Chapter 198

Because he has tried his best to find a breakthrough!

But I couldn’t find this exit no matter how to find it.

And Mephisto also wanted to directly attack this magic palace with brute force.

But found that everything was in vain.

Although Mephisto had already used his abilities, but at this time, Mephisto changed his face extremely quickly!

Because this is a symbol of his anger.

The speed of his face change is also extremely fast.

This way, because only by changing his face over and over again can he continue to exert his powerful strength.

And if he has been in this enclosed space and can’t absorb the aura of the soul outside for a long time, then Mephisto’s ability will slowly weaken.

When the time comes, no need to compare, just lose directly.

Mephisto was so anxious at this time.

But the more anxious he was, the less he seemed to find a breakthrough.

And this is a magic palace set up by Ye Bai based on Mephisto’s character!

In fact, it seems very simple, it is just a fan of the authorities.

And Mephisto’s obsession is too deep.

On the contrary, this kind of superficial routine cannot be understood.

Ye Bai really wanted to laugh.

“You say let you come out and let you out, don’t I lose face?”

Ye Bai’s words also smashed Mephisto’s heart all at once.

Because he really doesn’t know how to come out!

But he is very helpless.

No matter how you hit this magic palace, it seems that the magic palace just doesn’t understand its movement, and it seems to be flexible to give you back all the violence you use against it.

This is also a headache for Mephisto.

He is hitting himself.

I just saw that the fire on his head was about to burst out!

This Ye Bai is too cruel.

For Mephisto, this is really a torture.

“Ye Bai, let me come out quickly, otherwise, you will be finished, the transcendence will not let you go!”

“There will be many, many powerful people in the multiverse coming over to find you!”

“Your good days are over!”

“You’d better let me go, otherwise, you regret it!”

Mephisto also tried to open this magic palace over and over again. He wandered around in this magic palace, but in fact he always walked in the same place.

In fact, this magic palace is so small that it can only hold a giant Mephisto.

Mephisto was inside, thinking it was big, so I kept walking, and there was no end to it.

The place he walks is always the place to start.

No matter how you go, it is the same.

Mephisto didn’t even know.

Just cursing Ye Bai while spitting Ye Bai at the same time.(Read more @

He said cruel words to let Ye Bai let him out.

What a stupid and cute Mephisto!

Ye Bai really has never seen such a god before!

It’s so cute!

Too cute to be a little silly.

“The Transcendant? Why didn’t he let me go? What’s up with him if I kill you? Is he your father?”

“Or are you his son?”

Ye Bai’s language at this time is a bit funny.

It’s all molesting Mephisto!

But Ye Bai’s words were transmitted to the magic palace across time and space, so that Mephisto could hear them completely.

So Ye Bai’s voice came in with a burst of echo!

It really feels like a gust of wind.

Extraordinarily pleasing!

But it sounds harsh in Mephisto!

Because he really hates Ye Bai treating him in this way!

This is really worse than death.

Mephisto can’t bear the loneliness, he wants to go out!

He has only one belief.


“Anyway, if you treat me like this, the transcendant will definitely not let you go. Anyway, in the near future, you must be like this too!”

“Feng Shui turns around, and it will turn to you sooner or later!”

Mephisto was still stubborn at this moment, his face had become a face with long teeth all over his face, looking extremely crippled.

Let no one dare (cfda) to look straight.

When Mephisto faced Ye Bai’s question, he really didn’t know how to answer it.

The transcendence must have no blood relationship with him!

Ye Bai is really laughing at Mephisto when he asks.

No other meaning!

And Ye Bai always felt that Mephisto and the Vulcan in front were just pawns for the transcendant, and had no other special use!

What makes Ye Bai even more sad is that Mephisto really feels that he is a treasure in the hands of transcendors?

I can only say that it is too naive!

“Then I’m afraid you won’t see that day. Whether there is that day or not, I only know that you won’t see it.”

“I don’t know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid.”

Ye Bai just didn’t want to talk to Mephisto anymore.

Ye Bai plans to return to Earth to find Hela!

This parallel universe, he is just a place to solve Mephisto.

And Mephisto, it doesn’t matter to him!

Just to solve it!

It’s really true that any gods dare to challenge now!

It’s time to come up with some interesting tricks.

Thinking about it this way, life is quite interesting!

“Where are you going? You let me out first!”

“You can’t go anywhere!”

At this moment, Mephisto was really panicked.

Because it seems that inside the magic palace set up by Ye Bai, you can’t hear anything from Mephisto outside except for Ye Bai!

So just now Mephisto wanted to call for help, but he couldn’t call it.

The other gods did not hear Mephisto’s voice at all.

This is what makes Mephisto feel that the edge of death continues to struggle.

He doesn’t know what the final result will be, but now he must not die!

If Ye Bai were to leave, then Mephisto would really be completely hopeless.

Mephisto can’t accept it!

He must stop Ye Bai from leaving!

“What’s wrong? Do you still need me to accompany?”

Ye Bai was talking to Mephisto with a ridiculous attitude at this time!

Now Ye Bai’s is not so casual, but it can be casual.

“Hurry up and let me out, what the hell are you doing!”

Mephisto also yelled. If it were to follow the usual strength, then this parallel universe would be crushed by Mephisto’s roar, and it would be destroyed!

But now, unlike in the past, he has been locked in a magic palace by Ye Bai.

It’s a closed space inside, but Mephisto believes that this is an endless universe, because Mephisto shows off in there and can’t see the end.

And the surrounding area is empty. .

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