I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 27 The winner is decided

While the tama steel sounds very powerful, it is actually because the island country does not have good iron ore and high-temperature fuel, so it can only smelt the iron ore into sponge iron, and then break it to select the iron ore with the right carbon content, which is called tama steel.

It can be said that tama steel is actually the helpless choice of the swordsmiths in the island country. In modern times, many swordsmiths will choose to use modern high-strength steel.

However, in order to sell it at a good price, they still use this method of refining tama steel to cast knives, claiming to be forged by ancient methods, and simply increase the selling price by ten times.

Kuroda Takeshi saw that his condensed Iai sneak attack did not hit, and he did not return to the sheath, and took a mid-section stance.

This is a panacea stance in kendo, which is not as aggressive as the upper section, but it is better in both offense and defense, and can advance and retreat freely.

The new generation of gangsters like Yoshihara Yuma have not experienced the 20 years of social turmoil. They are used to being domineering in the past, and they fight with a fierceness.

The actual physical strength may not be as good as that of ordinary people who have exercised a little.

Kuroda Takeshi is different from them. He is in his forties and almost fifty. He is a gangster who has experienced the golden age of the Showa era.

He once studied in the kendo hall of Tenshin Shinden Katori Shinto Ryu and was awarded the scroll of "Catalog".

Most of the sword schools in the island country divide disciples into "Kirishiki", "Catalog", "Kaiden" and "Menkyo Kaiden".

Generally speaking, a disciple who has just started practicing can be called Kirishiki.

The Catalog is equivalent to a graduation certificate, indicating that the disciple has been included in the school, has learned some of the techniques of this school, and can graduate from this kendo hall.

The literal meaning of Kaiden is that this disciple has learned all the mysteries of this school and can report the name of his own school in external sword fighting.

Menkyo Kaiden means that this disciple can set up his own school and teach the swordsmanship of this school to others without the permission of the master. He is considered a master in the swordsmanship school.

The fact that Kuroda Takeshi was able to obtain the certificate of the catalogue shows that he has learned some of the essence of Katori Shinto Ryu, which can be seen from the Iai technique just now.

The moment the blade was pulled out of the scabbard, it slashed horizontally, and then performed the technique of cutting vertically from the upper large arc to the chest.

This is a killing move that condenses the spirit of the swordsman. Even if you dodge the horizontal Ichimonji slash, there is a high probability that you will be cut down.

If you are cut, you will definitely be disemboweled. This is a technique that will kill with one blow.

After performing it, he did not forget to maintain his Zanshin, and his skills were not slack. This is the Iai technique that Kuroda Takeshi is proud of, which helped him achieve the title of Bamboo Breaker Kuroda in the past underworld fights - Katori Shinto Ryu, Cloud Cutting.

He can see that although the high school student in front of him has extreme physical strength, he has no rules when he fights.

In other words, there is no sign that this person has learned any martial arts.

In terms of skills alone, he may not be as good as some of the minions with rich experience in street fights like Bianchuan.

However, sometimes, when the power is strong enough, it can really defeat ten skills with one force, and this boy in front of him is such a case.

Many people have a misunderstanding about big and strong people. They think that strong power must be slow, with a pre-attack swing, slow reaction, and inconvenient movement.

But the reality is that they usually have the speed of a leopard, the strength of a bear, and the agility of a cat, and can be called a hexagonal warrior.

Kuroda Takeshi also knew this, so he was quite cautious, with his lips tightly pursed and his expression serious.

The hand holding the hilt loosened and tightened, and he closed his eyes slightly to adjust his breathing frequency.

This is the meditation technique of the Katori Shinto swordsman. Meditation before the battle can remove distracting thoughts, enhance the fighting spirit, and also deliberately reveal the intention of flaws.

If the enemy thinks it is a flaw and takes the opportunity to attack, he can take advantage of the situation to cut out a stunning slash of spirit, energy and spirit!

The past few decades of life experience flowed before his eyes like a floating world painting, from childhood, to learning from a master and daily life, to the bloody street fighting.

He seemed to have returned to the past, with the roar of the Heikawa Association at its peak on one side and the sword-waving shouts of the kendo hall on the other.

Although he was a gangster who had fallen into the Shura Road, he was also a swordsman!

Kuroda Takeshi not only felt that he carried the dignity of a Showa gangster cadre, but also the honor of a pure swordsman.

He opened his eyes and said in a deep voice with a sharp gaze.

"Heikawa Association's younger brother, Kuroda Takeshi, I'm here to see you!"

The refreshing night breeze after the rain stirred the green plants on both sides of the street, making a rustling sound. The neon lights in the distance flickered at a fixed frequency. There was some water on the wet ground, reflecting the confusing lights and Komura Masasuke with a bloody face.

After the wind blew, ripples rose in the small pool of water, and the reflected scene was broken into sparkling waves.

There were two people lying on the ground, one seemed to be dead and motionless, and the other was lying on the ground and curled up like a shrimp.

Higashino Yu also became serious. He was not so naive as to accuse the other party of sneak attack.

He was already a gangster. He was guilty of all kinds of crimes, such as burning, killing, looting, and forcing women into prostitution. It would be too stupid to expect him to abide by the samurai code.

But he had no weapons in his hands. If he relied on his fists and wakizashi, he would definitely suffer a great loss. If he fought hard, he would definitely win, but it was hard to say whether he would get hurt.

Although Higashino Yu had already established his foundation, he had no magic spells to use. If he turned back to his original form, he would definitely kill one in one bite. But no one with a brain would put himself in danger of being targeted by the exorcists and gods in the entire Tokyo circle for a little dispute.

If you want to stay safe in human form, you have to use your brain. After all, if you get cut by a knife and bleed, it might give the police a clue.

Higashino Yu frowned and observed the surroundings with his peripheral vision. He was speechless to find that there were no weapons like sticks, not even trash can lids that could be used as shields.

So he slowly retreated towards Kuroda Takeshi, as if he wanted to escape.

After a moment of confrontation, he took off the sweatshirt he was wearing, bare-chested, and looked behind him sideways.


Kuroda Takeshi immediately seized the slightest flaw of Higashino Yu's distraction, used his right foot as the front foot, slightly raised his left foot, and used the common swordsmanship footwork called "sending foot".

This footwork is fast and his body is stable. He quickly approached and slashed from the upper left to the lower right with a kasaya slash, intending to disembowel him.

He took the bait!

Higashino Yu immediately threw the sweatshirt in his hand at Kuroda Takeshi's face.

Kuroda Takeshi lost sight of Higashino Yu, but he was not surprised. His expression was solemn, and his unstoppable momentum did not dissipate at all.

When gangs fight, what kind of dirty tricks are there?

He is already familiar with the methods of dealing with these street fights.

This technique of blocking vision, similar to throwing sand, is not very effective. How far can you run in one second?

Moreover, clothes do not have the side effect of affecting vision after sand and gravel enter the eyes, so you can only attack them by surprise.

If you choose to escape instead of chasing, people will know your strengths and weaknesses.

Obviously, the kid in front of him must be running away!

He is timid, and the victory and defeat are decided!

Kuroda Takeshi was overjoyed, his momentum increased sharply, and the cassock cut hit the sweater, and he kept chasing after him. The wakizashi flashed a beautiful arc in the air and made a pursuit action of the reverse cassock.

However, at this moment, after crossing the barrier of the sweater, Kuroda Takeshi was shocked to find that Higashino Yu had disappeared completely.

I saw a white shadow flash by in the corner of my eye, bringing with it a gust of wind, so fast that I couldn't follow it.

What was that? !

Oh no, I'm guilty, brother Meng, I thought I could finish this paragraph today, but I didn't, I just got stuck, I'm really convinced, bang bang bang, kowtow, forgive me, I will definitely finish this paragraph tomorrow.

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