I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 88 Winning is guaranteed!

Arima Norizune was defeated head-on in the kendo that he was proud of. Not only that, he was humiliated when he was defeated and was watched by freshmen and old students from all over the club, including the senior student.

Probably that's why he was so jade-y for several days.

Although it's a little bit miserable, you deserve to die for being a poacher.

I usually hate Huang Mao the most. Although you are my classmate, I still support the victim to execute Huang Mao justly.

Higashino Yu complained in his heart, and Imagawa Kashiwagi was also a little speechless, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"How could you not know whether someone has a boyfriend or not, and then just bump into him?"

Arima Zezong retorted unconvinced.

"If you have a boyfriend, you are not married. Everyone is playing fair, so why not? What's more, I just met him and didn't do anything inappropriate."

I can't say this.

It was the first time that Dong Yeyu met a person who was righteous as Huang Maodang. He lamented in his heart that the island nation's blood was still strong. His moral values ​​were impacted and he was immediately silenced.

Arima Zezong probably also knew that what he did was a bit disgraceful, and he was not so confident afterward.

"My suggestion is, Arima-kun, you'd better not challenge him." Imagawa Kashiwagi said.

"Why? I'm not asking him to fight because of Senior Xu Fang."

Arima Norimune muttered in his heart when he said this, at least not entirely, "But to prove that my swordsmanship is not weaker than his!"

"But -" Imagawa Kashiwagi pondered for two seconds, "He can defeat you head-on, so he must be very strong, right?"

Arima Zezong said harshly: "It was just because I didn't eat enough that day and I was struggling to beat him that I ran out of energy, so I lost to him."

"I'm afraid it's more than just one chip, right?"

Imagawa Kashiwagi frowned: "Arima-kun, although I only practiced kendo for a while when I was in junior high school, I also know that the strength of kendo cannot be improved by leaps and bounds in just a few days."

After saying that, he looked at Arima Norimune with some concern: "Are you really sure?"

He was really worried that Arima Zezong would be fucked to the point where his heart would be broken, and that he would have some psychological problems by then.

Arima Zezong smiled, showing a row of white teeth, and gave a thumbs up confidently.

"Don't worry, Tianlan Ittori-ryu Arima never enters into a fight without preparation. You are guaranteed to win!"

Then the teacher came to the classroom with the lesson plan, and Arima Zezon quickly turned around and sat up straight, as if he wanted to study seriously.

The middle-aged male teacher Ohura Ryūji, wearing tortoiseshell pattern glasses and holding his belly, took a quick look.

Seeing that the students were very serious, they nodded, looking very satisfied, took a sip of water from the tea cup, and started teaching the lesson plan.

"Let's go to class."

When you study hard, you will feel that time flies by quickly, and it will be noon in a short time.

After Mr. Oura announced that get out of class was over, the students in the classroom walked out of the classroom in twos and threes and prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat. Higashino Yu and three others were also in the group.

The decoration and appearance of the canteen adopt a completely modern design. The outside looks like a rectangular shopping mall, and the interior space is extremely spacious.

There are two floors, the dome is very high, estimated to be about thirty meters, and there is an elevator. The surrounding exterior walls use a large area of ​​glass, making the interior of the cafeteria appear more spacious and bright.

It was lunch time, and most of the thousands of people in the school were here, but it didn't feel crowded, just a little noisy.

After all, it is a huge canteen that accommodates thousands of people. Even if everyone makes a little movement, it will create a wave of noise that can make people pay attention.

Arima Zezong magnanimously pointed to a large display window in the cafeteria where the aroma of food floated, "You can eat whatever you want, just order whatever you want!"

A few people walked around, Higashino Yu chose a coconut curry chicken rice, Imagawa Kashiwagi chose a tonkotsu ramen, and Arima Norimune came over with a Turkish BBQ set meal.

After paying the money, seeing that the things they bought were not expensive, they went to the beverage machine and bought three cans of latte and brought them over.

"Speaking of which, the academic evaluation will be announced this afternoon. It is said that it will affect the quota for scholarships and free students. How do you feel about your test, Higashino-kun?"

Imagawa Kashiwagi asked with concern while whispering slowly.

"Should we be able to stay in the top ten in grade, right?"

Higashino Yu thought for a while and said, holding chopsticks in his hand to mix the curry and rice, and then pushed aside a large amount of thick fried chicken, ready to eat first, and save the chicken steak for last.

"Where's Arima-kun?"

Arima Zemune said confidently: "Sure, I will win the flag this time and break into the top 100 in my grade."

A few people were chatting and eating, and in the middle of the meal, Kusaka Nagamasa came over with a plate of crab meat and vegetables and fruits Sarah, followed by several boys.

Among them was Takeshi Imoto that day, who seemed very unconvinced.

Arima Norimune and Imagawa Kashiwagi looked around and frowned, but did not give in. The atmosphere between the two sides suddenly became tit for tat.

Kusaka Nagamasa and Higashino Yu looked at each other and showed friendly smiles: "Higashino-kun, can I sit here?"

"You are free to sit wherever you want, Kusaka-san."

Higashino Yu seemed not to be affected by them and concentrated on enjoying the coconut curry chicken rice in front of him.

The chef in the cafeteria is very good at cooking, and even home-cooked meals are quite delicious.

How rude.

Kusaka Nagamasa frowned slightly when he saw that he was actually talking to him while eating.

But he didn't say anything, he just put down his plate and sat next to Imagawa Kashiwagi, opposite Higashino Yu.

Kusaka Nagamasa was not in a hurry to speak, but observed Higashino Yu for a while.

I found that although he maintained the eating etiquette of ordinary people, he ate very quickly, which made me feel a little strange.

But when I thought of his identity, I felt relieved.

How good can someone from an orphanage look?

Kusaka Nagamasa shook his head slightly, picked up a piece of tomato and put it in his mouth elegantly, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, and chatted with Higashino Yu like a friend.

"Higashino, I may not have made it clear that day, which led to your misunderstanding. Let's talk about it again?"

Higashino Yu had almost finished his meal, and he picked up a piece of chicken cut into strips, with a crispy golden shell and shiny oil, and it was still hot and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Then let's talk."

For such people who hide in the rules, Higashino Yu, who wants to mix into human society, can only use limited means to deal with them for the time being.

However, after being promoted to Yin God, he will not seem so restrained.

It's better to solve it quickly, so as not to be secretly hated in the future. If such people who are in the upper echelons of the student union want to disgust you suddenly in school, there are still many ways.

For example, the student union is in charge of scholarships and part-time jobs.

If someone takes away his scholarship and his part-time job, then Higashino Yu will probably have to open the Hannibal recipe.

Maybe the people from the Bianchuan Association made him understand the truth.

Kusaka Nagamasa came here today mainly because he didn't receive a clear reply from the Bianchuan Association in these days.

But considering the time, he should have been dealt with a long time ago, and he should have figured it out in the past two days.

He saw that Higashino Yu seemed to be inclined to give in, and thought that the Bianchuan Association was indeed very efficient, so he could give them a commission as appropriate.

Then he showed a polite smile on his face.

"It would be great if Higashino-san could sit down and talk with me like this before, at least it wouldn't hurt the relationship. Of course, it's not too late to talk now."

It will be available next Wednesday, brothers and sisters, read it these days. By then, it will look more coherent if there are more words in a burst.

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