Hearing this, Matsushige Hisa’s smile froze, his expression darkened, revealing visible disappointment.

“Is that so? I hope all the police officers will work hard to catch the thief as soon as possible, so as not to disappoint the expectations of the general public. Please.”

Hearing his slightly sarcastic words, Uesugi Kouka sighed in her heart, without much reaction, but nodded calmly and gave a formulaic reply.

“We will do our best, please wait patiently.”

She has been a police officer for nearly a year, and she is no longer speechless when asked by the victim when she first entered the industry. She has some experience in dealing with such victims and understands their eagerness.

This is the work of the police. Not only do they have to fight wits and courage with criminals and thieves, but they also have to learn how to get along with the citizens.

It looks tiring, but who can blame the police for being supported by taxpayers?

Matsushige Hisa had long been tired of this formulaic answer that was as simple as AI, and pulled the corners of his mouth unsightly, his eyes fell on the back of the female police officer.

He was nearly 40 years old, and his wife at home was already old and ugly, to the point where he was disgusted by just looking at her. Because he was afraid of his wife, he didn't dare to go to the custom shop, so he had to secretly watch some unhealthy movies.

In the past, what he liked most was to go to the street to watch those young and beautiful female students leaving school, or watch some beautiful and plump housekeepers go shopping in the supermarket, but the policewoman in front of him had a heavier breath.

She and her partner had been waiting here for the past few days to investigate, so she was wearing regular clothes.

Probably because it was hot, she took off her coat and simply wore a white shirt. The pants were slim-fitting black women's trousers, which completely modified her round and straight long legs. The sensuality was just right. If she added a little more, she would be too fat, and if she lost a little, she would look a little thinner.

It was foreseeable that if she looked up again, she would be able to see the blood-thrilling beautiful curves of the damn shelves with her own eyes.

When she went inside to choose the goods, the shelves blocked her sight, and she reluctantly withdrew her gaze.

‘It’s the same words again. I’ll try my best and wait patiently, but there’s no definite news. If you don’t have the ability to be a policeman, you can go to a sex shop to work part-time. At least you can relax everyone instead of standing here and saying those meaningless perfunctory words to taxpayers. ’

Thinking like this, he looked up at the simple design of the light sign at the door of the convenience store. There were already many flying insects clinging there in vain. A big gray rat slipped past the door. The slightly stuffy air made people feel sticky on the skin.

Summer is coming, and the family’s expenses will have to pay a large amount of electricity bills.

Matsushige Hisa’s thoughts suddenly turned from peach color to oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and he began to think about how to persuade his wife and children not to turn on the air conditioner.

Uesugi Kouka didn’t know the boss’s dark and malicious thoughts. He walked to the beverage display cabinet, swept his eyes over a dazzling array of beverages, and finally locked on a can of coffee. He opened the display cabinet door, and the cold air came over.


At this moment, a fat customer not far away suddenly screamed, and ran out of the shopping cart in a panic, attracting the attention of the few customers.

The supermarket owner Matsushigehisa turned his head and looked at him with a confused look. He tiptoed to look inside and asked the customer what happened.

"What's wrong? Are you in a panic? Is there a mouse?"

"A monster, there is a monster!"

"Monster?" Matsushigehisa was stunned at first. The customer had already fled. Smelling the faint smell of alcohol in the air, he seemed to understand something and scolded the customer from behind.

"Where did the monster come from, bastard, have you drunk too much?!"

Uesugi Kouxia frowned and approached vigilantly. He found a strange fox in the aisle between the shelves.

The fox was snow-white all over, with thick and slender hair. Although there was no wind, it floated in the air as if it was weightless, creating a sense of elegance.

It was no different in size from an ordinary fox, with two tails behind it, a neck, four paws, and even two tails that were as fluffy as clouds, all burning with blue flames, but it seemed to feel no pain.

Or, the flames could not hurt it at all.

Is it a monster? !

Uesugi Kouxia's breath was choked. She was not from an ordinary family, and she had heard her seniors mention it when she joined the police.

If you encounter something strange and beyond the understanding of ordinary people, don't be anxious or alarm the snake, leave to a safe place first, and then call for support.

She subconsciously touched the pistol on her right waist, held her breath, and retreated carefully.

But even though Uesugi Kouxia was very careful and almost made no sound, the fox still heard the movement, first pricked up its ears, then turned its head, and when she met her gaze, it slightly narrowed its narrow eyes, as if thinking like a human.

Uesugi Kouxia looked at the fox, even if it didn't show any scary look, it felt creepy for some reason.

She stepped back cautiously, gently unbuttoned the holster with her left hand, held the gun handle with her right hand, skillfully and swiftly drew the gun and aimed, while subconsciously saying.

"Don't move! Police!"

The voice was sharp and sharp, but the trembling could not be hidden.

The fox turned around calmly and faced her, seemingly fearless, his eyes first fell on the muzzle of the gun, and then looked at the policewoman.

Dong Yeyu recognized this police officer. She had come to eat at the restaurant where he worked part-time not long ago. She helped him a little, and he seemed to owe her a favor.

How are you, my dear benefactor, it seems that you have encountered a problem.

Dongye Yu himself felt that it was a coincidence that he could meet a benefactor even though he was just here to cause trouble?

Could this be the legendary time when heaven and earth are united?

By the way, how many times have he received a reward for repaying his gratitude recently?

Counting them carefully, it is really amazing.

In the past few years when I was unlucky, I didn’t get many in a year, but this year, they came in droves.

Well done, benefactors, you did a good job!

When Dongye Yu thought that there was another opportunity to repay his gratitude when the reward for repaying his gratitude was about to be settled, he was excited and grinned subconsciously, revealing his white teeth.

Of course, the matter of repaying gratitude will be discussed later, and now it is a matter of mischief.

Dongye Yu took two steps towards her and said in a deep voice: "Roar, human, you dare to walk towards me. You didn't run away, but took the initiative to come to my door to seek death?"

This demon fox, it was obviously you who walked towards me.

Uesugi Hongxia took two steps back vigilantly.

The fox demon's voice was unexpectedly pleasant, a bass with a faint reverberation and full of magnetism, but without the kind of decadent feeling of being too low, with a clear voice and a solemn tone, and he said this sentence with a condescending and arrogant attitude.

It was obviously very similar to the voice of the imagined god, but it came out of the monster's mouth.

Uesugi Kouxia felt a sense of confusion for some reason, but then he thought that fox demons have been famous for confusing mortals since ancient times, and he felt that it was understandable.

Perhaps they rely on this ability to approach and eat mortals.

Uesugi Kouxia calmly opened the pistol safety, put his finger on the trigger, and warned: "If you come closer, I will shoot!"

"Shoot? Roar, do you really think that this mortal can hurt me, naive and stupid mortal." The fox sneered.

"Officer Uesugi, what's going on?"

As if he heard her voice, Matsushige Hisa came over with some doubts, and saw the female police officer holding the gun and aiming, with a look of vigilance, and his expression was stunned.

Then he looked in the direction the policewoman was aiming at, and was stunned for a second. His expression changed from stunned to horrified. He pointed at the fox and was about to say something when a ball of dark blue flame hit him head-on.


With his life at stake, Matsushige Hisa triggered the passive talent of the terrifying upright ape - adrenaline.

He ducked down quickly, not caring whether the fire would set the convenience store on fire, and even turned around and fled, turning like the wind without even looking at it.

"Monster, monster!!!"

Dongye Yu didn't chase him with a fox fire, but simply wanted to scare him. He was just an ordinary person with a small mind. Although he reprimanded Yuko without knowing what was good for him, he was not guilty of death.

At this moment, gunshots rang out in front of him,

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Uesugi Koka saw the demon fox attacking Matsushige Hisa, held his breath and pulled the trigger several times in a row, directly emptying the magazine.

Although all the bullets hit, they seemed to penetrate the air. Not to mention blood, not even a hair was broken.

The fox demon seemed to be unharmed and walked slowly towards her.

"I said, this kind of mortal is useless! Mortal, run faster when you see me next time in the next life!"

It said, showing its sharp teeth and claws, and pounced on her with a ferocious look.

Shangshan Hongxia's heartbeat reached its peak, and she reacted quickly. She pushed the shelf hard towards the fox demon and turned around to run outside the store.

She had never realized that she could run so fast. She stepped out of the store in just a few steps. When she came to the street outside and saw people gathered there pointing and talking, she had time to look back.

The fox demon did not catch up, but set fire everywhere in the convenience store. In just a few tens of seconds, the convenience store was already on fire everywhere.

Matsushige grabbed his partner Shigeyama Naoto's collar, pointed at the convenience store burning with strange blue flames, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Go kill the monster! Aren't you police? Use your guns to kill the monster!"

"Calm down! I've contacted the police station, and someone will come to deal with it soon! Calm down!"

Shigeyama Naoto grabbed Matsushige's hand and yelled at him. Seeing that he was crazy, he raised his hand and slapped him: "Asshole! Wake up!"

This slap seemed to blow away Matsushige's soul.

Matsushige was stunned, subconsciously let go of the police's collar, took two steps back weakly, turned his head to look at the convenience store where the fire could not be stopped, and felt that the fire seemed to have set him on fire, and tears could not stop flowing.

The foundation inherited from his father was gone, how would he support his family in the future?

"It's on fire? Put out the fire! Call the police, call the fire department!"

When Matsushige Hisa heard someone shouting, his stunned body shuddered, and he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call the fire department.

"Hello, fire department? Fire department, OK, send someone over, my store is on fire, quick! Asking for the location? Damn, it's my Matsushige convenience store!"

Matsushige Hisa was so anxious that he spoke without thinking, and only realized later that he was asking for the specific address. He said with rapid breathing: "Oh, it's the address, right? It's the detailed address, right? Kita Ayase"

After about a few minutes, the residents around were awakened by the noise, and they quickly got up and opened the windows. They found that the convenience store was on fire, and they all went out to help.

Some people called the police, some asked questions, and some people looked at the convenience store with blue flames curiously.

After hearing that there was a monster setting fire inside, everyone subconsciously looked inside, but only saw blue flames burning everywhere in the store, and no monsters.

"Is it a gas explosion? Or is it some chemical fuel that was ignited? It's just that the temperature seems..."

A middle-aged man in pajamas who looked like a scholar guessed with his hands behind his back, looking a little curious, while others took out their mobile phones while talking.

In any case, a convenience store in Tokyo caught fire, and it was such a special fire, which was also a small news.

Many people took out their mobile phones to record videos and prepared to post them on tiktak to see if they could get some traffic for their pitiful personal accounts.

Shooting videos?

While setting the fire, Higashino Yu had a lot of leisure to observe the outside of the store - the blue fox fire could not burn people to death, nor could it burn ordinary things, but the visual effect was very scary.

He saw Uesugi Kouka and another policeman trying their best to maintain order, but the onlookers ignorantly wanted to get closer to take pictures.

He was not afraid of them taking pictures, because the Yin God could not be photographed anyway.

Higashino Yu originally wanted to confirm the rumor that there was a monster in this convenience store, so as to force Matsushige Hisa to go to the Iori family to apologize and vent his anger.

Seeing that the residents around him had been woken up and gathered around, he added a few more fox fires, using his own magic power to support the convenience store with blue flames.

Seeing that the fire was burning vigorously and the flames were rising into the sky, he nodded with satisfaction and jumped into the air with a gray mist that looked like a fox head.

"What is that..."

People were stunned at first, and some people found something wrong and slowly retreated until the retreat trend turned into a panic escape.

Seeing this, Dong Yeyu nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes fell on Shang Shan Hong Xia, who was hiding in a street corner not far away and holding a walkie-talkie and seemed to be saying something.

Although she was pale, she seemed to still maintain her rationality, her expression was calm, and she kept talking to the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Good quality. Dong Yeyu grinned at her and floated away.

Is it smiling at me? Is it laughing at me?

Damn it!

Uesugi Kouxia watched the fox demon turn into mist and leave after the provocation. She clenched her teeth, but she didn't dare to relax and observed the surroundings vigilantly.

Only after she was sure that it was gone did she slightly loosen the intercom she was holding tightly, and there were constant urgent voices coming out of the microphone.

"Inspector Uesugi, I have informed the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology of the situation. A specialist will arrive soon to deal with it. Please report its current situation. Please report its current situation. Please reply when you receive it!"

Uesugi Kouxia looked at the fire scene, with the blue flame reflected in her clear eyes, and was silent for a second.

"It's gone."

It's the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket. If there are 1,000 monthly tickets, I will prepare next month and strive for 6,000 a day!

Thanks to my brother Meng for his reward, subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket (ω)

Please give me a monthly ticket, subscription, and recommendation ticket (╰╯)

If you have free time, please give your favorite characters a little heart!

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