I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 182 Go download Arknights

"It's time to communicate more with other demon slayers. Having more friends means more paths. When you encounter difficulties in the future, you will know the benefits of having many friends. Ayu, you understand this. Old man, I won't say anything more. But if you go out to eliminate demons in the future, remember to call to report that you are safe. Dealing with demons is like walking by the Wangchuan River. If you are not careful, you will be dragged into the river. "

Iori Tadamichi lowered his head and spoke. The setting sun quietly cast a profile view of the old man through the tea room window. He sighed and drank the warm tea in the cup: "Miko is very worried about you."

"I know."

Iori Tadamichi nodded slightly, and then asked: "Did Seimei Ichimonji Changguang help you?"

"It helped a lot. I killed many monsters with it. After being nourished by the monster's power, the scattered spirits on the sword showed signs of reunion. I believe that if this continues, in a few years, Chengming Yiwen Changguang will be born." The sword spirit will be born again."

"That's good. If it still has a spirit, it probably likes you, Ayu. After all, it can only be enshrined in the Iori family and eat ashes before the gods."

Dong Yeyu smiled, casually chatted with the old man for a while, picked up the teapot and poured him another cup of tea.

"I heard from Boss Oda that the boss of Matsushige Supermarket scolded Miko and was rude to you?"

Upon hearing Higashinoyu's tone, Iori Tadashi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. He probably guessed what he wanted to do and smiled helplessly.

"That boy Matsushige is indeed not very thoughtful, and his tone was not very good when he came home. But Miko made a mistake first, so I can't say anything. It's just an apology and proof. It's not a big deal."

"Not long after the demonic disaster in Kosuge has passed, the official is refuting the rumors, but everyone is still a little skeptical. People here in Kitayase are also panic-stricken. The number of people coming to the shrine to worship has doubled. At this time, if people know Matsushige If there are monsters in your supermarket, then his store will not be able to open. "

"He has a family to support, and the supermarket is his family's only industry, so it is reasonable to be anxious."

Iori Tadashi said this and looked at Higashino Yu.

"Ayu, are you planning to vent your anger on Yuzi?"

Dong Yeyu lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Seeing this, Tadamichi Iori smiled and said, "There is an old saying in China that takes a step back to open up the world. If there is a conflict between people, if it is an insignificant matter, it is okay to take a step back. There is no need to make a fight to the death."

On the surface, Dong Yeyu looked like he was listening carefully to the teachings, but he was muttering in his heart.

The more I think about it, the angrier I feel. The more I take a step back, the more I feel bad. I advise you, old man, not to believe in the ancient Chinese sayings. Those old people have finished speaking truth and irony.

Iori Tadashi didn't know what Higashino Yu was thinking, so he gave a few words of advice.

"Ayu, don't play tricks on Matsushige. If you think of using magic to solve problems when you encounter problems, you will develop this habit in the future. Relying too much on magic will be detrimental to your practice."

"Besides, it is against the law to attack mortals. If you are caught by the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology, it will be difficult for you to obtain the qualification certificate for exorcism."

After Tadamichi Iori finished speaking, he found Higashino Yu nodding seriously in agreement, thinking that he usually behaved maturely and steadily, so he felt relieved.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Miko just got out of school not long ago and was doing homework in the study. Do you want to go see her?"

Dong Yeyu nodded and stood up: "That's what I meant. I have experienced a lot during this trip. I think Yuzi will be interested. I also want to see how the elixir works on her."

"That elixir is indeed a miracle drug. After Yuzi took it, his health has been much better than before these days. His movements are much easier. His complexion and spirit are no different from those of ordinary children. Meeting Ayu, you are really a blessing for Yuzi. ah."

When Tadashi Iori said this, he wanted to thank Higashino Yu again.

But thinking that the relationship between them was already very close, saying thank you would be annoying, so I just expressed my gratitude tactfully.

"You treat me well, and Yuzi also regards me as an elder brother. As an elder brother, you can't watch your sister suffer. If a pill can make Yuzi live a happy life, then it is worthy of the great efforts to refine it. Psychic."

Dong Yeyu answered with a smile, bowed slightly and left the tea room quietly.

The waxed and clean corridor was filled with the setting sun, and the chirping of homing birds occasionally came from the guarded forest. The courtyard of Iori's house was quiet, except for the sound of chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping vegetables that kept coming from the kitchen.

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, although Dong Yeyu was not good at cooking, he liked to listen to the sound of chopping vegetables. Hearing it always made him feel very satisfied and at ease.

Then, the strong aroma of food began to come from the kitchen, and the dinner prepared by Grandma Iori seemed to be taking shape.

Because the Iori family is headed by two elderly people, and because Miko was in poor health, they ate very early, usually starting at five or six o'clock.

At this time in my previous life, my parents probably hadn't gotten off work yet.

Dong Yeyu glanced at the old-fashioned quartz watch on his wrist. It was still ten minutes to five o'clock, and he should be able to have a meal later.

Although the food at Xiaoli Hot Spring Hotel is top-notch, it is still not as good as the food at Iori's house. Maybe it's because there are more people and the food is more delicious.

Dong Yeyu came to the study in a clear and familiar way. Just as he reached out to knock on the door, there was a beep beep in the room, and the sound of bare feet stepping on the floor with a somewhat messy pace.


The shoji door was suddenly opened, and Miko appeared in front of him.

The girl's face was calm, and she slightly raised her head to stare at the young man in front of her. Her delicate and cute little face was still childish, her jade-like white and delicate skin showed a healthy ruddy color, and her soft Yuan Dai stretched out, like stars falling. His spiritual eyes sparkled.

After not seeing her for a few days, she seemed to have grown up a little, feeling a little taller and a little plumper - but compared to the past, she still looked very petite and thin.

It was probably not long after I came back, and I was still wearing my school uniform.

The uniforms of public schools are not as exquisite as those of private schools, but the workmanship is quite good. The upper body is a white shirt with a red bow tie at the neck. The lower body is wearing a knee-length dark blue pleated skirt, only a small part of the white and slender calves are exposed. Half of her delicate ankles were exposed, and the other half was shyly buried in lace white socks.

Because his sensitive nose was depressed several times and he refused to listen to the instructions from his head, when his eyes fell on Yuzi's feet, Higashino Yu was very alert and had the foresight to cut off contact with it at this moment.

Just during the short gap between the instructions, some smells were still conveyed to the brain.

Nose: Brain, feel this last gift. I want you to know that this is a unique, perfect, indescribable taste. It is the only truth for the existence of the world and the reason for 'I' to exist.

The fragrance of orange mixed with the faint smell of sweat and the fragrant girl's body odor blend together, turning into electrical signals and transmitted to the brain nerves, and finally penetrate into the soul.

Brain: You damn vile thing, how come you have this weird habit of liking to smell girls’ feet? What's so good about jade feet? This situation is very difficult, but it is not impossible. I suggest you see a doctor, but he will probably let you download Arknights.

Nose: Will it kill my genius, erase my reason for existence, steal the world's only truth?

Brain: No, it won't help much with your illness, but it will make your behavior more reasonable.

Dong Yeyu showed a complicated expression, feeling helpless about his overly sensitive sense of smell.

Blocking out the random thoughts in his mind, he turned to look at the girl in front of him and said with a smile: "Miko, I'm back."

As a matter of course, Miko stretched out her little hand and grabbed Higashino Yu's hand, "Higashino Nissan, please come in."

She said softly, and with a little force, using Dong Yeyu's hand as a fulcrum, she turned around and pulled him inside.

In order to prevent her from falling, Dong Yeyu followed her at a synchronized speed, while his eyes fell thoughtfully on the wall of the study room.

Miko probably ran over holding on to the wall?

Although being able to initially gain mobility without crutches is a big improvement compared to before, it still makes Higashino Yu feel a little regretful that he has not fully recovered.

However, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and thawing naturally cannot be done in a day or two. Perhaps after fully absorbing the efficacy of the grass returning pill, and then embarking on the path of cultivation, it will be completely better.

"Nissan Tono is away these days, and Miko has encountered some new and interesting monsters."

Miko said softly in a voice without any emotion, smoothed her skirt, and was sitting behind the desk. There were textbooks and exercise books on the table, and she was doing her math homework.

Dong Yeyu glanced at it and saw that the girl had done everything right, so he asked casually: "Is it that crow monster?"

"Yeah! She is a very beautiful crow monster. Unfortunately, for some reason, she likes to steal things. She has visited many supermarkets and stores, but her favorite is Matsushige Supermarket."

Speaking of Matsushige Supermarket, Miko's spiritual eyes dimmed slightly, she picked up a pen and spoke softly while doing her homework.

"It's not good to steal things. It would be terrible if you are caught by the demon slayer one day. I will stop her next time I meet her."

Higashino Yu discovered that the Iori family's classics on exorcism and some miscellaneous books related to monsters and spiritual practice had been thoughtfully placed on the beech wood bookshelf behind him.

He picked up a book and casually replied while flipping through it: "Maybe Miko, you won't be able to encounter it again."

Yuzi stopped writing and looked at Dongyeyu, tilting his head slightly, "Why?"

Higashino Yu looked at the girl and said seriously: "Because it may become my crow soup tonight."


Higashino Yu explained: "The crow monster is from Mount Takao. He is probably pretty good at cultivation, so he is very arrogant. I don't know why he fell in love with my home. He beat me up a few days ago and threatened me to move out of my current residence." ”

The girl blinked and said, "Nissan Higashino can come and stay at my house."

"This is not a matter of residence, Miko, this is a matter of dignity. As a great exorcist, Higashino Nissan, I am so offended by youkai. If I don't stew it, how can I still hang out in the circle of exorcists in Tokyo in the future?" ?”

Dong Yeyu looked serious: "I heard that Yuzi you were wronged because of that monster, so it's even more difficult to keep it."

"Even Suji can't beat her. Is Higashino Nissan in danger?"

"If it still screams out after one strike, I lose."

After listening to this, Yuzi was thoughtful, her butterfly-wing eyelashes lowered, not knowing what she was thinking, and then she began to write her homework silently.

After the two got acquainted, their way of getting along was very tacit. They would never run out of things to talk about all day long. When something happened, they would do their own thing and occasionally chat.

Higashino Yu liked being together like this very much and did not bother her. He just picked up a monster illustrated book published by the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science to read.

After finishing her homework, Yuzi was about to ask Dongye Yu if he encountered any interesting monsters during this demon-hunting trip, but he put down the monster illustration in his hand.

"Yuzi, stretch out your hand, let me see how well you are doing."

"Yes." Yuzi obediently lifted her sleeves a little, revealing a white wrist.

Dongye Yu put his hand on Yuzi's wrist like an old Chinese doctor taking a pulse, and his mind entered Yuzi's body from his fingertips, wandering in her meridians and spiritual orifices.

He was surprised at first, but then his relaxed brows gradually frowned.

After his mind entered Yuzi's body, he saw two very contrasting appearances, one side was like a splendid mountain and river, and the other side was so dilapidated.

The meridians and spiritual orifices on the right side of the body were exquisite and translucent, and the river symbolizing the meridians was extremely spacious, and there was a river of spiritual power everywhere, and the spiritual energy in the spiritual orifices was so much that it turned into lake water, filling each spiritual orifice. At a glance, the river connected countless mirror lakes together.

But the left side of the body was horrible to look at. The meridians were dried up and the bottom was visible. It was as dark as the abyss, blocked everywhere, and some places were even cut off. The spiritual orifices were locked, not to mention the power, and it was difficult for the essence to pass through.

If the right side of Yuzi's body was an excellent unpolished jade, then the left side was a pile of mud.

This cultivation talent cannot be said to be outstanding, but at least it can be called a rotten wood.

And it is the kind of rotten wood that may collapse into powder at the touch. With such a poor talent, it can almost be concluded that there is no way to embark on the path of cultivation.

Dong Yeyu frowned slightly, his plan was disrupted, and he didn't know what to do.

If you can't even do luck, how can you practice?

After thinking for a long time, Dong Yeyu couldn't think of any solution for the time being. He looked at Yuzi with some pity.

No wonder even the grass elixir couldn't make her return to normal. It was a miracle that this body could survive until now.

Yu Zi noticed the change in Dong Ye Yu's expression and asked softly, "What's wrong, Dong Ye Nissan?"

"No, I've recovered very well. I have a Taoist scripture here that can help people calm down and enter a state of selfless meditation. It is very helpful for cultivating sentiments. Yu Zi, do you want to learn it?"

Although it is impossible to refine essence into qi, there is no harm in learning the Pure and Quiet Scripture. Meditation can help people get rid of troubles and condense the soul.

Yu Zi's body has been weak for so many years, and her soul is weak. She will refine her soul first. When she has a higher level of cultivation in the future, she may find a way to let her refine essence into qi.

"Taoist scripture?"

Yu Zi imitated Dong Ye Yu's accent with some difficulty and said these two Chinese words. She was a little confused and didn't know what it meant.

Dong Ye Yu: ". Let me teach you Chinese characters first."

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