293 Nothing is impossible, someone in the sky is watching (please subscribe)

Huang Minghan calmly looked at Dao Jiu who descended to Kunlun Holy City.

Many monks were shocked to see that Hua Minghan was actually in Kunlun Holy City, and he even showed up.

But more people noticed what he just said, the trial ground of the heavens?

Where is that?

Could it be that he had fought against Dao Jiu before and cut off his body?

The news was very shocking, and many cultivators couldn’t help but widen their eyes. In this way, the young taboo named Dao Jiu had actually fought against Dong Minghan before this, and he probably lost.

So will you come to find a place?

Many people thought so, and after reacting, Bao’s excited and excited expressions appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect that one day, I would be able to witness such a big battle with my own eyes. I’m afraid not many people are qualified to witness it.”

Everyone was excited, and many of the younger generation were even more excited.

Dao Jiu looked at Lei Minghan indifferently, unmoved by his words, just said, “In the battle in the trial ground of the heavens, I will wash it with your blood today, but I admire you for still Have the guts to show up.”

His eyes are very deep, as if seeing through all the changes, looking directly at Hua Minghan.

Proving Han stood on the Golden Avenue and said in a flat tone, “It’s the first time I’ve seen someone who is anxious to die. If you want to die, then I will fulfill you today.”

“You might as well try.

Dao Jiu sneered, there was not much nonsense, and regardless of whether there were any conspiracies here, he chose to do it directly. He was strong and confident. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy would be broken.


He made a move, and dropped a punch directly, smashing the painting Minghan, without asking the followers behind him to help, the figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The violent and surging aura of the emperor’s way floated up and down around him like a chaotic aura, as if an ancient kingdom had descended and was pushed by him.

The crushed void trembled unceasingly, and it was about to explode in an instant.

This kind of fierce and domineering power is extremely powerful and contains unimaginable power, which can open up the world and transform the past and the present.

Infinite Heaven is the top ten strongest world among the heavens, and there are countless unique magical abilities.

Dao Jiuguang is the one who uses this hand, and there are countless secret treasures of heaven.

At the same time, his flesh and blood glowed, his cheekbones were even more fiery, and his spiritual power was surging, as if a piece of Wang Yang rushed towards him, rolling the sky.

All the monks and creatures watching the battle were shocked, their hearts swayed, and it was difficult to calm down.

Even though Tianjiao, who is autistic and his peers rarely meet opponents, still feels that he is vulnerable like an ant, and will explode under this kind of fierce and domineering power, destroying both body and spirit.

“This is the great method of my immeasurable heavens. When it is complete, it will open up a new world in chaos, and the body will be immortal…”

The followers behind Dao Jiu also showed reverence and yearning on their faces.

In the face of Dao Jiu’s extremely terrifying ultimate move, almost everyone was moved and shocked, and it was difficult to stand up.

Dao Jiu is like a blazing sun, hanging high in the air, every strand of hair is glowing, transpiring and rhythmic fist light, the wheel smashes into the void, and when it reaches the sun, it seems to be able to evaporate all the flesh and blood of living beings.

Proving that Han looked very calm, he still stood there overlooking him, and at the moment when the fist light was about to fall around him, there was a slight wave of encouragement on his face, and time and space seemed to be twisted.

Then, his figure disappeared from it out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in another void, still looking at Dao Jiu calmly.

“You can’t even touch the edge of my clothes…”

He shook his head slightly, his tone did not waver much, as if he was expounding a very simple fact.

The entire space-time seems to have become his domain, as long as his thoughts go, then his figure can come.

Dao Jiu stared at him, saying, “The field of time and space? I underestimated your good fortune, but it’s a pity that you think that you have the field of time and space, can you stop me? It’s ridiculous. 3)

“Eternal time has passed, time has flown in chaos, only the imperial way will last forever…

“In front of my immeasurable kingdom of gods, time and space will also fade, eternity will become empty, and everything will turn to ashes.”

The moment his words fell, immeasurable light suddenly appeared behind him, as if there were three pots of divine kingdoms emerging, each of which was immortal and immortal.

Among each god, there seem to be hundreds of millions of gods and demons sitting cross-legged, chanting, and praying.

This is the realm of imperial Dao that Dao Jiu has condensed and captured in the realm of the king of gods. Wherever his thoughts go, it is the kingdom of gods and the land of kings.

At this moment, he seemed to be walking in the center of the kingdom of the gods, endless rays of light shrouded him, the whole world was trembling, and he wanted to surrender under his feet.

All the monks watching the battle in front of the Kunlun Holy City, whether they were younger or older, were all terrified and trembling.

They only felt that their knees were weak and their souls were trembling. They couldn’t help but kneel down in front of this young figure and pray sincerely.

This is the power of the immeasurable kingdom of gods, the light of the gods is scattered, and they are all transformed into king soil.


Dao Jiu attacked again, this time wrapped in the power of God, to suppress Hua Minghan’s space-time domain, the phantom of the Three Rough Divine Kingdom appeared around him, conveying the mighty power of rhyme.

“Is the royal road domain? 99

Huang Minghan was still calmly looking at Dao Jiu who came to kill him, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

Dao Jiu’s strength is indeed very strong, and it is natural to have no problem swept across the peers in the Three Cans Domain.

However, Hua Minghan doesn’t need to care about the existence of the highest level of humanity now, and even more cautions that he is a Dao Jiu.

Even if Dao Jiu is ashamed to create magical powers and has countless opportunities, in the face of absolute power, it will not have any effect.

It’s just that what he’s thinking about now is, if he kills Dao Jiu here, will he scare the snake, and let the policeman’s young taboo detect the abnormality and escape in advance.

This is not in line with Dong Minghan’s initial plan.

After all, he wanted to wipe out all the young taboos in the heavens. If one escaped, it would bring some trouble.

And just as he was thinking about it, the Kingdom of the Three Dilemmas was already pressing forward.

The terrifying and surging oppressive force seems to have a real world, and when it is suppressed in the air, it is enough to crush all matter into ashes.


Huang Minghan raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and slashed towards one finger.

An invisible and dazzling sword light suddenly swept across the sky. At first, it was only a few feet long, but it quickly rose into the sky, becoming as thick as a mountain range, with a clanging sound, and the sword moved the sky.

This sword beam is extremely dazzling, as if to split the heaven and the earth, crush and collide with it, and fight violently with Dao Jiu’s Three Rough Divine Kingdom.

There was chaos here all of a sudden, and endless rays of light erupted, as if there were many stars erupting.

The monks watching the battle all felt their eyes sting and tears flowed, unable to look directly, so they quickly turned their eyes away.

What the hell!!!

Sanyan Divine Kingdom is majestic and immortal, like a glorious sun that will never fall, but at this moment there is a cracking sound, and there are signs of collapse.

A look of surprise appeared on Dao Jiu’s face, he didn’t expect to be broken by such a casual sword finger as Hua Minghan.

At the same time, in the dark, an uneasy feeling enveloped him.

Taking this opportunity, Huang Minghan passed by in the endless rays of light, and was hooked in front of Dao Jiu at once.

Looking at the other party’s shocked and unbelievable expression, there was only endless indifference and calmness on his face.


The skin of Dao Jiu’s whole body trembled, and the great unease enveloped him, causing his temples to sting.

Under his imperial realm, it is impossible for Dong Minghan to travel through time and space at will, so diligently in front of him.

He couldn’t believe it.

“Nothing is Impossible.

Hua Minghan didn’t say much, when he lifted his wrist, it turned into a palm-sized Beiming Xianguang Ding, and the fairy light gushed out, covering Dao Jiu and taking it directly.

Soon, the brilliance dissipated, and there were smoke seats everywhere, only to prove that Han was still standing there with a calm expression.

Everyone was shocked, and they didn’t expect that the young taboo who claimed to kill Hua Minghan had disappeared without a trace.

Dao Jiu’s followers were also shocked and horrified, but Hua Minghan did not give them a chance to escape, their figures disappeared, and a bloody mist exploded outside the Kunlun Holy City.

Everyone who followed Dao Jiu died tragically, even if there were treasures to protect themselves, it was of no use.

In the face of absolute strength, there will be no surprises.

There was an uproar here, but Dong Minghan disappeared and did not stay for long.

About what happened in the Holy City of Kunlun, it quickly spread throughout the Sancan region, causing huge waves.

When Huang Minghan returned to the city, Dao Jiu was caught by his feet in the Beiming Xianguang Ding, and he did not intend to kill him at present, but kept the news to attract the young taboo of Meng to come.

Beiming Xianguang Ding is quite miraculous, it can seal the luck, and it can also be used as a cage to suppress others.

When dealing with Dao Jiu, he didn’t use all his strength, just wanted to give Dao Jiu and the others an illusion.

· · Flowers ·

In the next few days, things were as expected, and there was a big earthquake in the Sancan region.

The news of the younger generation of the heavens descending on Daluotian, intending to sweep the heavens here, was caught by some Taoist traditions.

This is Hua Minghan’s intention, intending to let these arrogances be exposed in the shadows.

Moreover, one of the young taboo Dao Jiu, the matter that he suppressed, also spread quickly, causing a great sensation among the younger generation of the heavens.

Someone restored the picture of the first battle at that time, guessing that Dao Jiu was likely to be in the game, and was suppressed by Huang Minghan and even Zhibao when they fought.

The rest of the young taboos who came together were all smart and cautious, knowing that Lei Minghan had prepared for them and might make arrangements early.

Dao Jiu is the best example, defeated by arrogance and self-confidence.

In such a desolate world, it becomes a taboo for young people and ranks on the top of the Xuantian Chaos List, how can it be simple?

Because of this matter, the Three Is Domain Realm surged again, and all ethnic groups and forces were trying to deal with it.

The heavens and the worlds suddenly intervened, giving them a sense of unease and urgency.

Especially the younger generation, and the young Tianjiao in the heavens, the gap is too large to compete.

Moreover, many people found that the younger generation in the heavens had great hostility towards the cultivators in the Sancan region, and their attitude was high, full of arrogance and disdain.

It is very likely that in the near future, the Sancan Domain will face the invasion and occupation of the heavens. After all, the weak eat the strong, and even the Sancan Domain treats the weak world with this concept.

A few days later, Dao Jiu was still sealed by Dong Minghan in Beiming Xianguang, and no one came to rescue this person, which surprised him.

It seems that the worlds of the heavens and the world are not in harmony with each other as they appear on the surface, and they all compete with each other.

He suppressed Xia Dao Jiu, and in a way, he might be applauded by those young taboos.

This made Lei Minghan start to think about whether to change the method and take the initiative to find those young taboos. Since they don’t come to trouble him, he will take the initiative to find them.

These guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. With Dao Jiu’s lessons learned, they are a lot smarter and more cautious.

However, when Hua Minghan was about to leave, an unexpected person came to the Holy City of Kunlun and came to him specially.

“I originally wanted to remind you that people from Outland will probably attack you when they come. I never thought that you already knew about this in advance and were prepared. 99 Yue Qingyi took Yanyan and found Hua Minghan. .

She first went to the portrait, but after learning that Lei Minghan was not staying in the clan, she rushed over after hearing the news of Kunlun Holy City.

“If you want to remind me, there shouldn’t be any need to come in person, right?

Huang Minghan had some understanding of Yue Qingyi’s character.

There is some causal entanglement between the two because of their marriage, but this does not affect their respective affairs.

For Hua Minghan and Yue Qingyi, the marriage was just a matter of getting what they needed. She got the background support from Hua Minghan, while Hua Minghan got the piece of space-time origin.

While speaking, Huang Minghan glanced at Yanyan who was hiding behind Yue Qingyi, wondering why this little girl always had a natural fear of herself.

Yue Qingyi himself is also a resolute person, and usually just pretends to be a delicate appearance.

She said straight to the point, “During this time, I have noticed some abnormalities in this world, I think you should be very interested, these things are probably very involved, and it is difficult to explain clearly for a while. I thought about it, but I couldn’t find anyone to talk to other than telling you about it.

When Huang Minghan heard the words, he was also interested.

Yue Qingyi, as a reborn person, has the memory of his previous life, and is also a person with great luck.

She also sensed that something was wrong with the world?

Which aspect is it?

“I won’t lie to you, I do know some things. In terms of fundamental interests, there is no conflict between the two of us…” Yue Qingyi seemed to be afraid that Huaming would have to think more, so she explained it specially.

Huang Minghan motioned for her to sit down and said, “You’re right, but does what you want to say relate to the authenticity of this world or the authenticity of your own existence?

Yue Qingyi looked at him with beautiful eyes and said bluntly, “Both. Before that, I think there is something I must tell you.”

Having said that, she let Yanyan look at the sky, and seeing Yanyan shaking her head, she continued to speak, but her voice was obviously much lower.

“In the sky, someone has been watching me, and it may be watching this world.” And,

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