I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 722: Overtaken in points? (Part 2)

"What's going on? If I remember correctly, the total score of our team was about 5 million!"

"What's more, the points of the "Hunter" and "Death Claw" I killed should have been credited, a total of 6.4 million."

"In addition, during the few hours when I led you to collect blood capsules, I was madly hunting abyss creatures, and occasionally killed some mutant zombies. There are at least 1 million points here!"

"That is to say, the total score of our team should be around 12.4 million. So many points were actually surpassed by others?" Lin Xinghai calculated it a little and asked in disbelief.

The little fat man nodded with some difficulty, "The team led by Wan Feiyang at Capital University should have reached a total score of 15 million, which is about 3 million more than us."

Lin Xinghai was really surprised this time. Of course, Wan Feiyang knew that this was the original No. 1 on the scoreboard, but he was surpassed by him last night, and now he should still be on the second place on the list.

The team led by the other party is of course very strong, but after Lin Xinghai mastered the advanced shooting skills, he was able to deal with mutant zombies below level 4 like a cheat.

So Lin Xinghai only spent one day to make the total points of the Xinghai team surpass the other party.

Under this circumstance, considering the points of the two level 4 mutant zombies he killed yesterday, he really didn't think that the other party might catch up.

But now the other party not only did it, but also surpassed by nearly 3 million points, which is not simple. In other words, the points added by the other party from early morning to now are at least 10 million.

It must be said that this situation is really beyond Lin Xinghai's expectations.

"What happened? How did they do it?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"Wan Feiyang successfully broke through to the God and Demon Realm. Not only him, but also Yi Hao, who was originally ranked fifth at Capital University, also broke through to the God and Demon Realm."

"The teams of these two God and Demon Realm masters merged into one team to form a super strong team. Now they are all taking high-difficulty level 4 tasks, and each task can get more than 2 million points."

"And with the two of them working together, they killed 3 mutant zombies in one night. Although those 3 were all level 4 mutant zombies at the early stage, the points they got were not reduced at all."

At this point, the little fat man became a little indignant, "The military's points system obviously has loopholes! Level 4 mutant zombies, the early stage and the peak are not the same creatures at all, but the points they reward are the same, which is not fair to us at all."

Lin Xinghai did not listen to the little fat man's chattering afterwards. Now he finally understood why the other party was able to increase tens of millions of points in such a short time.

There are two God and Demon Realm masters in one team. This configuration must be said to be extremely luxurious. Moreover, he estimated that at least half of the people in the other team were in the Body Shaping Realm, and the remaining Blood Qi Realm masters must have been carefully selected.

Under this situation, ordinary teams can hardly compare with them.

However, after learning about the function of the blood bag, Lin Xinghai had actually expected this kind of thing, so after being surprised for a while, his expression returned to normal.

"Then have the God and Demon Realm masters been born in the Magic City University and our Donghai College?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"Xu Chengwen, who was originally ranked third in the points list of the Magic City University, also successfully broke through to the God and Demon Realm. As for our Donghai College, Xiang Tianhua, who was originally the most likely to break through... sacrificed." The little fat man's voice became much lower after he said that.

"What!" Lin Xinghai's voice suddenly rose a few points.

Last night, when Xiang Tianhua said that he would give all the important tasks to him, the relieved look on the other party's face was still vivid.

Lin Xinghai really didn't expect that meeting would be a farewell forever.

"This time, the attack on the abyss channel was too fierce. According to what I learned, the top 100 in the standings were attacked by level 4 mutant zombies."

"And the top 100 geniuses, 30 of them died, and as for the top 10 in the individual standings, 3 of them also died." The little fat man continued to tell some information that Lin Xinghai was not aware of.

Lin Xinghai was also a little silent this time. He originally thought that the military had won a great victory this time. Not only did they achieve the expected goals, but the gains were also quite huge.

In particular, after he learned about the God-making Plan, he sighed with emotion. They actually "changed" more than 100 powerful gods and demons.

In addition, after this battle, rare-level mechas, even legendary-level mechas, are expected to emerge in large numbers, allowing China's strength to take a big step forward.

But now hearing this news, he couldn't help but wonder, can humans really be considered a great victory this time?

There is no doubt that the students who can enter the top 100 of the scoreboard are definitely true geniuses among humans.

After making up for the inadequacy of the cultivation system, it is absolutely certain that they will break through to the God and Demon Realm in the future, and they will also be the God and Demon Realm with strong combat power.

But 30 of these people died directly, and this is only the top 100. How many of the rest of the students died?

He couldn't judge the gains and losses here. Now he was more concerned about another question, "What's the situation of Donghai College?"

"Everyone is in a low mood. Xiang Tianhua's death has dealt a heavy blow to morale. Now our Donghai College is the only college without students in the God and Demon Realm."

"Fortunately, you have a strong record. Many students think you are no worse than those in the God and Demon Realm. Now they all hope you can go back early and take charge of the overall situation."

"In fact, there is a big reason why we came out to perform the mission. We don't want to face the knowledge of other students."

At this point, the little fat man glanced at Lin Xinghai, and finally couldn't help asking: "Boss, the current situation is really not good for our Donghai College. Our overall strength is originally a little worse than the other two colleges."

"Before, you were able to suppress the other side's top students, which was enough to make up for that gap, but now they have all broken through to the God and Demon Realm. Do you have any way to deal with it?"

At this time, the rest of the members had all gathered around. After hearing what the little fat man said, they all looked at Lin Xinghai with expectation.

In fact, even they are not so confident now.


Update first and revise later means to update first, correct typos later.

For example, today, I was really busy, and I posted both chapters right after writing them. I will revise them tomorrow!

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