I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 29 Cleaning up the scene

After doing all this, Dong Yeyu took out the school uniform shoes and nylon gloves in his schoolbag and put them on.

He calmly began to check whether they had any recording or voyeuristic equipment. After the check, he knocked out the two conscious ones among the three and dragged them to the alley to avoid being discovered by pedestrians.

Then Dong Yeyu began to clean up the things related to himself at the scene.

He had not undergone professional anti-reconnaissance training, so he could only consciously clean up the evidence related to himself by relying on the movies and detective novels he had seen and common sense.

For example, fragments of clothes, hair, etc., fingerprints are in the nylon gloves, so there is no need to worry.

If Dong Yeyu was an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to do it so meticulously.

But fortunately, after building the foundation, he has sharp ears and eyes, and as a fox, the sensitivity of various senses is far beyond that of humans, so it is not difficult.

The key is that foxes are nocturnal animals, and their eyes are comparable to those of cats. The dim street lights did not affect Dong Yeyu's cleaning of evidence.

He spent about ten minutes cleaning up the scene, and some drunken office workers and some hostesses passed by in the middle.

However, Higashino Yu had hidden before they found him, so he was not seen.

Then he spent a few minutes checking again to make sure that there was no trace left. He left the block like a normal high school student who was off work, and walked towards the subway station.

There was only one subway station near the Duke Kobayashi's residence, and the other subway station was a little far away, so Higashino Yu had to go back.

"Shingo, where did you follow him?"

"Uh, still on the subway."

"Still on the subway? It's been so long, did you catch up?"

"No, brother, the subway seemed to have some problems. It stopped for a while and got off soon, right away."

"Hey! He's leaving the station. I have to go, brother. I'll contact you later."

In a corner not far from the subway station, Tamura Shingo, whose hair was dyed black and yellow, wearing wireless Bluetooth headphones on his ears, and wearing a cheap suit, was leaning against the wall and hanging up the phone in a very anxious tone.

After hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and ruffled his carefully dressed hair in annoyance.

Shingo Tamura had actually come here early in the morning to wait for his target. He watched him get off work and wanted to follow him.

The strange thing was that he was obviously a very eye-catching person, but he lost him in a moment of distraction.

It was really weird.

He couldn't report if he lost him. Shingo Tamura thought that the other subway stations were all ten kilometers away, and most people would not go far away.

So he waited here until now, but it was past ten o'clock and the person hadn't appeared.

He had a headache. If he went back, he would be dead. If he didn't do it well, his elder brother would definitely punish him.

Shingo Tamura sighed with a sad face.

Forget it, it's over now, let's eat first.

Shingo Tamura was going to find a izakaya to drink some wine first. As soon as he looked up, his eyes fell on the subway station not far away, and he suddenly found that the high school student with a very eye-catching figure and appearance was slowly walking into the subway station.

He thought he had seen it wrong, rubbed his eyes, and confirmed that it was true, and was immediately overjoyed.

Finally waited for you!

Suppressing his happiness, Tamura Shingo followed him from a distance and entered the subway station.

After taking the subway back to Ayase Station, Higashino Yu counted the spoils he got from the gangsters while walking, and he got a lot.

You said robbery?

How can this be called robbery?

He could have killed them, but he spared their lives because God was merciful.

They had a life for no reason, so shouldn't they be grateful and voluntarily offer all the cash and property on their bodies as compensation for their clothing loss and mental loss?

The money was about 110,000 yen, plus a wakizashi, and the cell phone was not taken for fear of tracking.

Of course, Higashino Yu didn't kill them because he was a saint or had a vow not to kill.

Speaking of the virtue of mercy was just a joke, he always hated such gangsters.

The main reason he didn't kill them was because this was Tokyo after all, the location of the Metropolitan Police Department - the police stations in other parts of the island country can only be called police stations, only the one in Tokyo is called the Metropolitan Police Department.

The quality of the police in the Metropolitan Police Department is much higher than that of the general local police station. They are not really incompetent.

Moreover, the island country is not the period of the 1970s and 1980s when gangsters' feuds were rampant. The laws are much stricter and the attitude towards murder is quite serious.

Once a murder occurs, it will inevitably attract countless police investigations, even if the gangsters are dead.

The search section is not a place to eat and dry. It is not dangerous for me, but it will be quite troublesome.

Therefore, Higashino Yu just spent a lot of effort to clean up the traces. When chasing them, he also deliberately avoided the areas with surveillance. Those who could not be avoided were all wearing hoods and masks.

Fortunately, the surveillance deployment in Tokyo is not like that in Shenzhou. Personal privacy is emphasized here.

Although the police have been promoting the proposal of surveillance deployment, the surveillance deployment plan has been shelved because of too many opposition voices.

Until now, only some important and prosperous streets and main roads have surveillance.

In this way, I am not very afraid of being targeted by the police.

I have also thought of other possibilities, such as those gangsters who did not listen to my advice and insisted on calling the police.

Although it is common sense that a gang member would not be ashamed to call the police after being beaten by a high school student, but what if?

Dong Yeyu thought about this situation.

Then he found that it was not too dangerous for them to call the police for the time being.

Tonight, I heard from Miss Uesugi Kouka that Tokyo has been short of police recently, and even a policeman from the first investigation section has gone missing.

A large number of missing people cases are definitely a higher priority than gang members being beaten.

Given the efficiency of the island police, by the time this case comes, I might already be in college.

In a few years, there is always a way to solve this hidden danger.

Higashino Yu thinks it is more likely that these gang members will go back to gather manpower and come to trouble me head-on.

But this is even better, I can fight back on the grounds of self-defense, and then call the police after the fight.

A group of gang members bullying a high school student is considered quite bad in the island country.

Given the degree of disgust of the island police towards gangs, it is beneficial to them no matter how they look at it from a legal perspective. There is a high probability that they will be released after recording a confession.

There is also the possibility of assassination and revenge, but I am not very afraid of this.

With Xiuji as a warning, plus the fox's natural keen sense of danger, mortals who want to sneak attack me must be at least professional killers.

This alone is not enough, you need a gun to be able to hurt yourself.

Although I certainly can't beat a professional killer, I can turn into a fox at the moment of being fatally attacked, avoid the vital parts, first give the opponent a little shock, and then take the opportunity to strategically turn!

This fox has been wandering around the world for so many years, and is especially good at running!

Therefore, if you want to kill me, you need at least a sniper rifle.

With a professional killer and a sniper rifle, this configuration is enough to assassinate the prime minister. Don't be a gangster ratman, go to the prime minister's residence to open up a brain hole for the prime minister, and then sit in it yourself.

Oh, I forgot, the first male gun in the island server, as a great doer, has made a scientific and effective proof-assassinating the prime minister only requires a homemade hand gun.

Sometimes reality is more absurd and illogical than imagined.

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