I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 99 I will go, dragging my tail in the mud


At this time, a strong wind blew, and a group of fog that looked like a fox flew over from the sky.

In just a blink of an eye, the whole alley became hazy, and the street lights were filled with a warm yellow halo.

After the strange white fog settled, it turned into a white fox with two tails.

Its appearance was not ferocious, and it was no different from an ordinary white fox. At most, it looked a little more beautiful.

But for some reason, it made people feel scared and subconsciously wanted to escape.

"Monster, monster!"

The two people who were fighting with Iori Tadamichi saw this. They first stepped back a few steps, froze for several seconds, then showed a horrified expression, turned around and wanted to run.


Several orange-red fireballs appeared around the white fox, and these fireballs fell to the ground around the two people, and then spread rapidly.

The fire grew in the wind, and later formed a flame wave several meters high, which surrounded the two people who were fleeing as if it had wisdom.

The flames shone on the injured face of Iori Tadamichi, who breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall.

He glanced at the suddenly appearing white fox, his expression was a little complicated. For so many years, this was the first time he had seen the appearance of a monster clearly.

Except for the addition of a tail, it seemed to be no different from an ordinary fox.

But the pigeon looked almost as big as a falcon, right?

Iori Tadamichi then turned his gaze to Owari Satake, and when he remembered how he had hurt Miko just now, he was immediately furious, and he clenched the sword in his hand and was about to rush over.

Seeing this, Xiuji hurriedly flew over, landed on the ground and shook his head: "He shouldn't be killed by you. If you go to jail, who will take care of Miss Iori?"

Iori Tadamichi was stunned for a second, "Do you know Miko?"

"You mortal, you have no eyesight!" Xiuji replied proudly: "I am Xiuji Zaemon, and my master is Higashino Yu, the lord of Higashino Castle."

It turned out to be Higashino-kun's shikigami?

Iori Tadamichi suddenly realized and was completely relieved. Then he looked at the two-tailed white fox with fireballs floating around it.

"What is it?"

Xiuji coughed, "It's also the lord's shikigami."

While the man and the demon were talking, Owari Satake on the other side looked a little helpless.

All this happened too suddenly, even a mentally strong murderer like him was a little confused.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he had to hold the boning knife in his hand tightly to face the white fox. Only the knife in his hand could give him a sense of security.

Higashino Yu didn't care about the fugitive with a knife behind him. He squatted in front of Iori Miko and first approached to check the girl who was holding a dead stray cat in a daze.

Her hair was a little messy, one of the ceramic fox hairpins was missing, her face was bloody and mixed with tears, a little dirty, and her eyes stared at Higashino Yu blankly.

"Hello, Fox." She said softly with a crying tone.

"Hello, Miko." Higashino Yu answered in his heart.

When he found that she was not seriously injured, Higashino Yu breathed a sigh of relief and placed his slightly illusory claws on her head as a comfort.

This damn monster. Owari Satake felt that he could not sit still and wait for death. He stared at Higashino Yu's fox neck and wanted to clench the bone-cutting knife in his hand and chop it over several times.

He could imagine the sharp knife cutting through the flesh and breaking the bones, just like he had killed the weasel before, and killed the fox in front of him.

But the strange thing was that even though it was now defenseless with its back to him, Owari Satake still couldn't swing the knife.

He felt like a huge rock was pressing on his chest. Just breathing took all his strength. His body was shaking uncontrollably and he couldn't even run away.

All of this fell into Xiuji's eyes.

It stood on the awning of the izakaya with its head held high, looking down from above, and sneered in its heart: "Laughable mortals, they already have a way to die."

Hitano Yu turned his head, and the fox's eyes stared indifferently at Owari Satake and the two people trapped in the fire circle.

Then he looked at Xiuji.

Xiuji immediately understood, and coughed twice while standing on the awning, using his old and shrill voice.

"My master wants to ask you something. I ask, you answer, whoever answers more and answers truthfully will be spared, and only one person can live."

It seems strange for a pigeon to speak, but in this scene, it seems to be a very normal thing - it's better than a fox talking.

After Xiuji said that, he gave them a few seconds to prepare, and then asked.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The two people trapped in the fire circle were still a little unresponsive, and Owari Satake spoke first.

"I'm Owari Satake, from Hokkaido, and we want to kidnap her."


The two people trapped by the flames reacted and rushed to answer: "Yes, someone hired us and said that they would give me 5 million yen after completing this job."

"Who hired you?" Xiuji continued to ask.

They rushed to answer the questions afterwards. It was very confusing, but they could roughly summarize it.

The employer hid behind the scenes and even used an overseas phone. He only told them to call him after the kidnapping was successful to get the next instructions.

The two people standing in the fire circle were roasted red, sweating all over, and their hair became dry and curly. They shouted to Xiuji in pain.

"We answered, let us out quickly, we are going to catch fire, we are going to be set on fire, hurry, ah ah ah ah————"


The flames of the fire circle seemed to lick the corners of their clothes, and the dry clothes instantly burned.

They let out shrill screams, and their bodies were engulfed in flames as they rolled on the ground, and soon the smell of burning barbecue filled the air.

After a while, the screams gradually died down, and the flames burned on them, making occasional crackling sounds.

Two translucent ignorant souls stood up from the burning corpse and looked around in confusion.

Higashino Yu, who was squatting next to Iori Miko, looked at them indifferently.

The two dead people seemed to have seen something terrible and hurriedly ran away. However, before they ran very far, blue flames rose up like spontaneous combustion.

The screams were a hundred times more horrifying than before. In the end, they tried to crawl out with their mouths open, but they could no longer make any sound. Their expressions were as painful as the sinking undead in the scrolls of hell.

Owari Satake looked at the miserable situation of the two of them, cold sweat slipped from his forehead. This fox demon seemed to be different from the weasel he met before.

The pigeon standing on the awning said again: "Call him and tell him that you succeeded. Ask him for the location and don't let any flaws slip through."

Owari Satake took out the phone tremblingly, took a few deep breaths, managed to calm down, and dialed the phone.

"Hey, we caught her, where are we going now?"

"Drive to Mt. Takao. I will send the specific location to your mobile phone later. There will be someone there to respond."


After he hung up the phone, he told Souyoshi and Higashino Yu about the location of Mount Takao.

In fact, when he heard that they were hired, Dong Yeyu already had a guess about the person behind the scenes, but he was not sure yet.

But at this point, it doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not. As long as they are related to this matter, I will not let them go.

Xiuji said disdainfully: "Go away, rat."

Owari Satake looked at the two monsters in disbelief, not expecting that they would actually let him go.

"Thank you, thank you."

He swallowed, turned around and ran, but just after taking a few steps, orange-red sparks flew under his feet.

Owari Satake fell silent and looked back at the white fox squatting not far away and the pigeon accompanying him.


Flames soared into the sky, and the world in front of him was instantly filled with orange fire. The tongue of fire licked the skin all over his body, and the intense pain made people couldn't help but scream.

Owari Satake had heard such death screams many times, and he felt a little stunned at the moment. Then he realized that this time it was coming from his own mouth.

Higashino Yu watched Owari Satake struggle, roll on the ground, and finally gradually lose movement.

After waiting for a short while, the confused soul got up from the corpse, and the aura of the underworld messenger began to appear in the surrounding streets.

I don’t know if there were too many soul-stricken people, but the underworld messenger came very quickly.

Higashinoyu squinted his eyes and stood up and jumped forward, transforming into a demon fox bigger than a tiger, biting at Owari Satake's soul with his big mouth full of sharp teeth.

Owari Satake was rushed by this breath and woke up from his confused state.

Seeing the demon fox biting him, he rolled around and ran away screaming, "You said you would let me go, but you don't keep your word!"

Even murderers who have no regard for life are afraid of the punishment of losing their souls to death.

After all, they are indifferent to other people's lives.

Xiu Jiguai smiled and said: "We are monsters, what kind of credit do monsters have to say?"

After several ups and downs, Owari Satake was caught up by Higashino Yu, and the sharp teeth pierced his back and passed through his chest, like hooks in a slaughterhouse.


Higashino Yu bit his spirit body and picked him up. Owari Satake was struggling in the fox's mouth, his limbs moving wildly, and his expression was extremely painful.

Dong Yeyu lowered his head and stared at the spirit in his mouth, his murderous intent unabated, his eyes full of anger, and he bit down hard, like a knife.


Like the sound of breaking glass, the struggling spirit body was bitten to pieces.

Dong Yeyu released his mouth and spit out the filthy spirit body to the ground, whereupon a faint blue flame ignited.

Owari Satake, who had been broken into several pieces, could not even escape. He could only open his eyes in panic. The pain of his soul being burned made him unable to think, and he could only instinctively let out the most miserable scream he had ever heard in his life.

In the past, he would often curiously guess what the people who died under his sword were thinking, but now he finally knew the answer to this question.

In extreme pain, one thinks of nothing but fear.

After a short while, the screams disappeared, and the blue flames lost their fuel and gradually went out.

Only the orange flames on the bodies of the three people were still burning. Occasionally they made sounds like firecrackers, and the alley was filled with the disgusting aroma of meat.

Suyoshi said to the stunned Iori Tadashi: "Let's go, Iori Palace Secretary. When the Lord comes, I will escort you back to the shrine."

"We have to go back to the shrine."

Iori Tadashi swallowed and came back to his senses.

Three people were killed by monsters in front of the old man's eyes, burned to death, and their bodies turned into barbecued human flesh. Anyone who saw this scene would have their brains shut down.

If he didn't know something about monsters, and these two monsters were Higashino Yu's shikigami, no matter how strong Iori Chumichi was mentally, he would still be scared to the point of weakness.

He picked up the crutch stained with the cat's blood, came to Iori Miko, smiled with difficulty, and touched the girl's head.

"It's okay, Miko."

"Grandpa, Nyaji and the others"

Iori Miko's small mouth was slightly deflated, and her glass-like eyes couldn't help but overflow with tears again.

She held the dead calico cat in her arms and didn't care that the blood stained her white dress crimson.

Looking around, I found that most of the cats protecting themselves were motionless, and a few were lying in the corner, breathing rapidly and almost dying.

Only a few seemed to be fine, licking their wounds.

Iori Miko sobbed, wiped her tears and asked, "Let's take them back to the shrine, Grandpa."

"The stream in Ayasezaka is very clear in summer, and the red maples in autumn are beautiful. It is very lively during the festival, with fireworks shows, tourists will bring delicious food, and Haruhara will always protect them."

"Grandpa, will Meow Princess and the others be happy sleeping in the shrine?"

Iori Tadamichi looked at the cats in silence.

"I will, I will report to the Inari God, and the god will bless them."

Higashino Yu recognized these cats, several of which had appeared in Cat Town, and I don't know why they came here.

In this way, Cat Town has lost some cats, and Mrs. Sakurada will be sad when she knows.

Higashino Yu was silent. Even though the reminder of repaying the favor appeared in his vision, he didn't rush to see the reward. He squatted quietly beside the girl.

Iori Miko looked up at the big fox beside her, watching its slender white hair like heavenly clothes fluttering in the wind.

Although she didn't know it, it gave her a different kind of intimacy.

After that, Iori Tadamichi spent some time transferring the cats to those people's cars and drove Iori Miko back to the shrine.

He planned to send Miko back to the shrine first, and then take the living cats to the pet hospital. These cats saved his and Miko's lives, and they had to be cured no matter how much money it cost.

Higashino Yu and Xiuji escorted them all the way to the torii gate of Inari Shrine, watching the grandfather and grandson slowly walk up the stairs leading to the shrine until they disappeared at the end of the stairs.

"Xiuji, let's go, let's go kill people."

Higashino Yu called out and was about to turn into mist and leave.

At this moment, a woman appeared next to the fox stone sculpture in front of the torii gate.

She was wearing a shrine maiden costume, and the ravine on her chest could not be covered even by the wide sleeves of her robe. She was holding an exquisite pipe.

This time her face was not blurred, but she was wearing a white fox mask with the facial features painted in colorful lines.

"Have you really thought about it?"

She looked down at Dong Yeyu, and her slightly charming voice sounded particularly lazy.

"The three people are unforgivable. It won't affect anything if you kill them, but it's different for others."

"If you kill them, your blood will pollute your body and you will fall into the evil ways of demons. No matter how much you practice, you will only be despised by the gods and called a wild fox demon. You can't be on the stage and there is no possibility of becoming a messenger of God."

"No god will be willing to let a demon with a blood-polluted body be his messenger of God. Whether it is a demon exorcist or a god, as long as you meet one, they may hunt you down."

"You may only be able to accompany demons in the future."

"But if you stop here, you have a chance to become the Inari of the Imperial Palace within a hundred years."

The shrine maiden paused here, "Lord Inari is very optimistic about you."

Is this considered recruiting? After listening to this, Dong Yeyu fell silent and looked into the distance.

The night sky was like a black swan blanket, with broken diamond-like stars hanging in it. The brilliance of the moonlight seemed to have condensed into a river of thick fog, dripping from the infinite height to the earth. The prosperous lights of Tokyo became hazy in the moonlight, just like his own road ahead.

I have despised my soul seven times.

The third time it chose easy between right and easy.

It is difficult for ordinary people to choose between right and easy, and Dong Yeyu is no exception.

He was in a complicated mood at this time, with a lot to say, and even his heart was still pulling and hesitating.

This easy road is too easy for him. Which cadre can withstand such a test by using this?

Dong Yeyu read the Pure and Quiet Sutra for a while, and found that the Pure and Quiet Sutra was useless.

So he was a little irritated and too lazy to think about all these things, letting the complicated thoughts in his mind come and go.

In the end, he found that there was only one thought left in his mind.


It was like removing all the shackles from his body. Dong Yeyu breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the ancestors were simple and their thoughts were clear.

Dong Yeyu looked at the witch wearing a fox mask and said with a smile as if relieved.

"Go, I will drag my tail in the mud."

I finally finished writing this paragraph. I wanted to write the last sentence of Zhuangzi when I opened the book. This time I finally wrote it. It's so cool. I slept, got up in the afternoon to read a book and then wrote. I feel completely empty.

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