Chapter 19

Watts: How did you change your nickname, the boss of the Demon Lord? There is so much Haki for the Demon Lord of the Abyss. [Can’t figure it out]

Genting Overlord: Haki+1.

I’m really not a devil: the word devil does not suit me, and I am not a villain. 【Pulling Nose】

Abyss Demon King, Abyss Demon Lord, he is the Abyss Demon Lord.

However, this name sounds like a villain.

In order not to be misunderstood by others as a villain, Cheng Luo chose to change his nickname repeatedly.

Anyway, the modification will not affect yourself.

Watts: Lord Demon, you are the villain. 【Touch the head】

No matter how much Cheng Luo changes his nickname, he can’t change the fact that he is the abyss’s camp, the natural opposite.

Since it is the abyss, it is destined to be the enemies of the world that is about to be swallowed by the abyss.

This cannot be changed.

I’m really not the devil: shit, I have the final say if it is the villain. 【Pulling Nose】

I’m really not the Demon King: It is the abyss that swallows the world, what does it have to do with my Abyss Demon King? 【serious】

Devil Queen: What you said makes me powerless to refute.

Secondary two sick girl: unable to refute +1.

Create a loving world:…

I am afraid that Cheng Luo has the confidence to speak nonsense like this.

I’m really not the devil: Hey, is there a newcomer in the group?

Cheng Luo suddenly saw an unfamiliar nickname. The style of this name has an inexplicable taste of Uchiha Obito.

I’m really not the devil: the newcomer is Uchiha Obito?

Hatsune without green onions: Puff…

Secondary Two Sick Girl: Hahahaha, at the beginning, we felt that way too. 【Hahaha】

Konoha Dance King:…

Uchiha Madara feels inexplicably malicious.

The feeling is suggesting him again.


Create a world with love: Lai Xia is not Uchiha Obito, Xia Shijie is the leader of the moon worship, from the world of Legend of the Sword and Fairy, the fourth level of strength, your Excellency…

I’m really not a devil: Oh, worship the Lord of the Moon.

Cheng Luo understands when the newcomer introduces this way.

Feeling admitted wrong, the newcomer is not Uchiha Obito, but the leader of the moon worship. Thinking about what the leader of the moon worship in the original book did, this nickname seems to be nothing wrong.

Whether it is Uchiha Obito or the Lord of the Moon, they are a group of extreme people.

The proper villain.

I’m really not the Demon King: My name is Cheng Luo, I come from the abyss, and my profession is the Abyss Demon King, but I am not a villain.

Create a loving world: I am not a villain either.

The worshiper of the moon replied.

The other people in the group felt speechless for a while.

These two cubs have the ability to open their eyes and talk nonsense, that is a leverage.

I’m really not a devil: By the way, I almost forgot to do business, do any of you have gold?(Read more @

I’m really not a devil: there are good rewards.

I have a nose: how much do I need?

Voldemort had just finished speaking, and suddenly, there was a shock in the group.

A huge red envelope occupies the entire screen.

[The Devil Queen] sent an exclusive red envelope to [I’m really not a devil], please receive the red envelope.

[I’m really not a devil] I received an exclusive red envelope.


I have a nose:…

Secondary Two Sick Girl:…

Hatsune without green onions:…

I have a nose: Hey, queen, are you moving too fast?

Voldemort’s eyes widened, a little unwilling.

Obviously he spoke first.

He also wanted to ask the boss how much he needed, and he was bound to prepare a batch of gold for the boss, in exchange for a favor from the boss.

But, who knows, Morgana is so unreasonable.

He didn’t even give him time to gather gold, he rushed in front of everyone and sent a red envelope to the boss.

I am riding a horse.

Morgana, you are too much.

Can’t you come first and come later?

Genting Overlord: Stinky woman, are you moving too fast? Laozi just ordered people to go down and collect gold. 【anger】

He had the same thoughts as Voldemort, as well as the wrist hero.

He also wanted to get the favor of Cheng Luo.

As for other people, those who can have a lot of gold will worship the Lord of the Moon. However, the Lord of the Moon has not understood what happened now.

Devil Queen: Just you? Shit can’t be eaten in a hot bite. What do you compare with my old lady?

Gold, for others, is wealth.

However, for Morgana, this is just a cheap industrial raw material, which can produce millions of tons, easily.

I have a nose: trembling and cold.

Genting Overlord: Damn it.


Watts: What’s so angry about you, do you know how much the queen sent? 【Speechless】

Genting Overlord: It’s just gold, we don’t lack it either.

I have a nose: yes yes yes, we don’t lack this thing at all.

Hatsune without green onions:…

Hatsune without green onions: The queen sent out a ton of gold…

Hatsune without green onions: Do you have a ton of gold?

Genting Overlord:…

Genting Overlord: I’m riding a horse, where does this stinky woman get so much gold?

Suddenly Wrist was taken aback.

I quickly opened the red envelope and was shocked to see what I had already received. .

It’s really a ton of gold.

Damn it, Morgana, where is so much gold.

Voldemort was also frightened, but this ton of gold was not enough to frighten him.

After all, he is a dark wizard, gold and other things, just ask for a Muggle.


Wouldn’t they give it up?

Is it possible, do you still think that the black wizard will obediently take that passbook?


If he is law-abiding, he is not a black wizard.

I have a nose: just a ton of gold, I have as many Muggles.

Devil Queen: What about then? You install a hammer, gold, a cheap industrial raw material, is also qualified to install it in front of my old lady?

Devil Queen: Only the backward civilization will use gold as currency.

Devil Queen: You have as many Muggles as there are. There are as many galaxies as there are old ladies, and as many as there are old ladies. I don’t believe that you can have as much gold as my own galaxy if you are an Earth?

I have a nose:…

Morgana’s words made Voldemort and others unable to refute.

Is this the confidence of Queen Morgana?

Is this the confidence that an advanced civilization should have?

Damn, I’m so sour.

I’m really not a devil: Uhhhh, Morgana, thank you.

[I’m really not a devil] sent an exclusive red envelope to [The Devil Queen].

[Fourth more].

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