287 The Realm of Heaven, Ten Great Sages of the Heavens

Although the white-haired old lady is not the oldest person in Yumiaotian today, she is in charge of the most terrifying power in Yumiaotian.

It’s just that they practice in the depths of time and space on weekdays, comprehend the way of heaven, and it is rare that they will earn and wake up once.

Chu Xiuyan was an apprentice she had adopted since she was a child. She was gifted with extraordinary talent. She was able to occupy the title of the first person of her peers in Yumiaotian, where the arrogant generation rhymes and the strong are like clouds, which is also known to be terrifying.

Even she rarely sees the real body of the white-haired old concubine on weekdays, like today, she was summoned in person to inform her of important events.

It was also the first time that Chu Xiuyan met.

As for the covenant of the heavens mentioned by the white-haired old lady, she also knows a lot about it.

In order to establish order among the heavens and restore normal functioning, it is also to resist the existence of Da Luotian.

It is reported that a long time ago, a terrible war of terror broke out between Daluotian and the heavens, which caused the vitality of the heavens to wither, countless creatures died, many worlds were destroyed, and they were buried in darkness. .

If it wasn’t for the original co-owner of the heavens, the Nine Heavens Empress who established the order of the heavens appeared to prevent this disaster, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Today’s heavens are absolutely full of chaos and desolation, and it will not be such a prosperous scene.

Until now, in many places in the heavens, there are still temples dedicated to the goddess of the Nine Heavens.

Countless ethnic groups pray for her all day long and worship her devoutly.

Even in the Daring Butterfly Heaven, there are many believers of the Goddess of the Nine Heavens. The master of Chu Xiuyan respects the Goddess of the Nine Heavens extremely, and often informs his apprentices that the Goddess of the Nine Heavens has made a big wish to establish order for the heavens, and she has to. In the time of eternal life, all the heavens and all spirits can have eternal life.

She has been seeking the Tao all her life, just to be able to follow the steps and back of the Nine Heavens Empress.

“Master called the disciple to come this time, is there any important thing that should be left to the disciple to do?”

Chu Xiuyan returned her thoughts, looked at the white-haired old lady sitting cross-legged in front of her, and asked respectfully.

The white-haired old lady still didn’t open her eyes, she just said, “Not only as a teacher, but now the other ten world powerhouses have all returned from the depths of time and space, and they need to discuss together, and then deal with the Da Luotian incident, I plan to break it. The heavens are shackled, open the barrier leading to Daluotian, send strong men down, and stifle this crisis in the bud, do not let Daluotian rise again, otherwise it will suffer endlessly. This is the beginning of the new era, so It has plundered and stolen a lot of luck, and if things go on like this, if no countermeasures are made, I am afraid that Da Luotian will rise very quickly, affecting the pattern and safety of the heavens.

Among the great worlds of the heavens, the top ten great worlds have deep and unfathomable backgrounds, and have always firmly controlled the name of taboos on the Xuantian Chaos List.

Since the endless years, the opportunities and benefits obtained are countless, and even the treasures that can change the situation of the heavens.

It is rude to say that any one of the ten worlds of the heavens has the strength to easily sweep the rest of the world.

Only the world at the same level is qualified to check and balance it.

When Chu Xiuyan heard this, she was a little thoughtful.

In fact, she has also heard about it during this period of time. At the beginning of the era, a young taboo suddenly appeared on the Xuantian Chaos List, so that everyone’s air luck resources were lost by a few percent. Divide it up.

This matter is always the root cause of the intolerance of the ten great worlds in the heavens.

After all, this is an important resource that affects the future development and the situation. It is indispensable. The rest of the world, in order to obtain a trace of luck, can pay countless prices, let alone so many.

Everyone is jealous.

“Teacher understands. Master, your plan is to ask your strength to open the barriers of the heavens, come down to Daluotian, and restrain its development. If it is possible, then destroy it, right?” Chu Xiuyan Dai Mei made a slight noise and asked.

The white-haired old Ji nodded when she heard the words.

When he heard about the destruction of Daluotian, his expression did not change in the slightest, as if he was simply crushing an ant to death.

she said quietly,

“If it is possible, that would be the best, but unfortunately, for countless years, no one has been able to do this, not even the former Jiutian Empress. Moreover, although Daluotian has decayed, it will no longer be possible. In the past, the powerhouses in the past were extremely cunning, their real bodies were hidden in the endless chaos of time and space, and even I could not find any trace of their existence, and even warned them to kill them. Moreover, they got Da Luotian The inheritance of the former Daluo Palace, it is reported that the practice of free time and space Dafa, can obtain the true sage fruit position, understand the past and present, understand the cause and effect, and can’t calculate their fate…

“It is very difficult to kill them, and the situation of Da Luotian is very special, even we sometimes feel strange, there is always a sense of illusory and real connection, as if it is a connection between countless broken time and space… …”

Having said that, she stopped, shook her head, and did not continue.

Chu Xiuyan nodded somewhat incomprehensibly, Daluotian was abandoned by the heavens, and all the worlds involved with him would be tainted with ominousness and curses.

At first, she just thought it was a rumor, not the truth, and she also sent followers to send tokens in the trial grounds of the heavens, wanting to make friends with the mysterious man.

But until recently, after reading many ancient books and inquiring from many old people in Xiangxiangtian, she then understood that it was not a rumor, but a tragic history that had been real.

There are records in many ancient books, and in Yumiaotian’s vast book forest, she has discovered many truths that she had never understood before.

Today’s heavens are almost engulfed and swallowed by Daluotian, and everyone is almost reduced to slavery, for their driving, life after life, can not be turned over.

No, to be precise, it should not be called Daluotian, it should be called Daluojie. Today’s heavens, at that time, were called Jiutianjie.

The heavens are just a general term for this endless space-time and endless universe in later generations.

The white-haired old lady seemed to know what Chu Xiuyan was thinking, and the calm words came over again.

“I asked you to come here for the teacher, and I also want you to lead someone to take action. It is best to solve the young man with your own hands. In order to avoid future troubles, all the worlds in the covenant of the heavens signed this time will hook hands. We are currently unable to He stretches his hand too far, but he will try his best to open up a stable passage of time and space, so that a group of young taboos can bring people down in person.

“That young man, even if he has great skills, is useless, he will drink and hate on the spot.”

“However, although you have successfully refined the Xiaolinglong Nine Profound Pagoda, and with its help, you have entered the taboo of youth, but your own strength has not yet reached that level. I have deduced it for you this time, Da Luotianzhi. Yes, it will be an opportunity for you to break through the shackles and succeed in promotion. At that time, you will be above all the taboos of youth and be the first person of the same generation in the heavens.9

“Da Luotian, there is the opportunity you need. 93

“Jiudao Sage of Jiu Dao Sect has a good relationship with his teacher. He deliberately asks you and his apprentice Dao Jiu. In addition, Dao Jiu is the prince of the immeasurable immortal dynasty, and his fate is indescribably expensive. At a huge cost, he has deduced his future fate, and almost suffered a backlash. I suspect that he has the mark left by an ancient sage, or is a reincarnation. If necessary, you can approach him A little bit, but don’t be sincere, I, Yutian’s descendant, should be slaughtered, and this path is destined to be beheaded by you in the future.”

Her voice is beautiful and ruthless, revealing a sense of indifference to heaven and ethics.

Chu Xiuyan lowered her head and said, “Teacher remember what Master said, and he will not disappoint Master.

“hope so.

The white-haired old lady nodded, and with a wave of her wide robe, she immediately sent Chu Xiuyan out.

After Chu Xiuyan left the palace, she slowly opened her eyes, and in her deep eyes, many terrifying visions appeared, and then she sighed deeply.


The time and space in front of her were blurred, and a golden light avenue stretched, as if piercing through the endless space, spreading far away.

The white-haired old snake got up, stepped closer, and disappeared in an instant.

In another, deeper time and space, the terrifying avenue storm swept through, but in the center, there was a magnificent ancient palace, standing still, bearing the vicissitudes of hundreds of millions of ancient times.

The white-haired old lady’s figure is now outside this hall, and she walks in directly.

At the same time, in the depths of the hall, several voices sounded.

“Fellow Daoist Linglong, you (bhcd) really made us wait.

This sound is ancient and vicissitudes of life, it seems to turbulent the entire space and time, and there are fragments of time flying.

The vast power of time is surging, and it seems that it has been washed into the present from before eternity.

“Since Fellow Daoist Linglong is here, then I can also start to discuss. The fact that the All-Heaven Gate was blasted open this time may not be an opportunity for me to wait for it to be completely wiped out and occupy the Great Luotian.” Another voice sounded, very indifferent. , no mood swings.

The white-haired old name is Linglong, and he is respected by all the worlds and races as the Linglong Sage.

She was expressionless, and after entering the hall, she swept the empty darkness around her.

“Ah, everyone hides their heads and shows their tails, don’t they even dare to show their true bodies?”

She sneered, walked towards a chair in the hall on her own, and sat down directly.

And after the Linglong Holy Monarch sat down, in the surrounding darkness, other figures slowly appeared.

Or haunted by the foggy fog of time, or there are orderly fragments flying around, or haunted by the chaotic fog, in short, it is very mysterious, as if it does not exist in this time and space, standing in the other side of the universe.

According to the division of strength among the heavens, beyond the peak of human realm, that is, after enlightenment, one can comprehend the realm of heaven, and this state is also called the realm of heaven.

A monk comprehends the way of heaven, understands his own destiny, knows cause and effect, and can spread the law and create the way in his own world.

At the same time, the spiritual power undergoes some kind of transformation. In the chaos, he perceives the true meaning of the world, knows what the Tao of Heaven is, why the world was born, and creates rules and rules.

After reaching this level, a cultivator can open up a new dimension in the turbulent flow of time and space with a single thought.

And it doesn’t need to be like in the human realm, comprehend the realm, evolve one’s own cave, one’s own small world, and already possess all kinds of incredible power.

After a deeper level, monks can give the space life and spirituality of opening up rhythm, and they can multiply spirits and civilizations, continue to continue, and become a real world.

The monks of this realm already have the power of acting on behalf of the heavens, adhering to the concept of the heavenly way, conforming to the heavenly way, punishing and rewarding sentient beings, in the true sense of immortality and immortality.

Subdivided, the human realm and the heaven realm are actually a complete set of systems, but the human realm is people-oriented, digs itself, and takes itself as the foundation, while the heaven realm follows the concept of heaven and understands the way of heaven, and it is no longer important. Now, even the world can be created easily, and the flesh is more like the skin of crossing the river. After reaching the other side, it is natural to abandon it.

The cultivator has just entered enlightenment and entered the realm of heaven. He can be called a celestial being, that is, a celestial being in the eyes of a cultivator in the human realm. It is also called an immortal or a true immortal.

With vast and infinite mana and power, it is easy to tear apart the universe and traverse time and space.

The first level of the Heavenly Dao Realm is called the Heavenly Human Realm.

Afterwards, the cultivator realized the operation of the Heavenly Dao, understood the imprint of the Heavenly Dao, and knew the existence of the Heavenly Heart.

But in his own small world, the imprint of the diligent mind is bred, and it has part of the power of the heavens. This is the second level of the heavens, and is called the heavens.

The biggest area police of Heaven and Human Realm and Heaven State of Mind is Heaven State of Mind, which can condense out the substances of longevity, so that a small world can have an unimaginable longevity.

For human beings, this is close to having an immortal body, with a long life force. Unless it encounters disasters and calculations, it is impossible for the life essence to be exhausted.

Since ancient times, there has been a threshold in front of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Many monks and souls have stopped in front of this threshold, struggling for countless years and unable to enter.

And after entering the realm of heaven, it is another world, and the physical body can be abandoned.

However, there are too few cultivators who can go this far. Chances and talents are indispensable. Among the top ten great worlds in the heavens, one may be born in tens of thousands of years.

In the rest of the world where resources and background are more sparse, I am afraid that for hundreds of thousands of years, it may not be possible for a Heavenly Dao Realm to be born.

As for the Heavenly Mind Realm, it is even rarer. Among the 10,000 Heavenly Dao Realm existences, it may not be possible to find an existence that touches the qualifications of the Heavenly Heart.

No matter what world it is, the existence of Tian Mood is the mainstay, extremely precious, and it will be extremely distressing if one falls.

As for the third level of the heavenly realm, it is called the heavenly realm. The existence of this realm can already touch the heavenly realm. In one world, part of the heavenly realm is banned, and it has the true power of the heavenly realm, and the birth and death of the palm edge.

The existence of the heavenly realm can even pin your mind on the heavenly way, understand the laws of the heavenly way in the dark, know the cause and effect of fate, avoid disasters, calculate, approach auspiciousness, it is difficult to kill, the real immortality. body.

This is already the overlord and giant in the world, also known as the giant of all ages.

The fourth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm is the Heavenly Origin Realm. This “Yuan” means Yuanhui, which is the whole period from the beginning to the end of the world.

The cultivators of this level can already be described as inconceivable. With a single thought, they can make the world be born and die, with infinite mana and no end.

They comprehend the way of heaven and cultivated incredible mana from it. One element of mana is the mana that a world can carry in the endless years of birth and death.

The monks in the Tianyuan realm are already the beings closest to the way of heaven, standing at the top of the world.

However, in order to avoid the word “天”, so as not to be disrespectful to the sky, it was changed to be called Shengjun.

In ancient times, the monks in the Tianyuan realm, also known as the true saints, were the true saints recognized by the heavens.

The existences in this hall are all of the few holy monarchs in the heavens today, who are truly invincible.

Only the top ten heavens and great worlds, followed by sages, are all characters that are hidden in time and space, and it is difficult to see them again.

And at this moment, in the hall, there are ten saints,

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