I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 55 Dao Sutra

Dong Yeyu was hungry. Hearing the invitation, he readily agreed.

Anyway, I am relatively familiar with the Iori family. They are not only benefactors, but also friends of the elders. It is not too much to just share a meal with them.

What's more, generally speaking, it is quite normal for tutors to have meals at the home of their tutors.

On the way to Iori's residence, Higashino Yu told Iori Tadashi that he might have something to mention before leaving at night.

Iori Tadamichi laughed when he heard this: "I originally didn't want Higashino-kun to spend the whole weekend with Miko. You can choose any time period on Saturday, Sunday, afternoon, or evening."

"You can go shopping in Tokyo at other times. I heard Yahito say that you haven't had much fun since you were a child. Although young people are at the age of struggle, they still need to balance work and rest."

Dong Yeyu nodded with a smile and didn't answer anything. He just sighed in his heart. Who doesn't want to combine work and rest.

But now he is alone, and he was born as a wild fox, so he lacks all the wealth-loving methods needed for cultivation.

If you don’t work hard to repay your kindness, practice, and study, how will you become an immortal in the future?

Iori Miko lowered her butterfly-wing eyelashes, her expression was calm, her spiritual eyes were a little vacant, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Several people soon arrived at the courtyard where Iori's house was located.

This garden is located behind the shrine and is a Japanese-style garden that occupies a smaller area than the shrine.

The Inari Shrine of the Iori family is not small. It not only has the main hall and worship hall, but also the Kagura Hall, the Dance Hall, the Treasure Hall, and the Mikoshi Hall.

Therefore, the courtyard is not small, covering an area of ​​more than 400 square meters according to visual inspection. It has carved beams and painted buildings, green tiles and red doors. It is said to be more than a hundred years old.

Entering the door, turning two turns along the verandah, we came to the Japanese room where the restaurant is located.

Grandma Iori, who was setting the table, heard the footsteps and looked up with a polite smile: "Higashino-kun, please sit down quickly."

She is about sixty years old, with a thin face and sharp black eyes. At first glance, she is not the kind of old lady who is weak and can be bullied.

Wearing a kimono, the pattern is elegant and dignified. His gray hair is combed into an elegant hairstyle and meticulously tied up with a hosta. He is not tall, but his waist is straight. He observes etiquette in every move and has a Chinese style.

It seemed that he had known that he would come, and the lunch he made was just enough for four people.

The dishes are rich and home-cooked, including the tempura and fried pork cutlets that Miko mentioned, as well as some vegetarian stir-fries and some fried fish.

Of course, miso soup is indispensable.

After sitting down, the three members of the Iori family first prayed to the God of Inari and followed the local customs. Higashino Yu also learned to pray together.

Tadamichi Iori sat at the head of the table. After finishing his prayer, he opened his eyes, looked at Higashino Yu and smiled.

"Let's eat, Higashino-kun, don't be restrained. Masahito and I are close friends. Just treat this place as your home."

He said, picking up the bowl and starting to use chopsticks, and then Miko and Grandma Iori also started eating.

The Iori family didn't talk during lunch, so Higashino Yu only moved his chopsticks quietly and quickly after sitting at the table.

Grandma Iori’s cooking skills are beyond words, she is qualified enough to open a shop.

Dong Yeyu showed off three big bowls.

I almost vomited after eating discounted bento boxes for two months after leaving Kyoto.

Even though it was just home-cooked food at this time, it still made me feel like I was reborn.

After lunch, Dong Yeyu diligently helped clear the table, wash dishes, etc.

I was already very skilled at these tasks when I was at Duke Xiaolin's residence. Now I felt clean and neat when I was doing them, and I was praised a few times by the old man.

I originally wanted to help Grandma Iori clean the kitchen, but she refused.

"Higashino-kun, Miko has been waiting for you for a long time. Go quickly, she is over there in the study."

Grandma Iori pointed in the direction of the study and urged Higashino Yu to go there.

Dong Yeyu had no choice but to put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, wiped his hands, and followed the direction directed by the old lady to the study room.

The study looks like a typical Japanese style study on the outside, but after pushing open the shoji door and walking around the white crane screen, the layout and furnishings inside do not look like the study of a palace minister.

There are many books on the bookshelf, but they are all children's books. There is a giant cartoon fox plush doll in the corner, and other decorative dolls are also more girlish.

Even the air here is filled with the fragrance of a girl. This study probably no longer belongs to Iori Miyaji.

Iori Miko is sitting behind the desk, holding a pen in her hand and doing homework. A small section of her fair legs are exposed under her white dress. Her slender ankles look delicate and cute against the backdrop of white lace socks. The overall curve of her feet is also A kind of beauty of curves and shapes, the exquisite curves drive three-dimensional changes in visual shapes.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, the girl raised her head and saw it was Dong Yeyu. She blinked slightly and pushed the cushion next to her.

"Nissan Higashino, please sit here."

Dong Yeyu walked over and sat down, caught a glimpse of the flying chess set aside, and calmly took out a pen and draft book from his school bag.

"Miko, today we will have a math test first, so we shouldn't have time to do anything else."

"Is that so?"

Iori Miko was a little disappointed, pursed her lips slightly, and asked reluctantly: "Can we play after the exam?"

"If you have time. Miko, you can review it first, and I will give you the questions now."

Higashino Yu took on the attitude of a strict teacher, and then began to give her some classic math questions based on Miko's learning progress.

Iori Miko simply glanced at her notebook, then propped her chin with both hands and turned to look at Higashino Yu who was concentrating on writing questions, her eyes were a little dazed.

As a top student in Ayase District Junior High School, she was not afraid of the exam, but she felt it was a pity that she could not play with her friends when they came to her house.

However, although she was not playing and was just studying, Iori Miko did not feel lonely unexpectedly.

Iori Tadamichi stood on the veranda not far away, looking at the two people studying hard in the study through the window, and his heart was relieved.

He felt more and more that hiring Higashino Yu as a tutor was the right choice.

He had heard before that Miko's situation in school was not very good. Because she often talked to the monsters she saw, those children thought she was a weird person, and she was excluded and isolated.

In this situation, he could only worry - he couldn't force those children to be friends with his granddaughter, right?

Therefore, Iori Tadamichi was always worried that Miko would have some psychological problems because of this.

But now that Higashino-kun was with him, he could finally feel more at ease.

He stretched lazily with a sense of relief and walked along the corridor to his room.

Iori Tadamichi had a little wine at noon and was a little sleepy now. He was going to take a nap first.

[Repaying the favor is complete. ]

Higashino Yu, who was observing Iori Miko's study, received a system prompt. He suddenly raised his head and saw Iori Tadamichi walking away in the corridor not far away. He was stunned for a second.

Is this also considered repaying the favor?

Higashino Yu was puzzled, but he was not going to open the system panel here.

After all, the shrine is the territory of the Inari God. It always feels unsafe to look through the system in His residence.

The system should be considered a treasure. Even if it is a god, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be tempted.

Time quickly came to the afternoon. Miko finished the exercises. Higashino Yu checked and found that there were no mistakes.

It seems that Miko has a solid foundation. Mr. Iori Tadamichi said before that she often stayed at home due to physical reasons. In this case, she still has such a solid mathematical foundation. She must have made a lot of efforts.

In this case, I must not let her down for her hard work!

Higashino Yu immediately prepared to tell her about the content that he had not learned yet, but when he looked at his watch, he found that it was getting late.

So he could only regretfully put the teaching plan of new knowledge on the next day.

He stood up and said goodbye to Iori Miko, who was reluctant to leave.

Iori Tadamichi and Iori's grandmother seemed to be not at home. Higashino Yu left the courtyard of Iori's house on his own. When he passed by the worship hall, he paid homage to the Inari God, said goodbye to Him, and then left the shrine.

On the way home, Higashino Yu sent a text message to Asumimi Sanae.

"Your knight is always ready to go."

Soon he received a reply text message.

"Dear Knight, I will arrive in Kosuge Town at 8 o'clock in the evening. Please wait outside the Sakurada family."

Eight o'clock in the evening?

Higashino Yu looked at his watch. It was only five o'clock now, and there were still three hours, so he went home first.

Xiuji was not at home at this time. There was a message paper on the floor, pressed by an ink bottle.

The handwriting on it looked like a worm crawling, and even made Dongye Yu imagine the funny look of it writing with ink dipped in its claws.

Dongye Yu picked up the message paper and took a look, barely making out the handwriting.

It probably said that it went to Kyoto to check on the benefactors' current situation and would return in two days.

This was the order I gave it before, to check on the benefactors' current situation every weekend.

If there is a move, it must come back in time to report, update the benefactor's address, etc.

Since the order was issued, it has done it quite seriously.

Throwing the message paper into the trash can, Dongye Yu sat cross-legged on the floor and opened the system interface with some expectation.

[This gratitude score: C-low]

[Reward: Taoist Scripture: The Great Supreme Mysterious Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Venerable Speaks of the Wonderful Sutra of Saving Suffering and Removing Sins. ]

Dongye Yu looked at the gratitude settlement interface and found that the photo of himself owing a favor to Iori Tadamichi, which was frozen in the system, did not disappear, but just became a little more illusory.

This situation occurs when the act of gratitude is far from enough to offset the gratitude.

Dongye Yu has encountered this many times over the years, so he is not surprised.

But there are actually C-level scores.

Looking at the score, Dongye Yu stroked his chin and was a little surprised.

I thought that even if tutoring is considered a repayment, the score should only be D-level.

What's more, I also collected tuition fees.

It seems that Mr. Iori Tadamichi values ​​​​Miko very much.

Dongye Yu sighed and began to look at the reward column. The name seemed to be a scripture such as forgiveness of sins and salvation.

C-level rewards are basically physical rewards.

For example, some talismans, elixirs, etc., most of which have the effect of exorcising evil spirits and strengthening the body.

In the past ten years, I have received a lot of rewards related to these, but very few of them are used for the next repayment.

I ate some of the elixirs myself first, and later when they were not very effective, I basically gave them to the children with acute congenital diseases in the orphanage.

There are many children with congenital defects in the orphanage, which is probably why they were abandoned.

The talismans were almost used up when they were not strong enough in the early days.

At present, except for one or two life-saving treasures, the inventory is so poor that it can run away.

This is the second time I have seen rewards such as Taoist scriptures - the previous time was the Taishang Laojun's Changqingjingjingjing.

Dong Yeyu's mind moved, and he took out the system reward from the inventory, and several bamboo slips were instantly in his arms.

Now there are still a few hours before the agreed time, it is not bad to read Taoist scriptures when you have nothing to do.

Taoist scriptures cannot enhance oneself immediately like magic, but reading them can also cultivate one's character.

Moreover, the scriptures awarded by the system seem to be different from those found online, both in terms of content and the effect of reciting.

For example, the same Qingjing Sutra, the one found online has many errors and omissions in the text, and the effect is not great.

The Qingjing Sutra awarded by the system is not only error-free, but also has the effect of clearing the mind and spirit as long as you recite it several times with concentration.

It can help beginners to quickly master the meditation and embark on the path of Taoism.

Of course, for me now, the role of the Qingjing Sutra is generally only used to suppress adolescent desires.

Dong Yeyu carefully arranged the heavy bamboo slips in his arms one by one.

The material of the bamboo slips looks like black jade, with golden silk threads interlaced in it, connecting the bamboo slips one by one.

The bamboo slips are engraved with Chinese characters like gold, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite.

Pick up a scroll from the beginning and start to recite silently in his heart.

"At that time, the Heavenly Lord of Rescue filled the ten directions. He often used his divine power to rescue all living beings from the lost path. Living beings were unaware of this, like a blind man seeing the sun and the moon."


"At that time, the Flying God King and the heavenly immortals finished reciting this, bowed to the Heavenly Lord, and left with farewell."

After reciting, Dong Yeyu spent some time to understand and memorize it.

In addition to praising the Heavenly Lord of Rescue, the scripture also tells some principles of the Tao.

After reading it, it is thought-provoking, and the understanding of Tao seems to have improved a little.

But apart from this, there is no other effect.

Dong Yeyu feels that this is simply a Taoist scripture of saving the dead.

In addition to transcendence, it is also a way of gaining knowledge and expanding the Taoist canon in the mind.

It may also have a slight effect of improving the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

But this effect also occurred when I first recited and memorized the Pure and Tranquil Scripture. It is probably the benefit of reading the Taoist canon.

Of course, this name contains the title of Lingbao Tianzun, which is the same as the method of cultivation that I practice. It may have special effects when I use it myself, right?

Is the effect of salvation better?

Dongye Yu suddenly thought of Mrs. Sakurada. If I save her, will it be considered as repaying her kindness?

After thinking for a few seconds, he was ready to ask her opinion at that time.

After all, Mrs. Sakurada seemed to have become a spirit that could stay in the world, a kind of ghost fairy.

Although she didn't have much power, it was also an alternative immortality, and she might not be willing to devote herself to reincarnation.

After spending some time reading it twice more, Dongye Yu took the Taoist scriptures back to the system space.

Considering that there might be a battle in the evening, Dongye Yu began to close his eyes and spent some time to regulate his breathing and practice, striving to fight in the best condition at that time.

A lion must fight a rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that the opponent that might appear tonight is not a weak animal like a rabbit.

When practicing until 6:30 in the evening, Dongye Yu cooked a pot of noodles with Lao Gandie, which was considered dinner.

After dinner, I went out to the subway station. After leaving the slightly quiet Ayase-cho, the bustling atmosphere of Tokyo hit me.

It was past the rush hour, but it was the beginning of nightlife, and it was the weekend, so there were quite a few customers.

After exiting Kosuge subway station, the atmosphere of Tokyo's bustling city became more intense. The surrounding commercial streets were brightly lit, and the bright and clear windows reflected all kinds of passers-by.

The family of three holding the child had a happy and satisfied smile on their faces, the couple leaning against each other held warm milk tea in their hands, foreign tourists with mountaineering bags stood confused on the street, groups of office workers were walking towards the izakaya, and the homeless man with a numb look sat on the street and stared at the crowd in a daze.

Higashino Yu stood on the subway platform to distinguish the direction, and came to Kosuge-cho according to his memory.

It was obviously much quieter here, with fewer vehicles coming and going, and every household had lights on.

The streets were filled with people who had just finished their meals and were strolling around. A group of children were playing and running by, full of life.

However, what made Higashino Yu feel a little strange was that there were no stray cats sleeping everywhere during the day at night.

With such doubts, he came to the gate of the Sakurada family and found that Asumi Sanae and the others had not arrived yet, so Higashino Yu prepared to stand at the door and wait for a while.

But before he had waited for a few minutes, Higashino Yu heard some tiny noises coming from the house behind him.

As a fox spirit, his hearing was far superior to that of ordinary people. After careful identification, it felt like the groaning of an old man dying.

Could it be that something happened to Mrs. Sakurada?

Higashino Yu frowned, and with worry in his heart, he walked into the Sakurada family.

Higashino Yu opened the door and entered the entrance. The dark entrance did not block his sight.

Foxes have dark vision, and with the extremely weak light projected from the street lamps, they can also see everything in the house clearly.

"Mrs. Sakurada, are you there? I'm Higashino Yu, I'm here to see you."

He asked softly, but there was no reply.

I looked around on the first floor, but didn't see any ghosts, so I went to the second floor.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I turned a corner and was shocked to see Mrs. Sakurada in the bedroom with a dagger stuck in her chest, and she fell in a pool of blood with a painful look on her face.

Higashino Yu was stunned at the time. Can ghosts bleed?

Ahhhh, it's too late to revise it. I'll post it first and then revise it.

Some book friends said that I wrote too much, so today's chapters are not written in such detail. I don't know which one my brothers like.

The group exploded yesterday, and the new group is below the introduction.

Thank you for your monthly tickets, rewards, and recommendation tickets.

Please give me monthly tickets, follow-up reading, and recommendation tickets QAQ

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