I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 246: Extreme measures

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Thousands of miles away, on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Wearing protective clothing, Yang Xue came to a hospital bed and injected a needle of reagent into the arm of the patient on the bed.

The patient yelled in pain, his limbs trembling constantly, but his entire body was fixed on the hospital bed, unable to move.

After half an hour, the roar turned into a moan|groan.

After another ten minutes, the patient finally fell asleep deeply.

During this period of time, Yang Xue kept observing the patient's reaction and confirmed that the patient would not be repeated before leaving the room.

She took off her protective clothing and sat on a chair in the locker room, looking a little tired.

Since she separated from Zhang Jue at site17, she was sent to this place by the headquarters.

This is the Foundation's Area114 site. It has only one purpose of existence, which is to study a virus-SCP-610 (Hateful Flesh).

Like SCP-217 (mechanical virus), this is a very powerful virus.

People infected with this virus will have scar tissue-like symptoms on the epidermis for the first period of time.

Over time, scar tissue will cover the entire body.

Next, the scar tissue will mutate, and the direction of the mutation is generally random.

In most cases, they will grow extra limbs, such as hands and feet, and their heads will also be deformed.

Their bodies will continue to give birth to physical tissues and become larger and larger, and eventually they will not be able to see their original appearance and become a monster composed of flesh and blood.

Originally, the virus only spread in places such as Lake Baikal and Southern Siberia.

But now, it has spread all around Lake Baikal.

SCP-610 has actually existed for a long time, but since the Foundation's discovery, it has been well controlled.

Just for some reason, it suddenly broke out recently, and even has a tendency to become uncontrollable.

The nearest city here is called Akada, where the virus is said to have broken out.

She thought of the small town of Craminda in Meiguo, which has now become a dead city.

I don’t know if Akada’s fate will be the same.

She researched ways to deal with SCP-610 all day, but the progress was very slow.

After all, a problem that so many researchers could not overcome, she couldn't break through for a while.

She is different from Zhang Jue. Under normal circumstances, she does not need to be on the front line, but she can feel that this time, the Foundation has encountered a problem.

She came here for about a month and has seen several MTF teams settle in.

But a few days later, some of the faces I had just met never came back.

Yang Xue knew that they had sacrificed.

Some even failed to bring back the identity plate of the Foundation.

Yang Xue pinched her eyebrows.

She didn't know what happened in Akada, but obviously, this time was more dangerous than in the small town of Kraminda.

If several MTF teams can't solve the enemy, probably the Foundation will use unconventional means.

But this is not something she should care about.

Yang Xue shook her head and forced herself to cheer up and continue to fight SCP-610.

As soon as she walked out of the locker room, a man blocked her at the door.

"Miss Yang Xue, you are so beautiful today." He raised the corner of his mouth, speaking softly, and his voice was very magnetic.

The man's name was Ellio Angelo, and he was the person in charge of the Foundation's operation.

It is said that what he represents is also a certain O5.

Yang Xue took a step back, keeping a distance from him.

"Mr. Angelo, I'm still used to being called Dr. Yang, or Researcher Yang, thank you."

Yang Xue did not say that she likes to be called "Dr. Yang Da", but this title belongs to only one person, and that person is not here.

"That's not too far-fetched." Angelo smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to touch Yang Xue's face.

Yang Xue tilted her head, her eyes sharp: "Mr. Angelo, as the person in charge of this operation, you should have more important things to do instead of embarrassing your subordinates here."

Under Yang Xue's gaze, Angelo's hand stopped in the air, and then he made a circle.

"Miss Yang, I heard that you know Zhang Jue and Zhang Zhang very well."

Angelo smiled and changed the subject, although he used interrogative sentences, but the tone of the statement.

When Zhang Jue's name was mentioned, his eyes were filled with blazing heat, as if a wild beast had found its prey.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with him." Yang Xue denied, "We are just colleagues working on one site, just like the relationship between you and me now, nothing more-sorry, Mr. Angelo, if you have nothing else I'm going to work now."

"Oh, please." Angelo flashed over, leaving a little gap for Yang Xue, which happened to be able to pass.

Yang Xue's face was calm, and she walked past him.

When passing by Angelo, he suddenly raised his hand.

Yang Xue completely ignored his movements and walked straight over.

When Yang Xue disappeared in the corner of the corridor, he snorted and then narrowed his eyes.

"Zhang Jue... even the women around you are so funny, I really can't wait to see you... now!"

Yang Xue walked quickly in the corridor, her face a little pale.

I didn't say a few words with Angelo just now, but it took a lot of effort.

She could feel that he was very hostile to Zhang Jue.

She didn't know why, but she instinctively covered up for Zhang Jue and refused to disclose all information about him.

I don't know what happened to him.

After becoming the star of the Foundation, you can probably just be lazy.

Yang Xue was thinking about it, and suddenly someone stopped her.

"Dr. Yang—"

Yang Xue looked back and found that a researcher in the research team, Yang Xue remembered, he seemed to be called Kader, a native of Mei.

Although the two belong to the same research group, their research directions are different, so Yang Xue and him have no intersection.

"Researcher Kader, what's the matter?" Yang Xue asked.

Carder looked around and confirmed that there was no one around, and then whispered to Yang Xue: "Dr. Yang, Mr. Leshan has something for me to bring to you."

It turned out that this researcher Kader turned out to be from Leshan.

Yang Xue's business is very strong, but under the deliberate protection of her uncle Yang Wenbai, she has very little contact with the top of the foundation.

This situation didn't improve until Zhang Jue's arrival, but she still didn't know many people, and Leshan was one of them.

Leshan is the secretary of O5-6. It is estimated that he was greatly influenced by Confucianism, and he was humble and polite.

During the SCP-071-1 (The Tragedy of the Hanged King) event, Yang Xue met him.

But after that, the two barely contacted each other.

After all, the circles in each are different.

Leshan was trained as the next O5, and Yang Xue was far from it.

So she didn't understand why people from Leshan would come to her.

After confirming safety, Carder said, "Dr. Yang, Mr. Leshan asked me to tell you that if Angelo didn't arrange for you to evacuate Area114 within three days, then find an excuse to leave here."

Make an excuse to leave?

Yang Xue frowned: "Why?"

Kader said: "The city of Akada is almost out of control. The Foundation will take some extreme measures. It is too close to Akada, and it may be affected."

Yang Xue pondered for a moment and asked a question that she shouldn't have asked: "What extreme means?"

Kader looked around and said softly to her: "According to Master Leshan, the Foundation has planned to send a nuclear warhead here, just three days later."

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