The tall pile of stones began to tremble.

An inexplicable force exploded from below, and the pile of stones began to collapse layer by layer.

Everyone retreated cautiously.

After a long silence, Wei Yuan slowly picked up the tiger-killing bow and aimed at the pile of stones.

Just wait for the demon to show up and then give him a "big gift"!

Seeing this, the other soldiers also took out several hidden weapons from their arms.


The raging black and red demon mist drilled out from the gaps in the pile of stones and gathered together.

Only a muffled sound was heard.

The remaining hundreds of huge stones instantly collapsed into debris.

A short and fat black figure leaped and landed on the open space.


"Don't do it yet!"

A hoarse voice came out of the mouth of the figure without warning.

Wei Yuan raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't hear it.

He quickly pulled out five evil arrows from the quiver and shot them one by one.

Continuous piercing the clouds!

"Why didn't you wait for me to finish my words?"

Seeing this, the man in black armor spit out a spider web from his mouth with a little anger.

It easily caught all the explosive evil arrows shot by Wei Yuan.

Even if all the evil arrows exploded, they couldn't break the tough spider web.

Wei Yuan sighed lightly, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

I don't know how this spider web was tempered to be so tough.

"Everyone, stop here!"

The man in black armor swallowed the spider web in the air into his stomach.


"You have seen my sincerity!"

It paused, pointed at Wei Yuan, and its face suddenly became a lot weird.

"I have to admit that you are very strong! The blood and qi in your body are so strong that you don't look like a soldier at all!"

"For a moment, I even felt that you were my kind."


"If we continue to fight, there will be no other result except that both sides will be injured."

It pointed at Liu Qingdi and Liu Liu again.

"I can guarantee that except for these two people and you, everyone else will die."

"Leave! I will pretend that I have never seen you, and you don't continue to trouble me."

"I need to stay here for a few days, and I will leave here when the time is up."

"You turn a blind eye, and I promise to kill as few people as possible, how about it?"

The man in black armor finally chose to take the initiative to seek peace.

This made everyone present frown.

Since the chaos of demons,

the attitude of demons towards the human race has always been "kill".

Few people who fall into the hands of demons can survive unscathed.

After all, they also need to devour humans to make up for their shortcomings.

Now, it is really novel for a demon to say such a thing out of the blue.


Wei Yuan grinned, outlining a hideous smile.

"Even when you speak softly, can't you lower your arrogant attitude?"

"Kill fewer people?"

"Are you giving us alms?"

"Or do you think..."

"Was I, Wei, scared?"

Wei Yuan's demeanor gradually became crazy.

He did not hide the uncontrollable greed and intoxication in his eyes.

It seemed as if he wanted to immediately peel off the shell of the demon in front of him.

Carefully taste every piece of its flesh and blood.

Swallow the remaining lifespan as well.

"Shut up!"

The black-armored man finally couldn't stand Wei Yuan's fiery gaze and shouted suddenly.

For the first time, an extremely angry expression appeared on his somewhat stiff face.

His brows were furrowed, his facial features were twisted, like an evil ghost.

For some reason, the skin covered by the black armor began to feel cold.

It stared at the burly man in front of it.

Hundreds of needle-sized pupils suddenly appeared in its eyes.

It really wanted to figure out one thing now.

Is this man the same kind as itself?

The more it looked at the man in front of it, the more it felt something was wrong.

This was completely different from the human cultivators it usually saw.

It was even an extreme.

He seemed to not care about anything else at all.

It seemed that he only wanted to kill himself.

An emotion called fear gradually spread in its heart.

The black-armored man took a deep breath and suddenly felt that Wei Yuan's expression at the moment might be more suitable for him.

So, it adjusted its facial muscles.

Try your best to imitate Wei Yuan's current appearance.

"Since you are so stubborn!"


Then I will accompany you to the end!"

The terrifying aura emerged from its body, emitting a terrifying pressure.

The shadow of a ferocious and brutal spider slowly appeared behind it.

Seeing that everyone was a little distracted,

the black-armored man suddenly shot out several pale spider silks from his mouth.

It was like a sharp pale bone spear shooting at everyone.


Wei Yuan shouted, dragging Liu Qingshan away from the place locked by the bone spear.

The others reacted quickly.

Before Wei Yuan could speak, they were already prepared to escape and dodge.

It must be said that

these monks of the Patrol of the Sky are indeed experienced, and they shot several hidden weapons at the black-armored man while running.

No matter how powerful it is, it is great to be able to hinder him for a moment.

"Puff puff puff! "

The pale spider silk sank deeply into the soil.

After a few breaths,

the greenish-blue poisonous smoke slowly floated up from under the soil.

The soil that was contaminated kept making a "hissing" sound.

It was obvious that the spider silk was highly poisonous.

Liu Qingshan's mouth twitched a few times, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

If Wei Yuan hadn't caught him in time, he might not have been able to easily avoid the attack of the man in black armor with his level.

"Come on, it's bluffing! "

Wei Yuan shouted softly, and rushed towards the side of the black-armored man.

When he was about three feet away,

he jumped up, raised the halberd and swept out.

The red evil spirit that was a little thicker than usual covered the black heavy halberd.

Not only did it add a little bit of sharpness,

it also proved that Wei Yuan's cultivation was no longer the same as before.

Since he cultivated the first four-limb evil wheel,

the blood and qi contained in his body were no weaker than those of ordinary second-level mid-stage cultivators.

I just don't know how he will compare with the demons of the same level.

The halberd blade flashing with cold light tore through the space and slashed towards the demon's neck.

The black-armored man grinned, obviously not letting him do what he wanted.

He raised his right arm covered with black shells and directly blocked the halberd's passage.

Wei Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he twisted the halberd hurriedly.

The horizontal slash changed to a diagonal slash.

"Bang! "

The armored right arm of the man in black armor successfully blocked Wei Yuan's halberd.

He staggered, and his left calf had sunk into the mud.

Liu Qingdi seized the opportunity, quickly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, and poured it into the Qiulu Sword.

As he chanted something.

In a few breaths,

the Qiulu Sword swelled to several times its previous size in the wind.

Liu Qingdi clenched his teeth, held the hilt firmly with both hands, and slashed towards the left side of the man in black armor.

Since the sword energy could not hurt the demon, he would learn from Wei Xiaowei to "one force to defeat ten skills".

Let's see if this "one force can break all methods".

Several military strategists of Liu Liu looked at each other, and took advantage of the demon's attention being attracted by the two.

Hurry up and throw out the black iron chain in his hand with the whistling sound of the Qiulu Sword.

The five claws were like five insidious poisonous snakes, biting towards the man in black armor.

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