I’m an Olympic Superstar

Chapter 87: Twenty shots in game 1

Soon, a wave of soldiers came over again, and only half the blood was left on the defense tower.

Xiao Ran resolutely gave the order: "Set the flag for the melee soldiers, the excavator goes into the top tower and starts to work!"

After the two melee soldiers were blessed by the command flag, they immediately turned into generals and rushed towards the second tower in the middle.

The excavator was also a burrow, rushed into the range of the defense tower, and raised the bull's head.

There are a lot of little bugs, two blessed artillery vehicles, two generals, and small cannon attacks ...

The defensive tower persisted for only two seconds, and it collapsed with a bang.

At this moment, the team battle has begun. Because the excavator was set fire, and the tower was attacked, only the remaining blood was left. Seeing that the defense tower had been dismantled, a flash flashed to the rear of the team.

MYM's bull's head lighted up and he spotted a chance for WQ Erlian, jacking up the bird, tam and big head.

团 Although this team battle was fierce, it was a tie.

YM, there is a spider dead.

The side of JAY is dead.

YM team finally got rid of the embarrassing data of 0 heads.

After this team battle, the two sides went home and replenished each other.

By the time he came out of the house, the JAY team had 4 command flags and 5 portals.

Why are there 5 portals?

Because of Xiao Ran's cannon, he also touched a portal when he returned home just now.

At this moment, the doll, Miller and Xiao Yusang dare not evaluate it casually.

You can see from the team battle just now that the injuries of the five members of the JAY team are not enough.

However, the five members of the YM team are even worse equipped!

In addition, although the injuries of the five people of JAY are not enough, they are meaty! !! !!

So if you start a group again, five or five, YM still has little chance of winning.

Actually, this is the baby, Miller and Xiao Yusang thinking too much.

Xiao Ran didn't plan to start a group with them since they were all so equipped.

After going out this time, five people from JAY pushed.

Yan Yanque and the excavator pushed down, small guns and Tam pushed, and the big man took the road alone.

YM didn't know what to do.

"Wo Cao, why have you started to push!" YM's middle order should be tortured by JAY people crazy.

"What shall we do? Separate to continue the line?"

"To the line? Can you fight the line? Although the damage on the opposite side is not too high, it is really right. Can you win the one-on-one or two-on-two against the other side? It's too meaty! "

"Are they one-on-one, two-on-two with us? Don't look at them pushing now, but don't forget what heroes they use, a big move can be combined."

"What then?"

"Let's hold a group and catch someone!"

After the YM five people had discussed, they held a group and went to the middle to catch the small gun and Tam.

After all, the middle route is short, and from the middle, whether it is going up or down again, it will be closer.

"Tau Tau, Bobby, and Lu Xian pass by from the wild, and I seduce the spider and the front." YM's mid-single player began to deploy.

If JAY's cannon and Tam are killed this time, they still have to fight.

But how could these little tricks escape Xiao Ran's eyes.

Since you want to play, let's play with you!

"I guess, all the way across the road grabbed me. Don't bother you up and down the road, try to lead the line!"

Xiao Ran controlled the cannon, along with Tam, leaned to the left and slowly pushed forward.

YM the three men ambushing in the right channel are depressed.

What is it? I scanned it just now. There is absolutely no eye here. Why are the cannon and Tam walking along the left side and not on the right side?

YM, the three of them squatted in the grass of the river for 10 seconds.

"I lean on, don't squat, and then squat down, you have to go uphill!"

"Damn, go, go down the road, wrap them!"

Xiao Ran saw that YM's owner went down the road, and was not in a hurry, he pushed the line slowly in the middle.

When I waited for YM's five people to pack up the Rock Sparrow and the excavator, Xiao Ran ordered in the team voice: "The Rock Sparrow and the excavator are big, Tam took me, let's push up the road."

Wu Yanque said nothing, a big move, hit the wall, and came to the road.

The excavator also had a hole in the stone man in the red square, and a large one also drilled in.

Tamm in the middle of the road ate a small cannon and opened a big ...

The entire map was ruined by the JAY team.

Five people, who were originally scattered, gathered instantly on the road and underground.

Then, the five worm nests were laid down at about the same time.

Suddenly, a large number of small bugs rushed to the high ground with the soldiers, and started a crazy self-detonation on the defense tower.

YM's five people are stupid.

What is Nima?

刚 As soon as we got down the road and wanted to catch someone, you flew up the road?

What's more exaggerated is how the small cannon and Tam in the middle also got through! !! !!

This Nima, are you dog walking? ? !! !!

How horrible is it to gnaw five worm nests?

While the five men of YM were still ravaging the gods, the defensive tower on the road had been destroyed.

JAY five people, it is very easy to knock off the crystal and take the road.

After breaking the road, Xiao Ran said, "Back to the city!"

JAY five people, all with white light on their bodies.

Gently I left, just as I came softly and waved my hand, without taking away a cloud ...

Wrong, aren't these five people of JAY taking away a cloud, it is five portals that instantly took YM's all the way up the high ground.

I went back to the city to resupply, took another water dragon, JAY five people, and started pushing down the road.

"If I were a member of YM, now I have the heart to delete the game!" The doll explained the game, and for the first time moved her heart.

It's really wrong!

JAY, these five people are simply a dirty breakthrough! !! !!

"Although LSPL is a BO1 single-cycle event, it can still surrender ..." Miller also expressed his opinion.

He felt that if YM's people continued to fight like this, they would spit out blood due to internal injuries.

Xiao Xiaosang: "..."

This time they pushed down the road collectively, the portals of the five people of JAY were cooling down, but their banner of the order was not useful yet.

The people on the lower road and the YM consumed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which consumed 4 artillery cars.

With a big head, the machine gun stood all around the cannon car.

连 Even Lu Xi'an opened up, the excavator and Tam stood in front of the cannon to block injuries.

From time to time, the small gun took the opportunity to throw a bomb A twice in the distant highland tower.

I just sharpened it with such a blunt knife and rubbed off the lower tower.

中间 This intermediate process is even more uncomfortable than being broken instantly on the road.

Then, five people rushed up and down, and the highland crystal on the lower road also shattered into pieces ...

YM finally made up their minds, all rushed forward, thinking of a final wave, a fight.

As a result, Xiao Ran came to the team's voice: "Withdraw, directly big dragon!"

Then I saw that Tam took a small cannon and left.

The excavator was a big one and got to Dalongkeng.

With a big move, Wu Yanque stepped on the wall and flew near Dalongkeng.

Instead, the inventor was thrown there ...

But the big head was very conscious, a flash, and then desperately escaped and procrastinated.

YM's five people seemed to find a vent, one after another flashed after them, and five of them beat the inventor to death.

Within seconds of the death of the inventor, five members of YM saw a message displayed on the screen.

The JAY team won the dragon.

At the same time, YM's middle single surrendered, and the remaining four people clicked without any clues.

In the S6 season, the first game of 20 shots appeared. read.

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