I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 34 God is kindhearted

"Well, I still have you. Yaren said that you often help take care of the children when he is with him. I feel relieved to have you help take care of Miko."

Iori Tadashi said in a joking tone, but he is indeed more relieved about Higashino Yu now.

When I came back from a drink just now, I happened to see the door of Higashinoyu's house open. It wasn't until he came downstairs with Miko on his back that he closed the door completely. The man at the shrine didn't move either, and he had a real feeling for his character in his heart. preliminary judgment.

Before that, he had learned about this young man from the letters written by his old friend Miyazaki.

Although judging from the description, it is true that both appearance and appearance are excellent, but there is an old saying in China that a horse's strength is known by a long road, and a person's heart is revealed by time.

After all, you have to see it with your own eyes before you can rest assured.

Now I saw Dong Yeyu's serious expression, as if he was trying to persuade him tactfully, with a smile on his face, and his evaluation of his character rose to a higher level.

"Mr. Iori, I can't take care of Miko all the time, so don't worry about what happens—"

"Don't be afraid, as long as Miko doesn't leave Ayase Town."

Iori Tadamichi showed a mysterious smile and looked at a small shrine on the street.

In front of the shrine, a simple torii gate with a height of only a dozen centimeters was built out of wood. There is a stone statue of a fox enshrined in the shrine.

"Don't worry, Mr. Higashino, Miko is safe in Ayase Town. As for why, you don't need to go into details. You won't believe it if I tell you."

He only said this riddle-like sentence to Dong Yeyu's question.

No, I believe it.

I am a monster, born with no way to resist the power of monsters and gods.

Dong Yeyu fell silent. He remembered his previous conversation with Yuzi——


"Yeah, it's a big talking fox. It's very big. It's inside the shrine. But except for my grandparents, no one else believes me."

So, what is enshrined in this shrine is Chunyuan?

Dong Yeyu stared at the fox carved out of stone in the shrine.

There is no discernible type. There are four tails on the back. It is sitting in a shrine. There are painted lines and lines on the face and around the eyes.

I used to think it was useless street decoration or folk culture, so I passed by it every day without even observing it carefully.

Now when I look carefully, I always feel like it is staring at me, with a smile hidden on the face of the fox carved out of stone.

Is it the big fox that Miko said lives in the shrine?

It turns out that the jurisdiction of gods extends beyond shrines? Is it said that the inside of the torii gate is the divine realm?

The person who edited this fake Wikipedia is really private.

Higashino Yu cursed the person who edited Wikipedia the most viciously in his heart. He swallowed and his mind went blank.

I have been practicing so arrogantly under His nose for a long time.

Tadamichi Iori didn't notice anything unusual about Higashino Yu, and gently took the sleeping Miko off his back. He held a cane in one hand and nodded towards him.

"Then, Miko and I will go back to the shrine first."

".Please walk slowly."

Dong Yeyu returned the greeting absentmindedly, his mind was a little confused now, and he felt panic in his heart.

But then I thought about it and thought maybe this is a good thing?

After practicing under the nose of this divine fox for so long, he didn't realize that he was a monster.

What does this mean?

Maybe there is no need to be too afraid of places like shrines in the future. The value of transformation spells is rising sharply!

Thinking of this, Dong Yeyu suddenly remembered the tens of thousands of yen in rent that he had given to the apartment manager a few days ago, and his heart suddenly felt painful.

Damn it, if he had known this was the case, he would have agreed to live in the shrine, and he could owe more debts and save on rent.

This time I lost blood.

But it's also possible that He found out about the poor fox who was kind-hearted and didn't want to see the poor fox from the countryside, so he simply disappeared.

If this was possible, Higashino Yu felt that he probably wouldn't be able to live at the shrine.

After all, most people may not bother to care about cockroaches crawling in the darkness in the stairway outside their home, but if a cockroach runs into their kitchen, they must be trampled to death.

But in any case, just talking about Inari Shrine, there may be no need to regard it as a forbidden area.

While Higashino Yu's mind was spinning, Iori Tadamichi, who had just walked a few steps with Miko in his arms, suddenly turned around as if he remembered something.

"I have something to ask Higashino-kun."

"Please tell me."

"Miko's health is not good, and she has been going to school intermittently these years. Although she has been going to school every day recently, she doesn't know when she will take a leave of absence due to physical reasons. In order to avoid being unable to keep up with her studies, I would like to ask you, Higashino-kun, to be Miko. tutor."

"As a tall and talented person, I believe you have the ability to teach Miko well."

Iori Tadamichi said that in fact, he was not worried about Miko's academic performance. He mainly wanted to find someone to accompany Miko at the shrine.

He is usually busy with shrine affairs and cannot take care of all aspects of Miko. I heard that her peers don't seem to have fun with her.

Worried that she would have psychological problems due to loneliness, she thought of letting Higashino Yu come to the shrine to accompany her occasionally - this girl seemed to be closer to Higashino-kun.

Tutor? Dong Yeyu hesitated for a moment, then bowed and apologized.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Iori. I would like to help you with your worries, but unfortunately, I just found a part-time job today, so I probably don't have time to teach Miko."

"And when I was in the orphanage, a monk came and warned me that I can't enter palaces and temples in the future, as it will offend the gods."

"You have helped me so much, but I can't give you anything in return. I am so ashamed."

Higashino Yu bowed at a 90-degree angle, and apologized sincerely.

"Anger the gods? That's true. I'll go back and ask."

Iori Tadamichi glanced at Higashino Yu, and didn't expect that this young man would actually believe in supernatural things.

"If the gods agree, does Higashino-kun have time to teach Miko on weekends?" He asked earnestly with a slight bow.

Throwing the Holy Grail, right? If the gods disagree, throw it to agree?

Of course, there are gods in this world, and Iori Tadamichi, as a priest, will probably get a response if he asks.

And judging from his performance just now, he seems to know that there are indeed gods and gods' messengers in Inari Shrine.

Since people have said this, it is really hard for me to refuse.

Higashino Yu also responded very politely: "If the gods agree."

"Okay, hourly wages, 3,000 yen an hour, what do you think of Higashino-kun?"

When Iori Tadamichi saw Higashino Yu agreed, the smile on his old face became brighter. This way, Higashino Yu could teach Miko and accompany her, killing two birds with one stone.

In this way, Miko would not be lonely, and he could also give an account of his old friend's entrustment.

3,000 yen an hour? !

At that time, Higashino Yu had the urge to quit his waiter job and concentrate on being a tutor.

This is almost the price of a general professional college student at the University of Tokyo as a tutor!

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