You should know that the gap between the early stage of the God and Demon Realm and the peak of the God and Demon Realm is not ordinary.

Although Lin Xinghai's strength has been greatly improved compared to the day before, just like when he used thunderstorm before, the damage he caused could only barely reach the level of the God and Demon Realm.

But now, under the full burst, he believes that he can hurt even the strong men in the middle stage of the God and Demon Realm with one thunderstorm.

This is the limit of his conventional combat power.

In Lin Xinghai's imagination, the mutant zombies he will face should be in the early or middle stage of the fourth level. Even if there is a late stage, he feels that he can barely accept it.

But the current situation is that there are two peak-level fourth-level mutant zombies here. The existence of these two alone can be comparable to ten early-level fourth-level mutant zombies.

Such a situation is something he really didn't think of before. He was not even sure whether the Thunder God Spear, which he regarded as a killer, could hurt the peak-level fourth-level mutant zombies.

However, things have come to this point, and Lin Xinghai can't care about much.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and with ten times the time acceleration, he could have time to think and decide calmly even in such a tense battle situation.

So even if Lin Xinghai thought a lot at this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, he did not hesitate at all. When the three mutant zombies rushed out of the passage, Lin Xinghai controlled the mecha to raise the modified electromagnetic rail gun and fired a shot.

For many mecha pilots, they don't like to use electromagnetic rail guns. The reason is that it is too difficult to control.

Because of the control of the mecha, there is no feeling when shooting with the electromagnetic rail gun. In this case, the shooting accuracy is at least reduced by half.

And the higher the level of mutant zombies, the more sensitive they are to danger. So generally speaking, even if someone uses the electromagnetic rail gun, at most they can only hit the mutant zombies of level one or two.

As for higher levels, don't even think about hitting them.

It has to be said that even Lin Xinghai, if he wants to rely on pure skills, it is impossible to hit a level four mutant zombie running at high speed.

Of course, in addition to skills, he can also control the flight trajectory of the bullet.

Although the warhead of the electromagnetic railgun is very huge, almost the size of a fist, it is more than ten times more difficult to control than ordinary bullets.

But at the same time, the lethality is also more than ten times that of ordinary armor-piercing bullets. Even the Gauss rifle with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets cannot compare with it.

The bullets fired by the electromagnetic railgun, relying solely on the impact force, have caused damage that has reached the level of the gods and demons.


With a roar, the defense layer of the "hunter" running in the front, which was condensed by the elemental force on its body, was instantly blasted apart.

The high-speed rotating bullet shot directly at the eyes of the "hunter", but the opponent raised his arm in time to protect it.

The bullet hit it, and the stratum corneum on the surface of the opponent's arm broke, and flew five or six meters away before he could barely stand firm.

Seeing that he had repelled the opponent with one shot, Lin Xinghai's face did not show any joy.

Although he had penetrated the opponent's energy barrier and cracked the opponent's stratum corneum with one shot, the problem was that this injury was nothing to a mutant zombie, just like a human's skin being broken.

And this was the "Hunter" with the weakest defense. If it was the "Giant Arm" and "Death Claw" with stronger defense, Lin Xinghai doubted whether he could break the opponent's energy defense with one shot.

Although he was a little frustrated, Lin Xinghai's hands did not stop at all. Under his control, the electromagnetic railgun roared again and again, and bullets were fired at the three mutant zombies.

At the same time, he quickly ran in another direction, trying to pull the hatred of the three mutant zombies completely to himself.

As long as he completed this step, he could rely on the advantage of speed to slowly delay and wait for rescue.

However, his idea was good, but the enemy's actions could not always be carried out according to his idea.

Even though the "Hunter" had been shot three times in a row and was in a rather embarrassing state, it finally stared at the mecha where Lin Xinghai was, and then quickly approached the convoy with a roar of "Death Claw".

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai instantly determined that the other party had a clear target.

And these three level 4 mutant zombies were not all coming for him.

If we count from the perspective of potential, their Xinghai team can definitely surpass the other teams, after all, all the special students of the entire class are in their team.

The spies planted in the human world by the Abyss Plane cannot fail to discover this. In addition, if they knew about the existence of Liu Miaomiao, they would definitely make great efforts to kill her.

After all, Liu Miaomiao's healing ability is so terrifying that he alone may be comparable to dozens of healing-type psychics.

"Be careful, the hunter is coming towards you." Lin Xinghai shouted in the communication channel.

While speaking, he had already controlled the mecha, pulled out the Thor's Spear behind him, and used the Wind and Thunder Spear Technique to stab directly at the "Death Claw" that was rushing towards him.

Although the mecha was used to perform spear skills, without the injection of blood and energy, it was impossible to exert the power of the Thunder Spear Skill, which only made the moves more mysterious.

But this was enough for Lin Xinghai, because under the state of time acceleration, he was driving a mecha, and the attack speed was terrifying. He used the extremely fast speed to stab out more than a dozen spear shadows.

Moreover, each of these spear shadows was aimed at the vital position of the "Death Claw". This scene made the "Death Claw" startled immediately, and the original attack immediately turned into defense.

Ding Ding Ding!

The dense collision sound rang out, and all the attacks of the Thunder God Spear could not even break through the "Death Claw"'s energy barrier.

This scene made the "Death Claw" angry, and when it felt that it was deceived, it launched another attack regardless of anything.

And Lin Xinghai fired again, but unlike before, he directly activated the Thunder Power Grid function attached to the Thunder God Spear.

Instantly, a terrifying high-voltage current was released, instantly piercing through the opponent's energy barrier, and the tip of the gun stabbed straight at the opponent's eyes. Although the "death claw" reacted quickly and dodged, with Lin Xinghai's attack speed, how could he completely avoid this shot.

In the end, the tip of the gun brushed the head of the death claw, leaving a long scar, and the skin around it was charred black.

After being hit by the attack, Lin Xinghai retreated instantly, not only dodging the sharp claws of the "death claw" slashing at him, but also dodging the huge iron rod swung by the "giant arm" behind him.

But after dodging the opponent's attack, Lin Xinghai did not withdraw, but only moved in a small range, using his speed advantage to launch a continuous harassment attack.

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