After leaving the Crystal Palace.

Alan made a decision.

I'm going to try some fire elemental crystals.

But fire elemental crystals are only available in Muspelheim.

So, it's estimated to take a trip to Muspelheim.

And where is Muspelheim?

It's a planet full of lava.

There are countless volcanoes there.

Hot lava flows all year round.

The air was filled with poisonous gases.

Of course, there is also land.

But the shape of the land is not stable.

The reason why there is land.

It's because the magma cooled.

For the time being, it became land.

Once the temperature inside the ground rises.

It is likely that after some time it will be magma again.

So, this is a planet that is not suitable for ordinary creatures.

There are all fire elemental creatures living there.

The largest of these fire elemental creatures is the Flame Giant, Surtr.

He is also the king of these fire elemental creatures.

However, it is said that the flame giant Surtr has been by Odin once since that year.

Later, he was in a state of weakness and slumber for a long time.

Hardly waking up.

It stands to reason that no one will venture into this kind of ghost place.

But it's because fire elemental crystals are produced there.

This kind of thing is very popular with all races in the universe.

Whether it's a magical race or a tech race.

The magical race can absorb energy from it.

The tech race can rely on it to make super batteries.

As a result, this kind of stuff is very popular and expensive.

Eren wants to get the fire elemental crystal.

Either buy it or go to Muspelheim for yourself.

And buy, according to the price he learned.

A piece of the worst fire elemental crystal will cost at least 2,000 Star Coins.

He couldn't afford it anyway.

Even if he buys it, it is estimated that there will not be so much stock available to him.

Because when he was in the Crystal Palace just now, the queen of heaven Friga gave him some fire element crystals.

Alan tried to absorb it, and he could absorb it.

But a piece of fire elemental crystals didn't provide him with much energy.

And a small piece is extremely expensive.

Even if Alan helped Thor.

Frigga and Odin couldn't have paid such a big price for him.

That's why he decided to make a trip to Musberheim on his own.

However, before he went, he planned to find Thor to see if Thor could help him.

As a result, I couldn't find Thor after searching for a long time.

I found out after some inquiry.

It turned out that there was unrest on the side of Warnerheim.

At this time, Thor and his close friends had already led people to quell the chaos.

Well, it seems that you still have to rely on yourself in this matter.

So, Alan went to the trading market again.

Asgard is the top power in the universe.

Naturally, the trading market is very lively.

All kinds of strange cosmic race creatures will stop and trade here.

There are creatures that are similar to those of earthlings.

There are also long ball-like creatures.

There are more elongated creatures.

Liquid organisms are also not uncommon.

Mechanical creatures are even more common.

When Alan first entered the trading market.

It feels like you've stepped into the world of Star Wars.

Strange and dazzling.

Alan walked in it, and it didn't seem too unusual.

Because the human form of organisms still belongs to a relatively large number of biological systems.

It's just that the skin color and dress are a little different.

Follow the guide given to him by Friga.

Alan soon came to the place where the adventurers gathered.

"Hey buddy, I heard you're recruiting

adventurers to go to Muspelheim?" There are quite a few adventurers here recruiting teammates, and Alan has found a team that plans to go to Muspelheim.

The leader is a one-eyed man, semi-mechanized humanoid.

I saw him look at Allen, showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth and laughing, "Boy, are you going to Musberheim?" Allen

nodded, "Yes, that's right."

"It's dangerous there.

"But fire elemental crystallization is tempting. Alan said with a smile.

The one-eyed man laughed too, "Hahaha, that's right, it's very tempting.

After laughing, the one-eyed man continued, "Do you have any skills? We don't have any waste!"

Alan smiled and picked up a stone from the ground.

One hand, one hand.

In an instant, the stone turned to rubble.

Alan has the blessing of power entries.

Even if you don't usually get into the Hulk state.

It is also an existence whose power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

The one-eyed man looked at this action.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Haha laughed and patted Alan on the shoulder and said, "Haha, yes, yes, welcome to the Crazy Adventure Squad!"

"My name is Ghosn, and I'm the captain of the Crazy Adventure Squad, what's your name?"

"My name is Alan. "

Hello, Alan. "

Hello Ghosn.

After introducing themselves, Ghosn agreed to meet tomorrow at one of Asgard's starports.

Take Alan to see his ship.

If everything is ok, then set off on the same day.

Travel to Musberheim.

Alan nodded that it was okay.

- The

next day.

Alan came to the agreed place as promised.

This is a starport built from an abandoned planet.

It is mainly used to dock spaceships.

However, this planet is relatively small, and the starport that has been built can only dock a dozen spaceships.

And it's a small spaceship.

And then there are also some entertainment facilities on this small planet that resemble hotels, bars, casinos, brothels, etc.

After all, this kind of thing will be available in any starport.

Alan wanted to experience it.

But after seeing the appearance of those alien prostitutes.

He dispelled the thought in an instant.

It's not the same aesthetic at all.

After waiting for almost an hour.

Ghosn finally showed up.

"Hey, man, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Ghosn showed up and gave Alan a big hug.

Alan looked upset, "I said, can you be any later?" "

Haha, sorry man, I just dated a girl, you know."

Alan looked at the creature with a reassuring expression.

I knew that I should have gone to the big health care just now.

Shaking his head, he continued, "Where's your ship?" "Let's

go, I'll take you to see my ship!"

It's because he marked that he had a spaceship.

Alan was intrigued.

If he could, he would like to learn from the Captain Ghosn how to control the ship.

The two of them arrived at a dock dock in Starport.

I saw a dilapidated spaceship covered in colorful patches appear in front of me.

Ghosn pointed to the dilapidated spaceship and said excitedly.

"Welcome to the Mad One!"

Alan looked at the dilapidated in front of him.

I don't know if it's a spaceship that has traded a few lots.

The corners of his mouth twitched and twitched, and he pointed to the dilapidated ship to confirm again.

"It's... This is what you call a spaceship?".

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