I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 58: Superpowers Out Of Control And Invisible Susan's Enrollment

Pietro was a little awkward: "But... we will go to the United States in the future, and live under the protection of Tony Stark, whom we once hated?"

"If there is a choice, I don't want to borrow the power of the Stark Group......" Wanda sighed and looked at the sky: "The one who deserves our trust the most is actually Lan!"

"And there are Kamar-Taj magicians on the Internet who broke the news that Lan has entered Kamar-Taj to learn magic and has mastered the latitude gate!"

"It's a pity that we don't have his contact information, otherwise I believe that with Lan's kindness, even if we are still strangers, he will definitely be willing to help us!"

In reality, Wanda and Pietro tried to borrow the power of the Stark Group to leave SOKOVIA to avoid possible threats. "The image in the unfinished screen continued.

[After Charles received the little girl brought by Raven, he habitually brought her to the students and asked her to introduce herself like Anlan and Johnny.

The students watching, including Anlan and Johnny who had just demonstrated their abilities, clapped their hands to welcome the new students.

After the welcoming ceremony, the little girl Wanda· Maximov relaxed a little and gradually showed an innocent smile.

Charles, who felt Wanda's change of mentality, began to try to guide her power, hoping that she could show her ability to future classmates like Anlan and Johnny

Then, when no one expected it, the disaster happened!

A dangerous crimson energy burst out from the little girl, and Charles, who was responsible for guiding her power, was the first to bear the brunt, bleeding from all seven orifices and collapsed in a wheelchair.

Afterwards, the runaway crimson energy swept half of the academy, pulling everyone into a crimson nightmare!

One by one, the screens switched, and everyone who was pulled into the dream saw the most fearful thing in their hearts!

Johnny returned to the moment when he was bullied by three older children in the orphanage, but he failed to activate the super ability. He was severely bullied, and Anlan was adopted and left, and then he fell into endless bullying!

Anlan returned to the fire that burned down the orphanage, but he failed to spit out the freezing breath, and the raging fire burned everything!

The blonde who sent Wanda Raven saw a man with a tough face who could control metal, but when she faced danger, she was decisively pulled in front of the man to resist the attack!

Charles came to a doomsday wasteland, where countless super robots made by humans were madly slaughtering every Mutant!

Everyone was immersed in pain and fear! The abilities of students and even teachers began to go out of control!

Fire ignited on Johnny's body!

Red light shone in An Lan's eyes!

Raven's appearance was changing!

Hank grew fangs, claws and blue hair!

Charles' vast mental power surged back and forth throughout the academy!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Wanda herself to seem unable to withstand the burst of crimson energy, and she fainted with her eyes rolled up, and the people who lost control in the academy escaped from the nightmare.

In a short moment, the scene had become a mess, all of which were traces left by the rampage of super abilities!

After escaping the scarlet nightmare, the students and teachers who were still relatively intact quickly took action to move the injured people who were out of control of super abilities to treatment.

The scene jumped, and Xavier Academy seemed to have returned to peace. The injured students, teachers, and Charles also recovered.

But except for Charles and the teacher "Beast" Hank, almost no one approached the scary little girl.

Just like ordinary people regard Mutants as monsters, the Mutant students who have experienced a scarlet nightmare also regard the little girl as a monster!

They even gave her a nickname with fear and malice in private: the female Mutant who uses scarlet evil power and is as scary as a witch in a fairy tale [abbreviated as Scarlet Witch!]

Outside, in a private villa on the West Coast, Tony Stark raised his eyebrows after watching this plot.

"So that's what happened..." He understood the call he had just received from the SOKOVIA branch. Why did the brother and sister who had dealt with him before but obviously didn't like him suddenly ask him to help arrange their trip to the United States.

Obviously, the brother and sister realized that if they continued to stay in SOKOVIA, something they didn't want to encounter might happen. After realizing their own specialness, they didn't even dare to take a normal plane and directly asked him for help.

"Damn it, we all know that there will be so many dangers in the future, why are there so many rubbish doing things in secret!" Tony Stark cursed, and at the same time he felt a little proud: it seems that the brother and sister have become frightened birds, but at the most dangerous moment they are willing to believe in him, a person they originally disliked. This shows that his image of justice is still recognized by the public! Even Wanda and her brother, who have a certain grudge against him to some extent, have verified his character, and in a critical moment they did not believe in the SOKOVIA officials but believed in him! Since they entrusted their lives to him, I can't let these two children get hurt! Originally, after receiving the call, he just asked the head of the branch of SOKOVIA to arrange a special plane to send Wanda and Pietro to the United States. Under normal circumstances, this is enough to ensure the safe arrival of the brother and sister. But now that he has seen the power shown by Mutant Wanda in the video, Stark suddenly feels that it is a bit unsafe. "J.A.R.V.I.S., arrange for Mark 3 to Mark 10 to go to SOKOVIA for escort, and make sure the two children arrive safely!"

Tony Stark gave the order, and immediately the voice of the artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. came from the headset: "It is recommended that you leave a set of armor to protect your own safety."

"Then leave No. 5."


Almost at the same time as J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice fell, the roof of the villa opened, and in the armor display cabinet inside the house, a set of Mark series armors of different shapes lit up with cold white light at the eyes

The armor medical nozzle ejected energy flow.

The next moment, several golden-red shadows soared into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky with a sonic boom.

Looking at the direction of the steel armor going away under the sky, Tony Stark sighed softly: "This world is becoming more and more complicated............"

Wanda's premonition was correct.

When the little girl in the sky introduced herself and said her name, and then showed the power of super ability and almost destroyed the whole school, [In reality, some organizations did take action against them.

Or, before that, they had already paid attention to them and other outstanding ability people who appeared in the future video.

It was just that Wanda's potential in this video, and her appearance as a super ability person in three consecutive videos, turned those attentions into attention!

To ​​the point that they were willing to bite their teeth and take some risks to get them!

After all, although the future video has made countries and even the whole world more closely connected to a certain extent to deal with possible crises in the future.

But even the Thanos crisis, where he snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the life in the universe, was not flattered by everyone.

Because some people who stand at the top of the human pyramids and are in high positions and have great power will not live to the point of snapping their fingers ten or ten years later, and will die of old age!

The examples of the Ancient One magician and Auburn in the last video also tell the world that mystery and transcendence are the ladder to immortality!

Although the super abilities of Wanda and her brother seem to have nothing to do with immortality, they are also extraordinary!

As long as they see a glimmer of hope, some people who are dying will do anything at all costs!

The reason why they did not attack An Lan, the "protagonist" of the video, is because they know that after the video is broadcast, or even before the video is broadcast, "An Lan must have entered the eyes of the Sorcerer Supreme.

No matter how carefully they plan, they can't successfully snatch An Lan from the eyes of a Sorcerer Supreme who can manipulate time and observe the future.

But Wanda and her brother are different.

Without background, awkward identity, living in a small country that has just restored order, and not much attention from all parties.

After all, before, their identities were just ordinary people, and they were super abilities in the video because of their hearts. scepter power transformation experiment.

For those big organizations, Wanda and her brother are like Steve Rogers. Only after being injected with super soldier serum can they be Captain America with value. There is nothing special before the injection.

But the video being played this time made those big organizations realize that they may have underestimated the siblings!

Maybe they did not have super abilities in the previous video because they were transformed by the power of the psychic scepter.

Instead, the power of the psychic scepter stimulated their potential!

So, with this speculation, more than one organization took action at the first time.

But soon those organizations that took action got the news that the siblings had left the SOKOVIA border on the Stark Group's plane.

And the plane was flying to the United States, and Tony Stark seemed to have sent several sets of steel armor to escort it.

This made many people curse secretly, and finally reluctantly gave up targeting temporarily. The actions of Wanda and her brother.

If it was just one plane, it would be fine, but if they wanted to snatch the two children under the protection of the steel armor, it would be extremely difficult.

[Screen jump.

"." Hey, stay away from that monster, Susan!"

After another welcome ceremony, the students who looked like they had grown up five or six years ago were talking and laughing around a new member of the academy.

But when the new student Susan looked at Wanda, who seemed to be isolated and stood alone in the corner, separated from the crowd, with some doubts, the students' eyes were filled with fear, disgust and rejection, warning the new students.

"Monster?" Susan frowned and asked with some displeasure: "Why call her that? Many people present should have had the experience of being called monsters by outsiders, right?

"Because she is very dangerous, very dangerous! The teachers emphasized: She almost killed everyone in the academy when she entered the school!"

"No way?" Susan's eyes flashed with shock. Looking at the fear in the eyes of her classmates, she understood why the girl was excluded.

"It's true. Charles and many classmates were seriously injured and almost died! No one dared to approach her since then!" Someone added: "And that wasn't the only time her Ability went out of control! It happened again later, but it didn't cause serious consequences!" Susan looked at the lonely figure in the distance, nodded and blended in with her classmates: "I understand, I will stay away from her, thank you for your warning!" However, just when she was about to look away, she found that a boy walked up to the lonely figure and sat down next to her, and the girl smiled more because of this. "Wait, who is that?" Susan pointed in the direction of the two people and asked the students next to her: "Why is he with that person? Didn't you say that no one dared to approach her?" The student who was asked looked back and said with a complicated look: "That's An Lan, nicknamed Superman, a good man, who has a good relationship with everyone (Li Hao)

, probably because he and Scarlet Witch entered school at the same time, so he occasionally takes care of her." Susan asked: "Isn't he afraid of danger?" Several students next to her heard this question and their mouths twitched. One of them said: "Lan's super ability is very special, and his body defense is very strong. So far, none of us have seen him injured!"

"He has experienced Scarlet Witch's super ability twice. Ability went wild, but he didn't suffer any damage... Maybe this is why he was willing to approach her.

"His defense is so strong that he has never been hurt? Is it true?" Susan exclaimed in a low voice.

"Yes, we have tried it before. Whether it is the flame of Johnny the Human Torch that melts metal or the diamond nails of Diamond Man Joz that are ridiculously hard and sharp, they can't leave any marks on him!"

"It's as if his defense has no upper limit at all!"

Susan turned her head to look at the classmate named Scarlet Witch, "Superman" An Lan, and asked: "Because he has super defense, do you nickname him Superman?"

"No, we call him Superman because he has many powerful super abilities, such as freezing breath, high temperature vision! Bio-force field!"


"He also has Super Vision, Super Hearing, Super Strength, Super Defense, Super Speed!"

"Huh? What!"

"According to the professor, he can also get stronger in the sun!"


After a string of After the Ability, ten students who looked to be twelve years old were envious and their eyes turned red: "Although after Awakening Mutant, the basic physical qualities will be strengthened, but being as strong as Superman is really outrageous!'

Others around, including Susan, nodded silently in agreement.】

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