Looking at the somewhat confused Lieutenant General Huang Huaan, Ye Feng smiled and said two words: "Alliance!"

Huang Huaan understood instantly. It should be about the elves and some tasks.

It's just that the elves' affairs are still in the confidential stage, and they can't be discussed in such non-hidden occasions.

After leaving the abyss channel, Ye Feng quickly came to the new residence of the elves.

The elves and dwarves who were originally staying here were a little puzzled why Ye Feng came back so soon.

But when Ye Feng released a large number of tribesmen, their doubts immediately turned into excitement.

After completing the first personnel transportation, Ye Feng did not rush back, but entered the storage space and continued to absorb Yuanjing to expand the area of ​​the storage space.

After all, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. The larger the storage area, the more people can be loaded at one time, and the efficiency can be improved.

As for why not directly wait until the storage space expands to the limit, and then transport these elves here, on the one hand, it is to dispel the concerns of the elves and dwarves.

On the other hand, he also wanted to hide his details so that others would not easily find out his details, even if these people were friendly forces.

Ye Feng practiced for three hours as before, which was equivalent to 30 hours under the 10-fold time acceleration.

The storage space area was also increased from the original 60,000 cubic meters to 80,000 cubic meters.

It took Ye Feng more than 8 hours to go back and forth. Even if he practiced for 3 hours, he could complete the trip within 12 hours.

So in the next three days, Ye Feng almost maintained the efficiency of two trips a day.

And every other day, Ye Feng would open more storage space.

So on the first day of transportation, only 60,000 people were transported in two trips.

But on the second day, it soared to 100,000 people.

In just two and a half days, Ye Feng transported all 200,000 people from the elves and dwarves.

So on the third day, resources were already being transported.


"This should be the last trip. Thank you for your hard work." Elf leader Dracula said to Ye Feng seriously.

"This is what I should do. It's nothing. What's more, you have settled a large amount of contribution points for me for each trip. It's still my profit!" Ye Feng shook his head and smiled.

"Let's not be modest to each other. Take me and this thunder pool in!" Dracula said.

At this time, he had released the inner world and wrapped the entire thunder pool to prevent the violent energy inside from leaking out.

A special holy place for cultivation like this can only be sealed by him, a strong man in the world realm, before it can be transported.

Therefore, every time the elves moved in the past, it was a huge project, and a large part of the reason was that this holy place for cultivation was difficult to transport.

"Okay! Don't resist." Ye Feng reminded him, and then used the system ability to take Dracula and the thunder pool in together.


Originally, Ye Feng was a little worried, not sure whether the system space could withstand it, but it was surprisingly smooth.

Dracula, a strong man in the world, was instantly pulled into the storage space without resistance.

And the pressure on the storage space was not too great.

Four hours later, Ye Feng returned to the Earth plane again.

When he arrived at the new residence of the elves, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Even though he came twice a day, he felt incredible every time he came.

Because the changes were so huge.

In just three days, the space of this new residence has expanded 10 times compared to the beginning.

Now the area of ​​this underground space has even exceeded the original residence of the elves.

Not only that, the tallest batch of trees that have just been transplanted here has exceeded 5 meters.

At this rate, it will take less than a month for this place to become a primeval forest.

While sighing, Ye Feng released Dracula and Lei Chi.

Under normal circumstances, a strong man in the world like Dracula will definitely be attacked by the will of heaven and earth as soon as he comes out.

However, among the elves, there are some secret treasures that can conceal the will of heaven and earth. Although they can only last for 10 minutes, it is enough for Dracula to set up the thunder pool.

"Patriarch, Elder Lin." The two Rule Realm masters who were responsible for guarding here hurried over to salute.

These two Rule Realm masters, one is from the elves and the other is from the dwarves. The affairs of the Earth plane will be handled by them.

"Yeah! You all go and do your work, don't worry about me, I will leave after a few glances."

"Otherwise, I will be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth here." Dracula waved his hand, but his eyes kept looking around.

For this elf settlement, the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

In fact, he had some doubts before, but now he saw this scene with his own eyes, he was completely relieved.

Without any worries, he can use all his energy to deal with the demons.

On Ye Feng's side, he came to an open space and directly dumped all the items in the storage space.

You know, in these three days, the size of the storage space has expanded to a full 300,000 cubic meters.

Even if Ye Feng didn't use all of them, even if he took out half of the space, the resources that could be moved at one time were huge.

"All the resources are here, Klaus, please count them!" Ye Feng said to the elf warrior who followed him.

Klaus was the first rule realm warrior that Ye Feng treated when he went to the elves, and now he is the person in charge of this new elf settlement.

"Okay!" Although Klaus didn't think there would be a problem with the number, he still followed the process and immediately led a group of gods and demons to start counting.

Everyone was a strong man, so naturally they wouldn't count one by one, but directly use perception to sweep.

In less than 10 minutes, the counting was completed.

"Very good! This migration mission has been perfectly completed." Ye Feng also smiled.

At the exit of the abyss passage in the elf plane, the demon army gathered there became more and more terrifying, and there were more and more strong men. He was actually terrified every time he came here.

After Ye Feng took the Dracula tribe leader back to the storage space, he didn't stay here for long, and soon left the elf settlement.

However, as soon as he came to the ground, he saw Mr. Fang waiting here.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, why are you here? What's the matter?" Ye Feng couldn't help asking.

"No! I just heard that the migration work of the elves has been completed."

"Then for the next period of time, are you going to stay in the elf plane?" Mr. Fang couldn't help asking.

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