Inside the Gate of Hades headquarters.

This is Kuanghua's living room.

Kuanghua was sitting alone on the red patent leather sofa, with a glass of wine-red liquid on the table in front of him.

I'm afraid only she herself knows whether it was red wine or something else.

Ta...ta...ta... the sound of crisp footsteps came, attracting Kuanghua's eyes.

"Lord Kuanghua, I heard that the original speaker has returned here. Do you know that it was those three people who sealed Fez?"Some ethereal voice sounded.

Her long straight black hair was spread on her back, and her light blue kimono highlighted the majesty of her chest. There were strange patterns on her white forehead, and there were two horns on her head. The corner of the corner.

She hugged her hands, and the whole person exuded a quiet aura.

Like a weak scholar.

Gate of Hades, Ninth Ghost Gate, Liang Yue Tian Sera!

Looking at the person, Kuanghua’s mouth was filled with tears. The conscious"763" rose up

"Yes, I have to admit that the super ancient document of the former Speaker is indeed a very powerful magic."

"So...who are the three people?"Sela asked.

"Three of them are targets that we have locked onto, two of them have been eliminated, but one of them missed. Kuanghua responded.

Sera was a little surprised by this:"You missed it?" that person is……"

"Ulrudiya!" Kuanghua slowly said the name

"It is said that Fairy Tail's Lu Chenxi blocked it, and the jackal was even killed once because of it."

When talking about the morning sun on the road, Kuanghua clenched his hands unconsciously.

"If I had known earlier, I would have sent more people."

"Lu Chenxi……"Sera murmured softly.

Then he looked at Kuanghua:"Then what should we do now?"

Regarding this, Kuanghua also sighed helplessly:"I'm afraid Ulrudia has returned to Fairy Tail now, and it's probably not realistic to kill her.."

She paused at this point:"However, at least we still have good news."

She picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip, and

Kuanghua's expression relaxed.

The words also came out:"The original speaker discovered something interesting."

"Interesting things?"Sela was a little confused.

Kuanghua nodded:"The original speaker found a way to transfer the key to Fes, and he is trying it now."

Such words made Sera happy.

"If this is the case, then we will be able to unblock Fes soon!"

"Yes, but……"Kuanghua seemed to have thought of something

"The most important thing is that we can't let Fairy Tail stop us anymore.

Sierra raised a smile confidently:"Leave this to me.""

"I have already prepared the story of the fall of the goblin!"

After hearing Sera's words, Kuanghua's face bloomed with a smile again.

"Is she the little girl you captured? Sierra nodded slightly:"That little girl is my brush, the brush I use to write stories!""

Her voice was very soft. As she said, the devil's story has been constructed, and she just needs to wait for the ending of the story.

"I see, then I’m looking forward to the ending."Kanghua said.

After drinking all the liquid in the cup, Kuanghua looked at Sera again with something different in his eyes.

"Come here, Sierra." she called softly

"It’s been a long time since I’ve loved you properly"

"Mr. Kuanghua……"

Inside the villa of the former Speaker

"Well……"Mirajane murmured softly.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling.

"This is... where... what happened to me just...?"

A series of questions appeared in her mind.

Her originally chaotic mind gradually returned to clarity.

The memories before she fainted also slowly emerged in her mind.

"I was just... knocked unconscious?"

After realizing this, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Where's Erza?"She quickly propped herself up and looked around, and found that she was sitting on a sofa. Opposite her, on the same sofa, Erza was sleeping quietly. (To read exciting novels, go to Flying Lu Novel Network!)

"Erza, wake up!"Out of instinctive vigilance, she immediately came to Erza's side and woke her up. The successive shouts also made Erza open her eyes.


"what on earth is it?"She sat up, looking a little confused.

"Not sure, but it seems like we fell into an enemy trap. Mirajane responded.

Squeak - the luxurious door was slowly pushed open, making a sound.

The two people who heard the sound immediately turned around and locked their eyes on the door.

Although they didn't quite understand what was going on, But the two of them still put on an attack stance

"Oh, you're awake!"A voice came from the gate.

Immediately afterwards, the familiar figure appeared in front of them.

"Morning light!!"The exclamations came out in unison.

"I thought you were going to sleep for a while. It is a strong sleeping pill after all, but I didn’t expect you to wake up so quickly."

Then the cat with golden hair also walked in.

"And Nancy? What exactly is going on?"

The two looked at each other, but at the same time they let down their guard.

In response, Nancy stepped forward and explained everything that happened.


"That's the way it is."

Listening to Nancy's words, the two of them widened their eyes..

"It's unbelievable...that the former Speaker would throw himself at the gates of Hades. Mirajane murmured

"Besides, we were very close to being caught."

Erza clenched her fists unconsciously.

"Damn it, I didn’t expect that the original speaker had a problem, and I was so careless that I didn’t notice the sleeping pills in the tea.……"

Erza bit her lower lip. eyes full of resentment

"It's all my fault. Mira, who was almost harmed, was arrested along with me.……"

Erza suddenly raised her head and looked at Lu Chenxi

"I'm so sorry, please give me a good beating anyway!"


Lu Chenxi seemed to feel that she heard wrongly.

Not only Lu Chenxi, but also Nancy and Mirajane were briefly stunned.

Looking at Erza's appearance, Lu Chenxi immediately understood that this girl had once again He took all the blame on himself.

With a slight sigh, Lu Chenxi touched the girl's crimson hair as usual.

"How can I blame you for this? Erza"

"Yes, the blame lies with the traitorous former speaker."Speaking of the former Speaker, Nancy was also full of anger.

"But...thanks to the morning light in 0.6."Miraj looked at Lu Chenxi.

A smile appeared on his face.

He reached out and took Lu Chenxi's hand, and

Mirajane gently leaned her head on his shoulder.

A familiar feeling hit Mirajane. heart

"Sure's still as reassuring as ever!"

After some repairs, I saw that the effects of Erza and Mirajane's medicine had completely worn off.

Lu Chenxi and others were also preparing to leave here.

"Those guys from the Gate of Hades took away the original speaker. I always had a feeling that they were about to make a big move."

Lu Chenxi said in a deep voice.

"In this case, we must quickly return to the guild and talk to everyone first." Erza nodded.

It's not very far from the guild, about half an hour away.

With the help of the Elk Cart, the group of people quickly returned to Fairy Tail.

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