect combat experience and strength." "The fate of billions of humans and all life on this planet has reached the edge of the abyss at the moment!" At this moment, an existence from Otherworld decided to join the battle... Before the Observer's voiceover ended, the screen zoomed in on Wanda who was huddled in the corner. The next moment, the screen jumped. In a pure white world, Wanda suddenly opened her eyes. "Am I not at the edge of the battlefield where An Lan and Apocalypse are fighting? Where is this?" Wanda looked around, then lowered her head and found that she had changed back to the clothes she usually wore in the academy, not the combat uniform she wore before going to Eji. "This is your spiritual world... It's also your dream... "A vague voice sounded in the pure white space. "My spiritual world? Dream?" Wanda frowned in confusion, and then the next moment, a crimson mist surged out from the edge of the pure white space, and quickly grew, and finally gathered in front of Wanda.

A white palm stretched out from the mist, and gently waved it to disperse the crimson mist. A figure who looked almost the same as Wanda, but looked more mature and beautiful, walked out and came to her.

"Who...are you?" Wanda showed a surprised and alert look.

The surging crimson mist was obviously very similar to her Ability, but the person who appeared in front of her had a completely different temperament from her!

The figure was wearing a crimson, gorgeous dress with complex runes, and a gorgeous hollow crimson crown. The whole body was full of noble and confident aura, but there was malice in the eyes when looking at her.

"Are you...my sister?" Wanda could only come to this conclusion.

After all, the person in front of her had similar Ability and similar appearance to her, but looked more mature than her.

"No, I am you...Wanda· Maximov!" The mature version of Wanda raised her lips into an evil smile.

"I don't understand!" Wanda shook her head.

"I am you from a parallel universe. You should understand what a parallel universe is, right?" asked the mature version of Wanda.

"I have heard of this." Wanda asked: "So, how did you get here? And why did you come?"

The evil smile on the face of the mature version of Wanda suddenly faded: "Let me tell you a story."

"I have lived in the war in SOKOVIA since I was a child. When I was seven years old, I suddenly started to have a strange dream. In the dream, I was an orphan. I was taken away from SOKOVIA by a woman named Raven and went to a place called Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth."

"There I met a boy named An Lan. He was not like other people who alienated me, feared me, and isolated me. He would accompany me when I was lonely and comfort me when I was wronged..."

Wanda's eyes moved, but she didn't say anything and listened quietly.

"That boy is like the sun that illuminates my life! And I am also living happily among the students with his company, growing up slowly... "

Mature version Wanda sighed: "But, all that is just a dream after all... "

"Every time I wake up, my tears will wet the pillow. In reality, I still live in that war-torn country... Fortunately, Pietro is with me, so I don't go crazy because of the huge amounts of contrast!"

"Who is Pietro?" Wanda asked with a frown.

"My...or our brother." The mature version of Wanda said casually, and then continued to tell her story:

"When I grew up, I met my teacher, a witch named Agatha, who taught me to master my own Origin Magic Power. I also learned a lot of spell knowledge from her, especially the magic of predicting the future! Because I want to find the boy in my dream!"

"Did you succeed?" Wanda couldn't help asking...

"I failed. In my universe, he didn't exist at all..." The mature version of Wanda slowly said: "Then I went through a lot of things...

"Pietro died under the gun of Ultron, a robot made by Tony Stark, to save people. My teacher Agatha wanted to devour me to get my Origin Magic Power………………"

"When I killed Agatha and obtained the Dark Book in her collection, after reading the knowledge above, I finally understood that the dream I had had intermittently for more than ten years was not a false comfort generated by my desire for security!"

"It was the real life experience of another parallel universe, which was synchronized into my soul by some coincidence!"

"So I began to use dream walking to travel my spirit to one parallel universe after another! Find the source of my dream!"

At this point, the tone of the mature version of Wanda gradually became a little sharp: "Then after traveling through hundreds of parallel universes and using Origin Magic Power to deduce the fate of hundreds of parallel universes, I came to a sad conclusion………………"

Wanda listened to the story of another self and gradually became fascinated: "What conclusion?"

"Every universe Wanda, almost all have the same fate………………

"I lost my parents when I was a child………………

"I lost my brother when I grew up………………

"I want to avenge my parents and brother, but I never succeed. There is only grief and hatred in my life!"

"In the end, even I will die in loneliness and regret...as if this is our destined fate in all universes!"

"Until I traveled through hundreds of parallel universes and finally found you..." The mature version of Wanda looked at the young self opposite, lowered her eyes to hide the jealousy and malice in her eyes, and continued:

"I saw the boy who grew up with me in my dreams through your eyes! The only light left in my miserable life now!

Wanda opened her mouth and looked at the mature version of herself, not knowing what to say.

"I deduced your fate, saw your past life, and completed the missing fragments in my dreams... I also saw your future.'

Hearing this, Wanda, who was worried about the battle between Anlan and Apocalypse, hurriedly asked: "You can see the future, then... Is Anlan still there in the future? Did he win the battle with Apocalypse?"

Mature version Wanda said lightly: "The future is not immutable, but at least in the future I saw, he won with difficulty and saved this world that should have been destroyed and those who should have died...】

Apocalypse Four Editors 1: When I saw the writer open the first chapter of the novel, I heard one of the four editors say in a thunderous voice: Come on. I looked and saw a white horse, and the editor on the horse was holding a bow, and a whip was given to him, and he came out and asked you to write and write again!

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