S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Interim Command.

Loki is held in a sealed glass enclosure.

A relaxed look.

It doesn't look like a captive at all.

And the superheroes and Fury and others in the conference room are in argument mode.

"It's not the way to go, maybe we should take a tougher stance against Loki!" Fury said with a serious face.

But Saul disagreed.

"Loki is from Asgard, you can only interrogate, but you have no right to deal with him!"

"Then let him go on like this?" "

Now the people have begun to panic, and there have been robberies and shootings on the streets of New York. "

Damn, I don't know who got the word out that aliens were going to invade Earth. "

Director, we can't wait any longer!" the American team insisted.

"No, I'm not going to let you hurt Loki!" Thor

stepped forward menacingly.

"Are you just going to sit back and watch this bastard destroy our world

?" "Don't think you're some so-called god, we're going to be afraid of you!"

Thor stared at Team America with wide eyes, "Are you provoking me?"

Just as the two were arguing, Tony stepped forward.

"Hey, guys, calm down and have something to say.

Then, Saul sighed and said, "I don't want Midgard to be destroyed either, I have my girlfriend and friends here, and I love it here." Then

, Thor turned and walked over to the glass cover.

"I'll talk to Loki again. "

Come to the glass cover of the interrogation room.

looked at Loki with a leisurely face in front of him.

Thor instantly became furious and yelled at Loki.

"Look what you've done, stop your

conspiracy!" Loki smiled, "What kind of conspiracy can I have, I'm all locked up here by you, you say yes, my dear brother." Seeing

that Loki's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, Thor had no choice but to change his strategy.

I saw him walk up to Loki and say affectionately, "Loki, my brother, stop all this, hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and let's go home together, okay?"

"Heh, home? Is that my home? Do you still treat me as family?"

Loki's tone gradually increased, and by the end he was almost shouting.

It seems that when he was at the Rainbow Bridge, Odin's words had completely broken his heart.

"The moment I let go of the Rainbow Bridge, I already had no home!" Thor

suddenly felt a little guilty as he looked at Loki's paranoid and crazy expression.

"Father told me that I must take you home safely.

"Yes, I think he wants to repair the Rainbow Bridge with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Loki sneered and continued, "You don't want to get the whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from my mouth.

Seeing Loki so resolute and obsessed, Thor's anger surged again.

"You're only dishonoring the glory of Asgard!" Loki's

eyes turned red as soon as he said this.

Then he gritted his teeth and said word by word, "I repeat, I... No...... Asgardians!"

it was clear that the conversation was unpleasant.

Come to an eventual end.

Since the cosmic cube cannot be found.

So the matter has not been resolved.

At this time, the world situation was already in turmoil.

Because of what happened in Stuttgart.

Coupled with the gimmick advocacy of major media.

As a result, there are rumors around the world that aliens are about to invade Earth.

Then the spies of the world's major powers also began to kick in.

I learned that there was such a thing.

Soon, the United States was the target of public criticism.

Major powers have demanded that the United States solve the alien invasion as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it cannot be ruled out that all countries will aim their nuclear bombs at the continental United States.

And in fact, the major powers have done just that.

Frequent troop movements.

The Air Force is on standby.

ICBMs are also all aimed at the United States.

The nuclear bomb attack target, also all re-edited data, target positioning, the United States.

In the face of such pressure, the U.S. government is also anxious.

The White House desperately needs an explanation from S.H.I.E.L.D. side.

But Fury's answer was, "No useful information has been interrogated." "

This makes the people in the White House vomit blood.

So they demanded that Loki be handed over to them.

But Fury is a very tough person.

In a word, "If you want me to hand over someone, it's impossible!"

and then the White House saw Fury so faceless.

So he simply did it himself, and the president directly signed off on the Federal Disaster Relief Agency.

and promised that nuclear weapons could be used if necessary.

- The

other side.

Solar system near Pluto.

In the silence and darkness of the universe.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared.

And it's extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it rushed over.

That's right, that's Allen's Harmony.

At this time, everyone in the spaceship looked extremely bad.

His eyes were bloodshot, and Ghosn, in particular, vomited heavily.

"Alan, you bastard!"

"I'm mu... Groot!

" "Oh, just bear with it, no, we're already there?"

Allen had a relaxed expression.

Because his body has been transformed.

Now the physical fitness is extremely strong.

I'm not afraid of a dozen or twenty space jumps at all.

"You... This madman!" Rocket cursed with his teeth bared.

Alan smiled and ignored him.

Rather, it directly ordered the Harmony to fly to Earth.

"Harmony, enter the earth

!" "Yes, master!"

In an instant, the Harmony turned into a streamer of light again.

With a whoosh, it rushed in the direction of the earth...

just as Eren was about to arrive on Earth.

There has already been an accident in New York.

"Alert, Alert, Helicarrier attacked, Helicarrier attacked

!" "What happened?" "

Two screw engines were damaged by the attack and the mothership is falling!"

According to the plot, it should be Hawkeye Patton who attacked the Helicarrier.

But that's not the worst of it.

Worst of all, under Loki's guidance, the superheroes have infighting.

Now the Hulk has started to go berserk.

The Helicarrier's side was also a mess.

Loki, on the other hand, escaped without incident.

Immediately after, on the top floor of the Stark Building.

Suddenly, a straight pillar of blue light rose into the sky.

Boom -

a violent wave of energy spreads.

It instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

"Look, what's that?" the

eyes of countless people converged on the blue light of the Stark Building.

At this time, the blue sky seemed to have been pierced by blue light.

And with the continuous emission of blue light.

The hole in the sky is getting bigger and bigger.

Until...... A large number of ships and warships rushed out of it.

That's when people realized.

This may be the legendary alien.

I don't know who shouted.

"Aliens are coming to attack Earth!" In

an instant, the whole of New York was in a panic...

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