I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 187: After three days away, is it still the same when I return?

It is about one or two subway stops away from Inari Shrine and close to the residential area of ​​Tachibana Hata Nishi Elementary School in Adachi Ward.

This area is close to the edge of Adachi City. Compared to Kita Ayase, the blocks and buildings look more dated. The streets are not too clean. You can find cigarette butts and messy things in the corners of the streets and alleys.

But even so, there is still an old house that is incompatible with the surrounding residential houses, as if it has been transported from the last century.

This is a wooden bungalow that looks like an architectural style from the mid-to-late Meiji period. Part of it collapsed due to disrepair, and the owner seems to have no intention of repairing it.

It occupies a small area, only about 70 square meters. The outer wall was built by the government and looks decent. There is a wooden nameplate with the word Furukawa written on it.

The lights were still on in the house, and from time to time a thin-faced middle-aged man would poke his head out the door, as if waiting for someone.

It wasn't until the little girl in a black dress emerged from the dark night that he breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly stepped forward to open the door and said to the little girl while looking around outside the yard.

"Sayuri, come in quickly."

When the girl entered the yard, her expression was completely different from when she was outside during the day. Her little head was slightly raised, her eyebrows were a little dry, and she seemed to be impatient with everyone. Her face was also washed very clean, and she was not far away. Under the dim light on the side of the vagina, it still looks polished.

She frowned: "How many times have I told you, my name is Fei Yi, not Sayuri."

The man smiled awkwardly and didn't answer. He just limped into the house behind the girl on crutches.

The layout of the old house is very simple. There is the entrance hall when you enter, and a small kitchen to the right. There is a small vegetable patch outside, where crops such as onions and leeks are grown.

To the left is the nightmare fusion monster combination of living room + dining room + bedroom + toilet and bathroom.

The space is actually not too small, about forty square meters, but within these forty square meters, a wardrobe, a shrine, a desk, a tatami, a toilet, and a bathroom are crammed into it.

It seems a bit crowded, but the furnishings are relatively neat. Some places are decorated with cute little objects in a girlish way, and a glass wind chime bought from a small vendor hangs on the edge.

There was no dust on the furniture in the room. It looked like someone was cleaning it frequently. The old items were well maintained and had a medieval feel.

A lit incense stick was inserted in front of the shrine on the cabinet. The smoke stretched into a gentle and quiet gray fog band. The warm yellow light of the incandescent lamp shone on it. There was a quiet line on the wooden wall at the other end. Shadow, surprisingly, is quite warm.

There were four people in the room, of various ages.

The gray-haired old lady in her seventies leaned against the wall in a daze with her head lowered. Her lower body was covered with a thin blanket. She held a fan in her hand and occasionally fanned the sleeping girl in her arms.

This girl looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old. She was in high school. She had a delicate appearance, but she was not very restful in her sleep. The old lady had to cover her with a quilt frequently.

There was a boy of about twelve years old lying there in the closet, his eyes blurred, as if he was about to fall asleep, but he managed to stay awake.

It looks like a family situation where three generations live under the same roof, but the current state of poverty cannot really be called a family happiness.

A woman in her thirties poked her head out from an old curtain hanging in the room to isolate the space. When she saw the girl entering the room, she smiled and waved to her: "Sayuri, come here quickly." I'll sleep together."

"No. And my name is Fei Yi."

The little girl said coldly, and then looked at the old lady: "Why aren't you sleeping yet? You are so old, be careful if you die one day."

Fei Yi's tone was not polite at all. After speaking, he got into the old lady's bed and squeezed together with the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

"Aki, sleep inside."

When the girl heard the voice, she opened her eyes drowsily, glanced to her side, and subconsciously covered Fei Yi with a thin blanket.

The old lady was unforgiving, "You stinky girl, you have been cursing me to death all day long. When I die, I won't have any pension to use. I'll see you living on the street."

"That's just right. I'm going to find another place to ask about how to become a swallow." Fei Yi snorted: "After talking for a long time, you don't know how to become a swallow."

"It's not easy for a person to become a swallow. You have to wait until you grow up."

I'm not a human being. Fei Yi crawled into the old lady's arms and found a comfortable position to lie down with a cold look on his face: "You don't believe me unless you change it for me."

"I can't change when I get old."

"Aji, Shota, Nobuyo, Aki, how many of them are immortal and can't change?"

"They can't. Only I can change. But you are rude and I don't want to teach you."

"Then I won't bring you anything to eat."

"Hey, I have a pension, and you're living here for free."

Fei Yi stopped talking. The old lady smiled and said, "Okay, we are a family. What can we say to you and me?"

After touching Fei Yi's little head, the frequency of fanning became higher.

The young man in the closet rubbed his eyes, looked at Fei Yi, and then at the middle-aged man who entered the room behind him, with doubts on his face.

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, just raised his index finger to his mouth, and then limped behind the curtain. He and the woman were husband and wife, although they did not have a marriage certificate.

Fei Yi got into bed and closed his eyes.

Tick ​​tock.

The old lady pulled the cord that controlled the light switch, and the room fell into darkness. The breathing of several people gradually became calmer, and they seemed to have fallen asleep.

At this time, Fei Yi opened his eyes in the darkness.

"I'll go to other convenience stores tomorrow. The police are at the previous one. There was a fox monster causing trouble there just now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room opened their eyes and spoke in the dark as if it was a family chat late at night.

The middle-aged man Furukawa Osamu asked curiously: "Fox monster? What does it look like?"

"Just like that, an ugly white fox that can set fires. It made a big fuss in the previous convenience store. It just left when I went there."

"You weren't targeted by the monster, Sayuri?" the boy asked with concern.

"No, there were so many people at the time, and I hid far away. And my name is Feiyi, not Xiaobaihe."

The little girl's voice became impatient, "If you call me the wrong name again, I'll beat you up."

The family didn't doubt her words. There have been many rumors about monsters in Tokyo recently. Even the little girl named Feiyi who Azhi picked up from Mount Takao and always wanted to become a swallow is also strange.

It's just that everyone is a rat abandoned by society in the gutter, snuggling together for warmth.

Although Fei Yi is not polite, he also sees the difficulties of his family. He often brings back ingredients for Nobuyo to cook delicious food, and sometimes brings back a lot of money.

In this case, what's wrong with some special abilities? We are already a family, so are there still normal and abnormal people?

"By the way, Azhi, how is the roof?" Fei Yi asked.

Furukawa Zhi sighed: "It doesn't look good. I found a piece of wood to support the beam today, and I don't know how long it can last."

"How much does it cost to find someone to repair it?"


He didn't answer, but Fei Yi understood, thought about it, and said: "I have found a house, and we will move there in two days."

It's just that dead pigeon with a bad mouth. I haven't heard of the Lord of Dongye Castle. It's probably not a good thing to be mixed with that pigeon monster. When the time comes, drive them all away!

Fei Yi made a decision in his heart.

The little girl often brings unexpected surprises, sometimes even beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Several people have long been accustomed to it, so there is no doubt.

Furukawa Osamu persuaded: "Don't force it. If not, we can set up a tent in the yard. It is more important than anything else to stay together as a family in peace and happiness."

Furukawa Nobuyo carefully calculated: "The previous food is enough for us to eat for several days. Tomorrow I will look for work that can be done. Aji's leg injury is expected to be healed soon. By then, I will make more money and repair the house first. We will go to the beach in the summer."

"Go to Enoshima?"

"I think it's okay. We can also visit Yasaka Shrine on the way. There are many rumors about monsters in the city recently."

The family members in the room made plans for the upcoming summer of cicadas. The old lady had a satisfied smile on her lips. Feiyi listened and looked out the window on the wall.

The house was too short. At first glance, I could only see the giant residential houses standing in the dark. I couldn't see the prosperous neon lights of Tokyo. I had to look up to see the starless night sky.

The moon tonight is also very bright. If I continue to practice like this, I will become a swallow one day.

Fei Yi thought hopefully. In the void that no one in the room could see, there was a silver ribbon like a line falling from the moon into the dim room.

Time, 7:30 a.m. Thursday,

Weather, cloudy,

Location, Tachibana Private High School, the activity classroom of the Supernatural Exploration Editorial Department, also known as the Moon Witch's Palace in the Kingdom of Darkness.

The activity classroom, which is the size of two classrooms, is still playing the 8K original painting-level palace video in a loop around the ceiling.

The floor is made of marble that can be used as a mirror. There is an additional round table and several chairs with a mysterious style. The whole classroom is filled with the breath of money.

"It was just that moment, Your Highness. You may have seen more spectacular scenes, but it was also wonderful at that time. Gravel and stones were swirling, the world-destroying floods flooded the earth, and the natural thunder kept falling."

Hitano Yu stood up and performed hard, vividly describing the scene of the fairyland during the battle with Uda Jingzheng, like a dancing mara.

Talked with gods, drank with monsters, and fought with demons, but in the end, he had to return to Fu Loli. After all, life must go on.

From time to time, he lit the fox fire in his hand, or picked up the damaged chair leg to use the demon slaying to increase the rendering power-anyway, Miss Moon Witch knew that she was a demon slayer, so she worked harder and had more reason to ask for salary.

"Please speak slowly."

Asuka Misaki sat in the first seat, listening and typing on the keyboard, recording this precious and real experience, and at the same time pushing a thick white envelope to Higano Yu.

Kuo Ti Wow!

This thickness!

Dong Yeyu has been in the world for many years, and has trained a pair of sharp eyes. With just one glance, he can tell that the envelope contains at least 300,000 yen.

His emotions were aroused at that time, and he described the situation in more detail, and couldn't help praising Miss Moon Witch in his heart.

At the same time, he cursed the island government in his heart, saying that it was a modern Zhou Pa Pi. He worked so hard to help these politicians clean up the mess, and he didn't know how much money he could get.

He could only hope that Miss Jinguji would be more powerful, otherwise it would be funny if the salary given by Miss Moon Witch was not as good as that given by Miss Moon Witch.

"So the result is that with the help of the seven righteous demons and the thunder of the gods of the Eastern Heaven, the evil gods were punished, the lazy righteous gods were taught a lesson and will be diligent, the civet cats and the demon slayers were rescued, and peace returned to the fairyland ?”

"You summed it up very succinctly and clearly."

"You have met so many monsters, have any monsters ever mentioned a girl named Asami Ruri?"

See Liuli tomorrow? It sounds like she is a relative of Miss Moon Witch. Is she just looking for her family when she is interested in monsters?

Dong Yeyu thought deeply and shook his head: "No."

"Not one?"

"Not one."

When Sanae heard this, she lowered her butterfly-winged eyes, nodded with some disappointment, remained silent for a while, and then asked again.

"The judge of Jinguji Temple said that the fox monster is your shikigami. Is this true or false?"


"In other words, you played a decisive role in this incident?"

Dong Yeyu coughed: "I think you can use the white jade pillars that hold the sky and the purple golden beams that support the sea to evaluate."

There is no need to pretend to be too stable in front of Fu Loli. She only needs to hold a certain degree and show herself fiercely within this degree, so that she can explode more gold coins.

The blond girl sitting at the head nodded thoughtfully, "Have you really had a conversation with the gods?"

"Yes, that is a female god named Yuanjun. She hopes that I can stay in Taoxiang and serve as a priest for her."

Higashinoyu modified some things that could not be seen in the light of a lot of truth. Some things were not a good thing for Miss Moon Witch to know.

When Sanae heard this, she looked like she didn't care. Her eyes were still on the computer screen. Her long and fair fingers were tapping the keyboard as if she was modifying something. She casually asked, "So, you agreed?"

"No, I have already pledged my allegiance to Miss Moon Witch, so how can I switch to another family? Not even a god!"

Dong Yeyu is very impressive and loyal!

That was a genuine invitation from the gods. Sanae was stunned for a second and looked at the boy beside her.

Dong Yeyu now no longer regards the girl as a target for coaxing. He just laughed and said, "Actually, it's because the god is lazy and I don't want to work as a coolie for her."

Sometimes being sincere can have better results than lies.

The girl just looked at Dong Yeyu, her ice-blue eyes like glass were filled with starlight, and there was a clear light that wanted to shine into people's hearts.

After a long time, she nodded slightly and said nothing else, nor did she increase her salary.

My knight has actually reached this point.

Tomorrow saw that Sanae was calm on the surface, but her heart was filled with waves. She tapped on the envelope with her slender green-white fingers to calm down her mood.

As a favored one of the Moon Witch, only with such strength can he not disgrace the Mirror Moon.

The girl looked through the recorded information, and then keenly captured several characters whose names and descriptions were vague.

"My dear knight, who is Mofuyu?"

Aha, I’ve reached one thousand monthly tickets! Thank you for your support, brother, I am going to start preparing for 6,000 on September 7th!

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