I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 95: Remarks on the launch

Hello everyone, I am the new author Iluwei Otter.

First of all, I would like to ask for the first order. If the brothers who want to support the book can subscribe automatically, it would be better, hehe.

[I forgot to say that the first chapter will be updated at noon tomorrow, and I will update 15,000 words until 12 o'clock in the evening (I will try my best to write). ]

It is amazing that after a year, in the situation of hunger and cold, I finally started writing a book again because I had no rice to eat.

This is also the reason why I said that this book will never be abandoned - there is really no rice.

And Iluwei Otter has never abandoned a novel that has been put on the shelves in the past few years of writing books.

In fact, I wanted to start writing this book a long time ago, as early as when I first wrote a novel.

But at that time, I felt that I was a newcomer and would definitely starve to death if I touched the original, so I didn't write it.

After writing a novel, I felt that I had some confidence, so I thought about trying it on Qidian. As a result, other authors of the same period flew away and were called foreign demons, and I was the only one who was still climbing.

It turns out that I don’t have their talent.

I can only be a fishman at best.

I think my brothers can also see that the inspiration of this book comes from anime such as Natsume's Book of Friends and Firefly Forest.

In fact, a long time ago, when I was in junior high school, I read novels such as Yashe and Mustard Seed, which gave me the idea of ​​writing this kind of warm and daily monster story novel.

At that time, I would buy novels every week. I remember that once I brought them to school, they were confiscated by the teacher, and the parents were called in and scolded.

After thinking it over, I

read it secretly!

Originally, I wanted to write a domestic Natsume's Book of Friends, a healing urban love light novel.

But after talking to some friends, I found that many domestic monster novels were banned, and some were not.

Iluwei Otter comes from the countryside, his family conditions are not good, and he has no rice. He has no idea what to eat next month, so he dare not bet whether it will be banned.

Some readers want to read the stories between the protagonist and mortals and monsters, and want to read novels with many warm little stories connected together.

But that is the way to write published novels, just like Yashe, which is to write one story after another separately, and the connection in the middle is not strong.

To be honest, it is a thankless task for online novels that are mainly based on the perspective of the protagonist.

I have thought of many such short stories and listed them in an outline, but I thought that if I wrote them all, it would be a bit boring and boring to read too much. I will write the unwritten stories as extras after the book is finished.

As for the heroines, there are many heroines in the harem, but not too many. I want each heroine to have her own characteristics and her own story.

Well, I like to write about daily life with beautiful girls (but every time I write such daily life, I think I write very well, but the number of readers will decrease. Brother Meng, do you not like the daily life written by Iluwei Otter? QAQ).

Then I will try to write less urban plots in the future. Some readers said that they were too bland before, so I thought about mixing some urban plots in the transition stage between the monster plots, and then laying the groundwork for the monster plots when writing the urban plots.

As a result, because I wanted to balance logic and excitement, the logic and excitement only accounted for half each, and the effect was very poor. It was still caused by lack of experience.

Some questions about the appearance of gods.

It is inevitable that gods appear in Tokyo Yokai stories, or it would be abnormal if there were no gods in Tokyo Yokai stories, right?

Japan has a strong religious atmosphere, and gods appear in many stories. Without gods, it would become a pure weird story.

Most of the gods in this book are normal and positive, but there is the god of Huojin, who requires the protagonist to cut down mountains and destroy temples.

Except for the god of Huojin, I try to make other gods more mysterious - the appearance of the underworld is just to add some pretentiousness to the protagonist, and there is a high probability that the gods will disappear later.

Of course, if you really think of a good story, it is not impossible to appear again.

The number of words in this book will not be too many, tentatively set at 2 million words.

I will not write it like a fantasy, where the protagonist ascends to heaven, goes to the realm of gods, etc., stacking boxes is boring.

That's about it.

Then there is the special thanks section. Thank you very much to Mr. Yikexuebing for recommending my chapter! His "My Superpowers Updated Weekly" is really great!

Thank you very much to Mr. Moyu for recommending my chapter. He didn't tell me the name of his book. He is a well-known person.

I am very grateful to the editor Liu Xing. Every time I see the decline in follow-up reading, I will scream and go to him. He will comfort me and say that this is normal, follow-up reading is very stable, don't worry.

He also gave me a lot of recommendations. I took all the ones I should take, but the results were not very good. I just barely passed. It's a bit embarrassing haha.

Finally, I am very grateful to my brother Meng who has always supported me. If it weren't for your support, I wouldn't have achieved what I have now.

I won't say much about other things. I will use my lifelong learning to write this book well!

Oh, by the way, brother Meng can also click the little stars for the characters you like in the character card while reading the book. You can click every day, it's free.

Finally, let's talk about the update on the shelf. It is tentatively scheduled to update 15,000 words (at least 10,000 words will be updated.)

After that, 6,000 words will be updated daily.

If you want to add more, (cross out the previous one, suddenly I find that it is very difficult to write 6,000 words a day, and I can't write a little QAQ.) Change it to one more update for each leader.

If you want to reward, you can reward the character, so that the character's value will increase. The rules for adding more are the same as above.

Additional chapters are not added all at once. Iluweita writes very slowly (1200 words per hour, and it takes seven or eight hours to concentrate on writing 6,000 words.)

Quality must be taken into consideration. I have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If I think the manuscript is not good, I will delete it directly. The requirements for manuscript quality of this type of novel are quite high. If it is not written well, it will collapse.

If there are additional chapters, one chapter will be added every day on the basis of 6,000 words per day, and then it will be restored to 6,000 words per day.

From now on until the completion of the book, it all depends on the brothers!

Sincerely, Iluweita.

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