I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 6 I swear by the fox

This combo was quite fierce, and it made Dong Yeyu a little confused. He looked at the Moon Witch in front of him blankly.

How did you do it?

But, a cat monster?

When talking about monsters, Dong Yeyu quickly calmed down and thought about it.

He did encounter similar monsters in this neighborhood, but he only caught a glimpse of them in the shadows of the streets in the distance, and they disappeared in an instant.

At that time, he thought again and again, and finally gave up the idea of ​​chasing them.

Firstly, he was busy with various chores of moving at that time, and he was not familiar with this area.

Secondly, although he had practiced for more than ten years, he was stuck in the stage of refining essence into qi.

Although the spiritual energy in the meridians and spiritual orifices was extremely strong, he lacked offensive spells, and only the fox fire that came with the innate talent when he built the foundation could be used.

But the fox fire was not fast, and the hit rate against such a flexible monster was ridiculously low.

In addition, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford a weapon - a carbon practice sword for novices in the island country cost more than 30,000 yen.

Even if the real sword is a few dozen (industrial defective products), the lowest price is 50,000 yen.

The real sword with actual combat performance made by a registered swordsmith usually starts at 500,000 yen.

As for the famous sword, it is astronomical.

If there is no weapon, you can only fight with your fists. It is not bad to fight against mortals and one or two weak monsters.

After years of refining essence and energy, although he has not deliberately trained his body, his physical strength is beyond the limit of human beings. The power of a full-strength punch is close to one ton.

But two fists are no match for four claws. These cat monsters sometimes gather together. If you chase them rashly, if you are unlucky and besieged, you will be bitten and bleeding even if you can win.

Unless you show your true form and fight the enemy in the form of a fox.

The problem is that there are many demon hunters in a big city like Tokyo. Shintoism and Buddhism also have similar positions like night patrols, and some key intersections are monitored 24 hours a day.

If she shows her true form rashly and attracts these people, then all her efforts to integrate into human society over the past 16 years will be in vain, and she can only return to the mountains and forests to live in the open air.

It's not worth it.

The Moon Witch saw that Higashino Yu was in deep thought, and her eyes lit up slightly, "Do you know the whereabouts of these monsters?"


Higashino Yu looked up at her and shook her head.

This is obviously just a mortal girl with a middle school mentality. If she really finds the cat-matata, she will just be courting death.

"That's just an urban legend. There are no monsters in this world. Believe in science."

He showed her the inferior watch on his wrist.

"It's almost ten o'clock. There are many bikers racing here at night. It's very dangerous for a little girl like you to wander around the streets of Adachi District."

Adachi District is the worst district in Tokyo, and it is well known that there are many perverts in the island country.

Even if this girl is lucky enough not to encounter the cat-matata, she might be attacked one night and start COS Tom Cat to hold a concert.

It's a pity that she looks so cute.

After hearing what Dong Yeyu said, the girl did not leave or speak, but just looked at him calmly.

Seeing this, Dong Yeyu was too lazy to persuade him anymore. He said so much just now for the sake of 10,000 yen.

So he waved his hand: "Having said that, it's up to you whether to listen or not, goodbye."

If she insisted on seeking death without listening to the advice, it can only be said that she was destined to have this disaster, and she should respect the fate of others.

The girl pursed her lips, her eyes fell on Dong Yeyu, and then looked at the pile of discounted bentos in his hand, lowered her eyebrows, took out another Fukuzawa Yukichi, and ran to the front to stop him.

"This is a blessing from the Moon Witch, if you follow my will"

Dong Yeyu frowned when he saw it. Although he was not a good person, he would not lead a person to die for 10,000 or 20,000 yen.

Seeing this, the girl took out three more bills from her bulging wallet.

Super, rich loli? !

Higashino Yu just saw clearly that there were at least dozens of Fukuzawa Yukichi cards in the small wallet, and even a black gold card that seemed to be from JPMorgan Chase!

You are the ultimate rich man, not to mention the age of 14 or 15, even among the group of people in their thirties, right?

In addition to being amazed, the mathematical talent in his mind was instantly running like chicken blood.

According to the average selling price of discounted bento, 40,000 yen = 308 boxes of discounted bento!

So many discounted bento, can't be eaten, can't be eaten at all!

Higashino Yu's brain began to work rapidly at this time, and his moral bottom line quickly slipped. Sometimes people just need to change their thinking to solve problems.

For example, he can completely deceive her with fake news!

In this way, he can get endless discounted bento without being condemned by his conscience, and can also satisfy the desire of this middle school girl to investigate monsters.

Although it is impossible to find monsters with fake news, the girl's sense of participation is very sufficient, and it is not a loss anyway!

It's simply killing three birds with one stone!

After only a few seconds, the solid bottom line collapsed before the temptation of the free discount bento. Dongye Yu was sad for half a second that his principles were only worth 40,000 yen.

But, people can't just give up money for principles, right?

What's more, it's just a white lie. Let me bear the guilt and Fukuzawa Yukichi!

"Yu has been wandering for half a lifetime, and I only regret that I haven't met a wise master. Can you give me another one to make it an even number? The word four is taboo in our hometown."

Ignoring the girl's contemptuous look of observing greedy people, Dongye Yu stuffed the money into his pocket without blushing and heartbeat, and got into the role in a second.

"Generous, respectable, kind, beautiful Moon Witch, I did get some news about demons in this filthy place."

Dong Yeyu bowed slightly.

"Please allow me, a poor and humble person, to tell you. I hope these filthy news will not taint your holiness."

Dong Yeyu's professionalism is very high. He is like an NPC in an open world game. He uses the right tone to fully cooperate with this rich loli and tells her about an experience he had half a month ago.

The Moon Witch was stunned for a second, and her eyes fell on the handsome face of the boy. The shadow covered part of his cheek like a veil, adding a bit of mysterious temperament to him.

Compared to the past, even if he took the money, he was still perfunctory to himself or pretended to flatter himself on the surface, but actually despised him in his heart.

The Moon Witch felt that in an instant, the boy passed through the curtain of reality and the mirror moon, came to the real self, and told the story with a serious expression.

His eyes were as clear as the clear stream reflecting the light in the afternoon mountain stream, which made the girl imagine the bright sunlight filtering through the gaps between the leaves in summer and falling on the boy's white shirt.

The Moon Witch inexplicably thought that his world should be a transparent structure, like spotless glass.

He seemed to be born as a citizen of the mirror moon kingdom, but later drifted into the night.

It's a pity that he is a money-grubber.

But this weakness is just right for me to grasp.

The girl pursed her lips, her cute little nose wings twitched slightly, her head raised slightly, her eyes were indifferent, her expression was solemn, and she was listening.

"The holy moonlight is not afraid of any filth in the world." She said seriously.

Dong Yeyu was in awe. This rich loli's social bull attribute was so abnormal that there was no flaw until now. I couldn't match it.

Then Dong Yeyu began to make up lies seriously, and the Moon Witch quickly took out a small notebook to write it down quickly.

"Have you ever met a Nekomata? Nearby? South of Kita-Ayase Station? But the rumor is that it was near this block now."

"Rumors stop with the wise! Dear Miss Moon Witch, my information is absolutely true."

Higashino Yu looked around for a moment, pointed to a small shrine on the roadside that enshrined a ceramic fox and swore: "If there is any deception, let me become a fox! A wild fox!"

New author, new book, please read it, Qiuqiu

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