I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 192 My Lord, the monster is here to attack us!

Just these tens of thousands of yen of gold beans, you send them away - Dong Yeyu looked at the three more gold beans in his hand and fell silent.

Today's gold price is 11636 yen, 20 grams is 232720 yen, if you just act as a tour guide, it seems that it is not impossible.

Isn't it enough?

Yuanjun noticed Dong Yeyu's hesitation, frowned, and took out another gold bean from the brocade bag.

Dong Yeyu took a deep breath. Although he didn't understand why it was not a handful of gold beans, I forgive you.

I did offend a little just now. Even if I saved Yuanjun, he is a real god. It is a bit rude to leave without listening to him. And...

Dong Yeyu put the gold beans into the safest pocket with a grateful heart, and began to reflect in his heart.

After the money falls into the pocket, there will be foxes to argue for you.

In fact, I am not greedy for money, this is also part of the practice of Taoism.

Dong Yeyu has a clear mind and knows everything he does.

To others, wealth is like a shackle that binds people. Even if the fox has now entered the immortal path, it cannot escape the worldly life and seems to have lost its immortal spirit.

But human desire is also the great way. Only by coming to the mortal world to come into contact with all kinds of desires can one truly experience the process of being influenced by desires, cleanse the mind of Taoism, and then transcend.

Those monks in the temples just meditate all day long and claim to have no desires, but few of them have truly become great enlightened people.

There was once a story about a group of people who had never seen the world and stayed in a small mountain village for their whole lives without worrying about food and clothing, so they did not pick up things on the road and did not lock their doors at night.

When outsiders saw it, they called it a pure land of immortals, believing that everyone in it was upright and upright. Although they were uneducated, they were close to saints.

Later, there were more outsiders, and all kinds of novel ideas and commodities entered the small mountain village. This saint village quickly corrupted, and many evil deeds began to appear.

People started to say that poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people.

Most people can't treat their desires rationally. Some people resist, some people indulge, and they end up being inferior.

Saints are saints because they experience desires that ordinary people can't resist all the time and don't sink into them or strip off their desires. If you want to practice successfully, you have to go through this.

Dong Yeyu subconsciously touched his pocket to prevent any holes from leaking out the golden beans, while taking out his mobile phone and finding a map of Tokyo.

"Tokyo is a big city. It will take more than a day or two to play all over. Where do you prefer to start playing? I can check the information and make plans in advance."

Dong Yeyu said this, thinking of the fact that he still had to tutor Miko, and thought for two seconds, and added: "Let me make it clear first, I only have time during the weekend. And I probably don't have much free time this weekend."

If I want to be Yuanjun's tour guide, I can only take her to various attractions in Tokyo during the day, and then rush back to Kita Ayase to tutor Miko at night.

If Miss Moon Witch has an investigation and recruitment, she will have to adjust her schedule.

Dong Yeyu felt a little scalp numb when she thought about the non-stop work she would have to do in the next few weeks, but making money is not easy.

You greedy fox, you only have money in your eyes. You took the money and said you have no spare time. If Taishan Queen knows about it, she will definitely beat you with a ruler.

Yuanjun saw Dong Yeyu touching his pocket subconsciously, as if he could see the shape of the golden beans through the bulge of the fabric. He couldn't help but pursed his red lips, pinched the brocade bag, and felt distressed.

Before he left, his grandfather gave him a lot of treasures, gems and gold, but most of them were placed in the shrine.

This time, Yu Tian and the demon who came from nowhere took away all the property and magic weapons. Most of the property and magic weapons were taken away by the demon. Only some property and the magic weapons he often used were left in the brocade bag to survive.

I haven't been back for so many years. Should I go home one day to see?

I don't know how my father, the king and my mother are doing.

When Yuanjun thought of this, a wave of homesickness surged in her heart. She seemed to have no interest in visiting Tokyo. She gently supported her cheeks with her hands, and scanned the map with her eyes. She clicked on one and found a place with interesting pictures, so she chose it.

"Let's start from here."

Dongye Yu looked carefully and saw that it was Tokyo Disneyland. He nodded thoughtfully.

"It might be fun here, but the ticket price is not cheap. If you want to have a good experience, the two of us will spend about this amount, which is about four gold beans."

As a world-famous theme park, Disneyland slaughters every tourist who enters it equally.

Yuanjun: "."

"You still need to buy a ticket for a place like this? When the Dragon Palace hosted the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet for the wise and students in the mortal world, they didn't say that they would charge money."

She thought for a while and said, "We can use illusion to go in and play."

Dong Yeyu's mouth twitched: "As a god, do you feel embarrassed?"

Yuanjun looked at Dong Yeyu, blinked, and asked in a strange way: "Why not? I know many cousins ​​who go to the mortal world to play in the world like this."

It's bad.

Dong Yeyu suddenly had a premonition that the bill tonight might not be too smooth.

He approached quietly so that he could catch her at any time and prevent her from escaping, and asked: "Would you like to tell me your budget?"

Budget? Yuanjun took the brocade bag back, pondered for two seconds, and said softly: "My mother has always taught me to be frugal and it's best not to spend money."

"It's okay not to spend money, how about you look at a few free parks?"

After receiving the money, Dong Yeyu was still very conscientious and began to recommend some high-quality and low-cost holy places to visit. Yuanjun was very interested after hearing about it - she was interested in everything, as long as she didn't spend money.

The kitchen was very efficient. After just chatting for a while, a notification came over. Dong Yeyu went to the kitchen to get the dishes to serve. These were appetizers, exquisitely decorated, but not in large portions.

As soon as it was served, Yuan Jun looked at it curiously, then took it into his mouth gracefully and quickly, squinting his eyes while chewing, and only spoke after eating.

"I've been sleeping for too long. It's been many years since I've tasted this kind of taste. Well, this is so sweet. Let the little fox learn from it."

She just smiled and said no more.

study? Learn shit! Dong Yeyu complained in his heart that he hated cooking in his previous life, and he also hated cooking in this life - in fact, it was because he had no talent for cooking that everything he cooked tasted terrible.

He took off the dinner plate and brought new dishes. After Yuanjun ate, most of them gave average comments.

After the appetizers were served, it was time for the main meal, which was a dazzling array of dishes. She seemed to have ordered all the dishes that the restaurant could produce, with steak, lobster, and king crab served in turn.

But neither steak nor king crab could last more than a few minutes on Yuan Jun’s dining table.

Especially the king crab. As soon as Dong Yeyu brought it to the table, he saw that not even the crab shell was left.

After the entire menu was served, looking at the empty plates being carried to the dishwashing room, the waiter, restaurant manager, or chef all had expressions as if they had seen a ghost - she had actually finished eating them all.

In the end, Yuan Jun sat down in his seat dignifiedly, and his stomach didn't change at all even after eating a dish that could hold several adults to death.

She picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth, and commented in a waxy voice: "It is far from the dishes I enjoyed in the Dragon Palace. It can barely be eaten."

With that said, he put down a gold ingot that was obviously an illusion, stood up, and powerful mana began to stir.

Is she going to run an order? !

Dong Yeyu grabbed her hand. The wrist was frosted, and it was delicate and smooth. It was not as thin as it looked, and actually felt a little soft to the touch.

Of course, Dong Yeyu didn't think about all this mess at this time, he just thought that he couldn't let her go - not to mention the commission. If the restaurant held him responsible and had to fill the hole by himself, then his work would not be in vain. Already?

"Where are you going?"

Yuan Jun stared at Dong Yeyu with wide eyes. He was stunned for a while before he reacted. His cheeks, which were as white as mutton fat, turned red.

"Deng, Deng disciple!"

She spat and pulled hard, causing Dong Yeyu to stagger and throw him directly out.

I test. Dong Yeyu managed to steady his body and whispered: "You are a noble and a princess of the Dragon Palace, so you have to pay before you can leave, right? If the news of eating the Overlord's meal spreads to China, what will the gods and monsters in the world think of you?"

"I am not in China now, so I don't care what they say. My mother has taught me that a dragon who cares about the opinions of other beings is not a good dragon." Yuan Jun said seriously.

No, why are you still a freeloader inherited from the family?

Dong Yeyu felt a little tired, "If the believers know what you have done, can you stand high in the temple and accept worship and worship?"

"Why not?" Yuan Jun felt that the fox was very strange. "I am in charge of Lingze and I am tired of controlling the wind and rain in the place. If they don't come to worship, I will have a rest."

Dong Yeyu: "."

After some persuasion, she refused to listen, so Dong Yeyu threatened: "If you eat for free today, I won't see you again. You can also take these four golden beans back. I don't want them anymore."

Seeing that he was serious, Yuanjun thought that if he really cut off the possibility of him becoming a divine envoy, he might have to face the huge amount of religious affairs in the future, and he would have to go to Izumo to participate in some messy divine event at the end of the year. discuss

Thinking about it made her head feel heavy, so she curled her lips and said, "It's not a shop run by a little fox like you. There's no way the maid should worry about the young lady."

After muttering, he took out three more golden beans from the brocade bag: "Here, is that enough? Go and find some money for me."

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Dong Yeyu briefly judged the value of the golden beans and shook his head.

Yuan Jun added two more pills with an expressionless expression.

That's pretty much it.

Higashino Yu weighed the golden beans and went to Kasahara Masato to explain the situation - after all, it was probably the first time for him to meet the person who paid for the golden beans.

Kasahara Masato pondered for two seconds after hearing this: "Do you want to pay with gold? But there is no identification equipment in the store, and there are no gold shops around here."

As he said that, he looked at Dongye Yu: "It seems that Mr. Dongye is familiar with that lady, and she doesn't spend much. It's just half of Mr. Dongye's weekly salary. You can vouch for her, so you don't have to go through so much trouble." ”

Kasahara Masato knew Higashino Yu very well. He was studying at Tachibana High School and couldn't escape.

Dong Yeyu didn't suspect that the gold was fake, but after hearing what he said, he began to murmur in his heart.

However, Yuan Jun can escape, but monks cannot escape from the temple. If it is a fake, he will definitely come to ask for an explanation if he succeeds in his practice in the future.

She was born in the Dragon Palace, and although she is a bit stingy, she should not deceive people with fake goods.

With this idea in mind, Dong Yeyu gave Yuan Jun a guarantee, and then went to Yuan Jun with the ten or twenty thousand change he had found.

"Your golden bean cannot be authenticated for the time being. I have given you a guarantee. If it is fake, I will have to pay for it. This money -"

"Thank you, little fox." Yuan Jun nodded slightly like an aristocratic lady, thanked him softly, and at the same time took the change from Dong Yeyu's hand with his bare hands.

Bull devil's.

Dong Yeyu sent her to the door of the restaurant with a dark face, and couldn't help but ask again: "Is your golden bean really true?"

"I can still give you fake goods? The little fox is so ignorant." Yuan Jun was a little unhappy.

Then don’t you have a criminal record? Dong Yeyu complained in his heart and asked: "Where do you live? Where should I find you?"

"Of course I still live in Hisizawa Shrine."

"So you flew here?" Dong Yeyu was stunned, but also a little envious in his heart. If he could fly away in his true body, he would be called an immortal who traveled to Beihai Mu Cangwu.

"Otherwise?" Yuan Jun glanced at Dong Yeyu, this little fox always asked some strange questions.

She walked down the stairs of the restaurant like a stroll, raising her head slightly. Her demeanor was dignified and elegant, but it was a bit incompatible with the modern clothes she was wearing.

"It's getting late. I'm going back first. I'll see you again next weekend, little fox."

As she spoke, there were auspicious clouds that completely covered her figure. They quickly floated up into the night sky and merged into a cloud covered with silvery moonlight.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed, the clouds were illuminated, and shadows that snaked for miles disappeared in a blink of an eye. People passing by in the bustling commercial street looked up.

"Is it going to rain?"

I received this week’s salary from my manager and left work happily.

Although it was only one day, Yuanjun spent nearly 300,000 yen alone today, which could cover his salary for several days. Therefore, including the share, he also got more than 40,000 yen.

Dong Yeyu has always felt that money is just a tool, a tool that can benefit himself and the people around him. Therefore, although he likes money, he will not do anything for money.

Speaking of which, my savings are not too small now.

Higashino Yu calculated that he had saved nearly 600,000 yen from working part-time and meeting Sanae tomorrow. During the day, Miss Moon Witch gave nearly 300,000 yen. Yuanjun now gave a deposit of just over 200,000 yen. There’s also the bounty from the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science over at Jinguji Hiiragi.

At least there will be 1.3 million yen. I will keep about 300,000 yen when the time comes and buy a small electric donkey for transportation. The remaining 1 million will be sent back to the orphanage.

There are many sources of income on weekdays, and he often eats at Miko's house, so the money left behind is actually quite a lot.

But be prepared, in case you need money urgently, you can get it yourself.

When I got home, as soon as I turned on the light in the entrance hall, Xiuji flew in from the window in a hurry.

"Lord, lord, something bad is going to happen. That monster, that monster is here!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Dongyeyu took two quick steps, put down his schoolbag, hooked his foot on Chengming Yizi, who was lying flat on the quilt, raised his hand, grabbed the knife, and looked at Xiuji, who was bald again: "Where is it?"

"It's the convenience store over there."

Xiuji stood awkwardly on the window lattice, stretching his wings and pointing to a brightly lit convenience store hundreds of meters away.

It was a chain convenience store, different from Matsushige convenience store, and larger in scale.

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