"Hehehe, the highest bidder wins, don't fight, don't make a fuss."

Brother Quan was all smiles. After waiting for so long, the shop finally opened. More people means more people, more people know the goods, and more rich uncles.

The things in his hands are indeed good goods, but the quantity is scarce. After a transaction, Brother Quan felt relieved and all the treasures were exchanged for spiritual stones.

"Thank you, Brother Ye." Brother Quan said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened. This guy's income just now started with medium-grade spiritual stones, and he earned more than himself.

He is really good at riding on people's popularity!

He no longer paid attention to Brother Quan. Li Xiaobai turned his wrist and a mountain of resources appeared in front of him again. These were all spiritual herbs and medicines. They were cheated in the Divine Beast Mountain Range that day. After more than half a month, no one should recognize them.

Brother Quan was stunned: "Brother Ye, you must have robbed a sect. This is too rich."

The other cultivators also nodded in unison. The variety of spiritual medicines was too rich. The senior brother in front of him must have quietly moved other people's treasures to his space ring. He was a ruthless person!

"Brother, this kind of good stuff can be auctioned at Jubao Pavilion. You can make more money." Brother Quan reminded. In his opinion, the small stalls in this sect are just for dealing with some special items. Such a large amount of resources can be auctioned by professional institutions.

"The fat water does not flow to outsiders. Liangchen just wants to do something for the brothers in the sect." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

This speech made Brother Quan speechless, and the surrounding cultivators instantly liked him. Indeed, such a large number of resources were sold to them at cost price. It was really conscientious. It was simply a welfare link. No one would dislike such a boss!

"No more talking, Boss Ye, give me 100 spiritual herbs!"

"I want 100 too, guaranteed..."

"In the future, when Boss Ye has something good, we will be the first to show our support, whether we can afford it or not!"

"Yes, I will definitely be there at Boss Ye's stall in the future!"

The monks took out their spiritual stones and started buying spiritual herbs and medicines. No one would think too much of spiritual medicines. No matter what grade or type of herbs, they can be made into pills, and their value can be increased tenfold or more.

Therefore, like spiritual stones, spiritual medicines are a resource that is more the better.

After a transaction, another wave of spiritual stones came in, and the income from medium-grade spiritual stones exceeded 1,000.

Brother Quan's mentality was a little unbalanced. He wanted to leave directly, but he was a little greedy and reluctant to leave. Such a transaction was a big event and was rarely seen on weekdays.

"Brother Ye, if you have any good stuff, take them out. No one here is short of money. As long as the stuff is good enough, we can pay any price."

More and more monks gathered in the crowd, and the road was blocked. Many monks in the distance thought that a treasure had appeared when they saw this scene, and they all came over curiously.

Li Xiaobai counted the items in the space ring. Of course, he was sensible. The real good stuff could not be sold on the street stall. He had to find an authoritative organization to auction it.

Although there were many of them, they were all low-grade items.

The spiritual tools and spiritual medicines were almost sold out, but there was a special type of goods in the ring. I wonder if anyone would buy it.

He carefully looked at the monks around him, turned his wrist, and took out a light blue soft armor, which still had a faint fragrance.

"This soft armor is the underwear of a female cultivator of Tianwu Sect. Although it is worn inside, its defensive power is not inferior to that of a top-grade spiritual weapon. If anyone practices a water-attributed technique, the defensive power it can burst out is comparable to that of a magic weapon." Li Xiaobai said.

As soon as this was said, all the cultivators around, both men and women, were embarrassed. Many female cultivators secretly spit and cursed Li Xiaobai for being shameless.

However, they all wanted this close-fitting soft armor, not only female cultivators, but also many male cultivators.

The inner armor of the female cultivators of Tianwu Sect is too much of a gimmick, whether from the practicality or the ornamental value, or...

Ahem, in short, this is an item that everyone wants.

"Brother, this inner armor is good. It takes into account both hardness and defensiveness, and even comfort. I want to buy one for my mother."

A male cultivator who did not want to reveal his name said righteously, causing a group of cultivators to roll their eyes.

Vulgarity is vulgarity, why bother talking so much, we are all adults, we all understand.


"Dirty bastard!"

The female cultivators rolled their eyes in unison: "Boss Ye, these stinky men obviously have bad intentions, you can'tSell ​​this inner armor to them. I have many sisters here. How many inner armors do you have? I will buy them all! "

"Haha, actually not much."

Li Xiaobai laughed and turned his wrist. The female inner armors were all over the floor. Not only female cultivators, but also many male underwears, which were also spiritual weapons.

The onlookers were stunned: "Boss, show your cards. Which sect did you massacre?"

"One piece of inner armor for female cultivators is ten middle-grade spiritual stones, and one for male cultivators is fifteen middle-grade spiritual stones. Do you still want it?"

"This... I will buy ten pieces for female cultivators..."

The female cultivator who spoke before looked at the underwear and inner armors all over the floor, and her face flushed.

The majority of male compatriots swallowed their saliva wildly. Damn, today is really here. Where did the ruthless brothers come from? There is actually a welfare link in buying and selling items. It's really awesome!

"Boss Ye, give me one. ”

“Yes, we monks will never be swayed by such mundane things. We look at its value.”

“Well said, the innocent are innocent. We did not buy it just because it was worn by a female monk. The workmanship and fabric of the inner armor are very exquisite. There are also inscriptions faintly engraved inside, which is very good.”

“Yes, we monks should see the essence of things, see their inner, and see the depths of the soul. Only in this way can we feel the charm emanating from it. ”

“Give me two…”

The monks looked at their noses, their noses at their mouths, their mouths at their hearts, their faces were calm and their hearts were not beating, they looked like upright gentlemen.

Li Xiaobai did not expose them, he collected the spirit stones one by one for trading, looking at the increasing number of spirit stones in his hand, he could not help but sigh, this thing is easier to sell than spiritual tools and spiritual medicines, and there is no shortage of market no matter where.

If there is a chance in the future, you can get some more celebrity inner armor.

There is a pair of inner armor of Yun Mengqing of the Hinayana Sect and the inner armor of Xiang Tiandi of the Holy Demon Sect in the space ring, both of which were obtained from the Divine Beast Mountain Range before.

You can find a good place to auction them in the future, the celebrity effect will definitely sell them for a good price.

Li Xiaobai was so happy that he didn't want to leave, but at this moment, a duck voice came over: "The inner armor is good, I'll buy them all. "

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