I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 52 The more you repay a favor, the more you will repay it.

You were discovered less than five minutes after you got home?

No, Miko has difficulty moving, which means that at least ten minutes ago, the fox named Haruhuan told Miko that he was coming back.

This. This isn't right.

He is just an ordinary wild fox cultivating immortals. Apart from being handsome and having a great body, there is nothing special about him.

Iron secret love?

Are all the gods of the island country so free?

Dong Yeyu complained in his heart, his eyes fell on the stone fox statue in the small shrine on the roadside.

There are a few cherry blossoms picked by an unknown person falling on the shrine. The pink flowers are stained with some water drops and are crystal clear in the sun. The fox statue squats in the shadow under the shrine, and the cold marble surface is filled with delicate jade. .

There was a small wooden tray placed in front of the shrine, which reminded Higashikata of an interesting saying he saw online in his previous life.

It is said that the small wooden trays on which meals are placed on the island country were originally the backbone of China in ancient times.

Before the Song Dynasty, people in China still knelt down, but it was uncomfortable to sit on their knees because it oppressed the legs, so heel support was invented.

Use it to place under your buttocks to relieve pressure on your legs and prevent you from kneeling and bowing your legs.

When the island country copied the answers, they didn't copy them all. They didn't know how to use the heel support, so they used it as a food container. They really knelt down when they sat down. As a result, the people of the island country basically had bow legs for more than a thousand years.

It’s hard to say whether it’s true or not, but it’s quite interesting.

There was a plate of tempura placed on the wooden tray. Higashino Yu smelled it and determined that it was fried salmon. It was probably placed by the boss where Saburo had a drink or two alone.

The fox god is also called Gozen Inari as the envoy of the god Inari, and is worshiped as a god who prays for prosperity in business (good luck).

Generally, wherever there is a small shrine like this, surrounding shops and izakayas will offer tributes.

Dong Yeyu hesitated for a moment, then bowed slightly as a salute.

The reason why he salutes in such a nondescript manner is that Higashino Yu is really confused about whether he should use Taoist gestures or Buddhist gestures if he worships gods.

Most of the gods on the island country are from here, and since Buddhism has been popular for a long time, the gesture of worshiping gods is basically to join the palms together.

After thinking about it, I decided to follow the local customs and worship Taoist gods with Ziwu Jue and Buddha with clasped hands.

Seeing this, Iori Miko also supported the crutch under her arm, clasped her hands toward the small shrine, and closed her eyes.

After a while, the girl seemed to hear something and whispered something quietly towards the shrine.

"Haruhara, don't you actually like fried salmon? I don't like it either. I like tempura fried shrimp. Grandma's one is better than Uncle Saburo Shinoda's, but grandpa just likes to go there to drink. Miko doesn't like wine. "

Dong Yeyu didn't see the Chun Yuan, but felt the majestic power descending on the small shrine, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

No wonder Iori Tadamichi said that Miko was not in danger in the town. This is a bit outrageous.

Generally speaking, gods do not talk directly to mortals. Even the palace chief god uses some signatures and calculations to guess the gods' will.

She is truly a girl loved by the gods. Dong Yeyu sighed in his heart.

At this time, four giggling junior high school boys ran over to the roadside. They were short and small, like monkeys. They probably just entered junior high school. They looked not much different from elementary school students.

Holding a baseball and glove in his hand, he seemed to be going to play baseball in an open space not far away.

When they saw Iori Miko here, her face showed the look of a child seeing a beautiful kitten and puppy, and their pace slowed down a bit, as if she was about to come over.

However, seeing Higashino Yu standing next to him, he seemed to be someone Iori Miko knew. After looking at his figure, they all swallowed and stopped in unison.

Keeping a distance where they felt like they wouldn't be caught, they whispered to each other: "She's saying these incomprehensible things again."

"What a monster. It's just a trick to attract everyone's attention. You are the magic stick of the Iori family."

"That's so shameless. Tell me, can she really not hear it?"

One of the boys with a hedgehog head looked at Iori Miko and hesitated for a while. Everyone around him was saying this, so he laughed and raised his voice.

"It seems like I can't hear. I guess that while Iori is lame, he should also be deaf."

"Genius! Bunta, I remembered that grandpa said that gods will punish liars. If there are gods, the Iori family must have been punished by heaven."

"Hey, that's about it. I heard that Shinji and the others bullied Iori last time and she was unlucky for a month. It was quite evil."

"It's a coincidence, you really believe it."

They muttered and walked around Dong Yeyu while keeping their distance. After walking about ten steps away, they turned back and made faces.

"Liar Iori, magic stick Iori."

Iori Miko seemed not to have heard what they said, and was talking softly to herself, chatting happily with Haruhuan in her mouth.

These little brats were probably dogs in their last life. They ate shit all their lives and were reincarnated without cleaning their mouths.

Dong Yeyu frowned,

This was when he was present at the scene, when he was not there, and when he had not yet met Miko.

What will they say? What will it do?

Thinking of this, the anger in my heart suddenly rose.

"Trench, it's really private placement."

Dong Yeyu cursed and rushed towards the boys.

"Haha, you idiot is coming after me!"

When the boys saw Dong Yeyu running towards this side, they immediately slapped their butts and ran away laughing.

They love sports, rank among the top in school sprint competitions, and are veterans at playing with physically weak adults who are exploited by society.

As long as they keep their distance, these idiots can't catch up with them!

Ishida Bunta felt stable, his legs moved like flying, and he looked back with a smile on his face.

He was shocked to find that the distance between him and the man was closing rapidly, and the man was as fast as a gust of wind.

Before he could think of what to do, a big hand grabbed his collar and forced him to stop.


There was a sound of tearing cloth at the collar, and it suddenly strangled his neck. Ishida Bunta rolled his eyes and almost died.

After catching one, Dongye Yu directly clamped him under his hand, and caught another one without slowing down. The little kid running in front screamed, stepped on a banana peel and fell flat on his face.

He was wearing shorts, and the skin on his knees was probably rubbed off. He lay on the ground for a few seconds, hugged his knees and cried heartbreakingly.

The last one saw that he had caught three people and was still walking fast, so he ran into a dead end in a panic, leaning against the wall, like Jerry who was trapped in a dead end, panting and panicking.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"My father is the chief inspector of the Adachi District Police Station, you——"

Adachi District Patrol Chief?

Isn't that a position that ordinary policemen get by slacking off?

Coincidentally, my buddy knows a lady who is the deputy chief of the Criminal Division of the Adachi District Police Station.

Even if that lady doesn't help him, there is also Mr. Iori Tadamichi, as the chief priest of the local family-inherited Inari Shrine, his power is not something that a grassroots inspector who is slacking off can touch.

Now the favors are getting more and more.


"Why don't you tell me about your mother's profession?"

Dong Yeyu grinned and slapped him, and the boy's stubborn eyes suddenly became clear.

There is one more chapter, which will be posted later.

Thanks to Linyuan's assistant for the reward.

Thanks to my book friends Ju Dazhuang, 160710155741468, 20230915181123916, 20220716090112419, Super Tyrannosaurus Rex, Thousands of Years Have Passed by Without Realizing, Dreaming Without Realizing, The Stargazer's Full Moon Rabbit, A Big Fat Pigeon, Deng Yuheng, Mu Song, 20211117015616690, Reading for 8 Years, J Xi, Freedom223, Hunter's Death, Lion, Lithium Beryllium Boron, Lu Benwei Niu Hide, Yan Mo Ruo Meng, Feng Zhi Yun Xiao, Gong Fu Yun, 120318172820373, 20191105163001671, 20191227170804136, 20230113202820893, Ming Shan, Mirage Meng Mo's monthly ticket (ω)

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